Friday, December 29, 2006

It's a Beatitude Day; Don't Trample Them Away

A sample of my youtube "alerts" (under a somewhat different name); this one in response to a young girl RIGHTLY riled-up against "U2charist"/ "U2 Eucharist" services....As I do not purpose to talk behind people's backs, here you go:

(23 hours ago)
Calling the UN's Millenium Goals "the beatitudes of a new and globalized world" * is nearly as sickening and spiritually foul as another (UN-associating) man's "Ten Voluntary Initiatives" - so-named in mockery of God - which he has exalted as superior to the 10 Commandments the Creator himself gave to man (whose PRINCIPLES still are binding). Those 10 initiatives have NOTHING to do with scriptural spirituality either.
(23 hours ago)
Welcome to the end of the world! It is happening and developing just like God said. Who would have thought issues such as stopping "religious-based" fighting among those who refuse to obey God's words to begin with; "ending" extreme poverty; and relieving sickness would be used to gather people into FALSE religious association and to IDOLIZE/ give worship to an institution of man - yet isn't this what is happening?
(22 hours ago)
HOPE for the people who have mistakenly involved themselves into spiritually supporting a developing COUNTERFEIT "kingdom of God" that they will indeed open their hearts and minds to LISTEN to the "good news of the kingdom" (Matthew 24:14) - Jehovah's REAL, heaven-based kingdom under the headship of his appointed king, his Son Jesus Christ instead! (Matthew 6:9,10)
(22 hours ago)
THAT is HOW POVERTY, SICKNESS, WAR, HUNGER - and yes, finally even all sin and death - will be permanently and thoroughly ENDED on this earth forever. (Psalm 72:12; Isaiah 9:6,7; 33:24; Romans 8:21) So, yes - please be found by God among those NOT FOOLED by false religion; among those WITHOUT "the mark of the beast" for serving Satan or giving worship to his man-made idol(s)/ the "image of the beast. (Revelation 13:11-18; 17 and 18)
(1 hour ago)
'Just wanted to mention that I cross-checked that quote...It was, * "These are the beatitudes for a globalized world." It remains about the same. You are right to have sounded alarm about this particular issue: NO ONE, by Divine Justice, has a right to demote the words of God Almighty and his Son and exalt man's ideas above them - and to suggest so REPLACING THEM is an abomination.
(50 minutes ago)
It is right to help those in need and to spread the word to others - as PART of ALL of God's words - that they should do the same. However, it is WRONG to rally people to do so by means of ecumenalism of false religions, God-defiance, and the promotion of idolatry of institutions of men.
(18 minutes ago)
Your last words on this topic were terrific: "So with increased support for our global poverty; let us not decrease our spiritual awareness." That last part is a lot like this first of nine BEATITUDES spoken by the Son of God himself (see Matthew 5:3-12): "HAPPY are those CONSCIOUS of their SPIRITUAL need." Rather than seeking to TOP these words; men should try to EMULATE them instead, shouldn't they - so as to SEE the fulfillment of the GOODNESS of them.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"Yahweh" with the Bad Light Show was NOT Played for the Final 11 Shows of this Tour

It just needs to be re-worked and "carried" according to God's standards - with nothing unholy associated with it whatsoever - that is all. Someday, please come back to sing songs to Jehovah/ Yahweh's name and bring it GLORY; like King David (for one) did - please. What greater joy could there be???

I want to be your artist
I want to sing your tunes
'Want to help paint word pictures
Under sun and moon.
Wrestle for a blessing
You know I want it bad
'Cause to be one of your artists
Is the greatest joy I ever had...

P.S. to Bono -

Yes, I had 4 painted signs that I held up in the front there the other night, but I DID NOT throw any of them on the B-stage where you were. Those two that were thrown were from other people.

(I learned my lesson to not toss signs ON stage the evening of Dublin the 27th, 2005. Portland was ANOTHER story - but that one didn't go towards the stage, did it. It was kind of neat - how it seemed to hang in the air for a while...I had gotten kind of a power surge in the arm...about the time a giant golden Eye of Ra came up while you were singing "Yahweh." What would you expect?)

So, if that "You're crazy" was directed at me on account of you thinking I threw those signs at you at that last show - it wasn't me. If that was meant for others, then it was. If it was for me because of the messages I've been carrying, that hurts, but that is your choice. Just be fully aware that EVERYONE (rich or poor, famous or not, powerful or "peasant") will soon be held accountable for what they've chosen to do in reaction to the preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom; and also his scriptural warning messages - that God DOES have REQUIREMENTS people WILL NEED TO MEET in order to be allowed by him to live past the coming Armageddon and be a part of his peaceful global new world system here thereafter (his heaven-based "kingdom come" - extended - to earth).

There is so much more to say - so much more; though I don't think the whole story can be told or even fully known until the other side of Armageddon...

And if you really do just think I'm "crazy", others HAVE listened - even the other night, right in front of your stage (I had a Bible squished under my arm). Yes, I did get to help deliver God's messages, including TRUTH ABOUT HIS NAME and purposes, "to the most distant part of the earth", so to say. (Acts 1:8) Even for the good that HAS happened - despite all the trouble - I must be one of the happiest girls on earth. (Thank you God.)