Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The IDOLS in the Middle of the Desert

"It is the only thing we have - the best advice", one idolater repeated to another, "This idol-icon of 'COEXIST'."

The other nodded; and, facing that god's giant concrete-and-steel representation, beat his chest in contrition three times, mumbling by route, "I won't think of anything more, I won't think of anything more, I won't think of anything more."

"How did we come to be seduced by this icon - when did we stop seeking the Creator?" cracked-through the other, momentarily eluding a daze.

"Sensuous music, with hooks of good mixed with error. People loved the error - it reinforced their anti-scriptural beliefs and desires. The good kept being exploited to serve the error. We idolized the error. Now the good is an irritation to us.

"We do not want discipline or warnings from Jehovah-Yahweh. Extorting his good words to promote the worship of our errors works well though.

"It sure makes me feel better - I now think I've fooled my own conscience to near-death; that I've all but smothered it from nagging, pin-pricking, and prodding me otherwise.

"Wouldn't this apathy have appeal to EVERYONE that way? It's so easy-going - kind of like being drunk, all the time."

"Yes - everyone....everyone....everyone...", copied the other. He spoke from a memory left affected by being where the teachings and spirit of demons were accompanied and glorified by song - one or more of the international incidents wherein the foremost entities of Revelation's "Babylon the Great" were exalted, lit up, advertised, and so "pardoned" from their crimes against God, Christ and humanity (in the name of popular human "tolerance" philosophy) by rock star gods, presuming to take the role of God onto themselves, to the world.

"So this is what we have left now?"


They stared at the idol-icon a while more; pulling their robes tighter whenever the arid wind whipped hot sand their way. The sun beat down upon them, even though a third of it was oddly darkened, and heat waves rose from in front of their icon; yet they still refused to have a shade of regret.

Jackals came to play over the letters. More people came on by also, to leave dead bodies around the idol-icon. Amazingly, after bowing to the idol, they walked away with no apparent mourning. It was then that the gazers finally came to notice the remains of others scattered around the icon - sun-bleached skulls, partially buried...

As the strange sun began to set and a red moon rose; the pilgrims trudged away from the icon, having no real direction.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know; but if we check online, maybe our celebrity gods will let us know what to get involved with or plan for next. Perhaps there's another huge internationally media-ed social-political-pseudo spiritual movement or benefit concert we need to start preparing for. We'll want to find who is selling T-shirts for it too."

They kept walking in the night. Swooping carnivorous birds made them duck and hide a few times. It seemed like an eerie foregleam though, a warning.

They were not able to navigate according to the overhead lights. After hours of wandering, they found themselves back at the giant idol, exhausted.

The idol was now attractively illuminated; but the sky's own lightening show, moving towards it, surely should have been intimidating. More dead souls had been piled at its base; and snakes slithered beneath it.

Hyenas had gathered all about it to celebrate.  As they feasted upon carcasses; they revelously raised their throats in mocking, shrieking cries towards the darkened moon.

What's more, spiritists, pagans, atheists, FALSE (counterfeit) "Christians", merchants and "kings" came to dance and sing around the idol-icon, often praising the rock star(s), celebrities, and the world's "wise" men and women that promoted, developed, and preached or sang of that same "new" god - which they denied was a god at all, though they deemed it to have SAVING power.

Yet, they all seemed "sick".

"There's no water in this place - no bread anywhere!!!!!", one of the first two finally blurted out.

"Truth from Jehovah-Yahweh's words? WE BANNED IT - don't you remember?"

"Ban it, ban it, show it hate!" chanted the spiritists in unison. WE are one, WE are one, WE are one. We do NOT NEED truth from God, and we don't want to obey it, just like Satan said. BAN God's truth! Show it hate!"

They hyenas mimicked the people, who were behaving like the hyenas. One hyena had a tattered Bible. He invited other hyenas to rip it apart with him. A human came by to steal a hunk of it, shouting, "We want to rip it apart too, we want to rip it too! Oh ha ha! Ha ha ha!" A hyena panted at him, as if sharing the same "thought."

"Everyone BLASPHEME the God Jehovah-Yahweh's holy personal name!" cried a witch-spiritist to all, as she stood, golden phallus in hand, imagining herself attractive, like a great whore, atop the idol-icon's "t"-cross. