Monday, November 26, 2007


Where will it end
When will it end
Brain-bending blasphemy
By FALSE "Christians"?

Will nothing stop
This awful trend
Or will even more die
At Armageddon?

God's holy name
Has been proclaimed
So it's being profaned.

Who led this throng,
More than 4-million strong
And reinforced wrong
With anthem-y songs?

Who'd learn God's own truth
Search and rescue
Preach what they should,
And fix what they could?

(Urgently, in emergency, because IT'S LATE.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Re: Bono's "Blessed is the Sex Worker", etc. Lyrics from the New "Wave of Sorrow" Song

(The following contains maximum SARCASM)

Hey, poor women of the world!

Are you or your family members

Suffering, sick, starving from poverty?

Well, forget trust in God!

Forget loyalty, integrity, and obedience to Him!

Forget gratitude for the sacrifice of his Son's life to cover for sin!

Forget your spiritual-mental-physical well being and that of others - including the consequences of contracting and/ or spreading the AIDS virus and other diseases; and depression and despair from having a singed conscience and new worries about the future (such as will your children soon be orphaned [likely lessening their chances of survival] , or will your actions be the cause of others [including innocent spouses] dying and their children being orphaned?!?!?!?)

A different god (to many), Bono,

Has a DIFFERENT admonition for you -

One IN OPPOSITION to the God Jehovah-Yahweh's own

Scriptural commands and principles.

Who is Jehovah anyway, that people should listen to HIS voice? *

Is not the god Bono, of media power

Greater and wiser than the Creator of the Universe himself?

Here, in his NEW SONG offering to mankind/ poor womankind,

lord Bono

BLESSES (and/ or MOCKS that God would bless)

"Sex workers":

"Blessed is the sex worker who sells her body tonight

She used what she got to save her children's lives."

Isn't that nice?

And PRAISE for this song by FALSE "Christian" (and probably "other" FALSE religionists) IS JUST ROLLING IN. Down with Jehovah-Yahweh and Jesus Christ's teachings - up, up with idolatry of the Bono god! [Extreme sarcasm] Praise him on high - praise him on the world-wide web! Praise him in U2 Eucharist Services! Praise this anti-scriptural teaching in the name of Jesus!

Now then......certainly, you women who are desperately poor, since the god Bono promotes that you would be BLESSED to SELL YOUR BODY to gain some badly needed resource "to save your childrens lives"; why should you hesitate?

(Continued SARCASM)
Ignore the voice of your inborn conscience from your Creator, Jehovah-Yahweh! Ignore its flashing, blaring warnings that the TEMPTATION of giving in to God-condemned fornication-prostitution as "THE ONLY WAY" to " 'SAVE' your children's lives" is a typical TRAP-ILLUSION pushed by the Devil in desperate situations, for the purpose of BREAKING people's integrity to God.

You know - its THE SAME OLD tactic as tried in "All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ Just GIVE ME WHAT I WANT, and NO ONE GETS HURT" (the bridge from U2's song, "Vertigo", compare Satan's temptation to Jesus at Matthew 4:8,9).

In this case, Satan is tempting: Give in to prostitution ("do an act of worship to me"/ disobey Jehovah-Yahweh) and your children will get what they need to live - otherwise, they will suffer and die.


WHOSE BLESSING do you WANT - Jehovah's, OR Bono's? Because here, Bono is blessing (and/ or mocking that God would bless) A SERIOUS SIN that God has CONDEMNED in his words as WICKED and UNRIGHTEOUS; one which the Heavenly Father has said people would be BARRED from everlasting life in his kingdom for the unrepentant practice of. (1Corinthians 6:9,10; Revelation 21:8)

Again, if you were to choose what would be Satan's temptation and Bono's suggestion, in such a desperate, pressuresome situation, you may well find yourself with a TEMPORARY "fix" (what Satan "offers" is NEVER anything of LASTING good) - a bit of material/physical relief, for you and your children. However, again, a crime against God like this could also cost you your eternal life (and could set an example for your children to make a same kind of everlastingly-fatal choice.) [Hebrews 10:26-31]

When Armageddon SOON sweeps through this earth, on its surprise Day, all people - rich OR poor - found NOT being truly repentant and "turned around" from crimes against God; and found NOT being OBEDIENT to Jehovah-Yahweh and his scriptural standards will be permanently put to death by Him, Christ, and God's heavenly army of spirit beings. (Acts 3:19; 2Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 19:17,18)

However.....if a person REFUSES to disobey God, REFUSES to BREAK their INTEGRITY to him to "save their life" or the lives of their loved ones; and they and/ or their young children, etc. end up tragically losing their lives in this now Satan-dominated and manipulated world system; Jehovah-Yahweh will absolutely NOT forget their loyalty, and will soon more than make-it-up to them for anything they had to endure during this last part of the last days of this CORRUPT and evil-aired old world system.

"REWIND" and consider THESE lyrics (from "Pride") though, okay? (Exchange "woman" for "man" here - the principle is the same) -

"One man, he RESIST........
Free at last, they took your life
They COULD NOT take your pride"

Make "pride" there mean SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY TO GOD, and you've got something - an illustration of exactly what was being described above.
Also, no one can TAKE away a person's eternal life when its in God's hands and he intends (promises) to restore it here after Armageddon either.

In contrast, the god (of many) Bono can't offer anyone a resurrection and eternal life in a paradise for loyally following suggestions that are conflict with God Almighty's own commands and principles.

Therefore, anyone stuck on following Bono as god NEEDS TO SWITCH to worshiping the One and Only TRUE God Jehovah-Yahweh on His own terms, and loyally OBEYING His words INSTEAD, ASAP (NOW).

* (Compare Exodus 5:2)



What are you doing, Bono?

Why are you displacing God's own truth and words in HIS OWN "lyrics" (Holy Scriptures) with what are dry - if not mocking - and hope/Divine-promise belittling words of your own instead?

This does NOT represent Scriptural truth, promises, and HOPE from Yahweh:

"Blessed are the meek who scratch in the dirt/ They will inherit what's left of the earth" (from your song)


"Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will INHERIT THE EARTH" (Matthew 5:5)

(Put that together with this) -

"But the MEEK ones themselves WILL POSSESS THE EARTH,
in the ABUNDANCE OF PEACE.....they will reside FOREVER upon it." (Psalm 37:11,29)

What will be "left of the earth" - dry, parched, desolate ground?

What does this say?

"The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron. Without fail it will blossom, and it will really be joyful with joyousness and with glad crying out. The glory of Leb´a·non itself must be given to it, the splendor of Car´mel and of Shar´on. There will be those who will see the glory of Jehovah, the splendor of our God.
Strengthen the weak hands, YOU people, and make the knees that are wobbling firm. Say to those who are anxious at heart: “Be strong. Do not be afraid. Look! YOUR own God will come with vengeance itself, God even with a repayment. He himself will come and save YOU people.”
At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness. For in the wilderness waters will have burst out, and torrents in the desert plain. And the heat-parched ground will have become as a reedy pool, and the thirsty ground as springs of water. In the abiding place of jackals, a resting-place for [them], there will be green grass with reeds and papyrus plants."
(Isaiah 35:1-7)

How about this? Anything good to look forward to for future life on earth here? (Or does this just sound like the tail-end of life on one big, miserable, existential-hopeless nuclear/ killed-climate wasteland, like some paint the picture of?)

"There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; On the top of the mountains there will be an overflow. His fruit will be as in Leb´a·non, And those who are from the city will blossom like the vegetation of the earth." (Psalm 72:16)

"And Jehovah of armies will certainly make for all the peoples, in this mountain, a banquet of well-oiled dishes, a banquet of [wine kept on] the dregs, of well-oiled dishes filled with marrow, of [wine kept on] the dregs, filtered. And in this mountain he will certainly swallow up the face of the envelopment that is enveloping over all the peoples, and the woven work that is interwoven upon all the nations. He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. And the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for Jehovah himself has spoken [it].
And in that day one will certainly say: “Look! This is our God. We have hoped in him, and he will save us. This is Jehovah. We have hoped in him. Let us be joyful and rejoice in the salvation by him.”
(Isaiah 25:6-9)

And this?

“For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. But exult, YOU people, and be joyful forever in what I am creating....And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat [their] fruitage. They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full. They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance; because they are the offspring made up of the blessed ones of Jehovah, and their descendants with them. And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear.
“The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” Jehovah has said."
(Isaiah 65:21-25)

"And they will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making [them] tremble; for the very mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken [it]. " (Micah 4:4)

Remember? -

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. I saw also the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also, he says: “Write, because these words are faithful and true.”
(Revelation 21:1-4) [DON'T "let it go", to "NOT fade away."]



It is here:

“Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah of armies. The fullness of all the earth is his glory.” (Isaiah 6:3)

Jehovah's true worshipers on earth praise him with similar songs too, and we will forever.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Deploy the Trinity (Sarcasm)

Deploy the trinity
From your chapel

Deploy the trinity
From your church

Deploy the trinity
From your temple

Wherever demons lurk.

Deploy the trinity
From your pride

Deploy the trinity

Deploy the trinity
With the "kings of the earth"

Learn what THE LIE is worth.

Deploy the trinity
Burn at stakes

Deploy the trinity
Kill and rape

Deploy the trinity
Raise your palms

Your prayers or songs.

Deploy the trinity

Deploy the trinity
Figure it right

Deploy the trinity
Test destruction

Of those you do not like.

Deploy the trinity
Without conscience

Deploy the trinity
To the easily-led

Deploy the trinity
Bomb-spread THE LIE

That will make [mil/bil]lions

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Raise, Raise the Idols! (Sarcasm)

'Got yourself a hot one don't you
The jugular of mankind
A king of media power
You sing the sinful blind (er).

Up, up with idols!
Make ATTRACTIVE demon lies
What's left to be exploited?
Oh yeah, the children's minds.

(But the brainwashing of the young
FALSE religious "experts" have begun,
Already, indeed, haven't they.)

See what you've promoted
Blasphemy of God's name
And now, YET ANOTHER fan of yours
Boldly does the same.

Of another's "Yahweh" video
To go with the "U2" song
A fan praises paganized pictures of Jesus
To illustrate Yahweh, which is wrong.

So not relaying the truth,
But common religious lies
They call this "film" great too,
And its idol images fine.

The fan name-drops Catholicism
And Protestantism too
Brags these "TRINITY" religions
As choices approved by you.

Oh yes, broadcasted your fan
This video suits him/her well
Supports his evolution fantasy
Dings his Christendom bell.

Evidently many of your fans
Think Jehovah came to an end
So that OTHERS should fill his shoes
And override what are HIS rules.

This is what silence gets you
When you don't speak WHAT YOU OWE
To learn and teach Bible TRUTH -
Doomed FALSE worship grows

....Like horrific mushroom clouds

To engulf eternal lives

You taught nothing to help stop such "BOMBS"

But kept testing "TRINITY" lies.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Extorted Biblical Allusions = Stolen Intellectual Property

You do not have a spiritual right to re-issue your "Joshua Tree" album - with its intellectual property that has been, in effect, stolen from Jehovah/Yahweh for it having since been used to praise and serve other gods (of Babylon the Great, and so Satan ) - any more than Nebuchadnezzar had a right to use utensils stolen from Jehovah-Yahweh's temple to facilitate a feast to the praise of the false gods of ancient Babylon and the same ultimate god behind them (Satan).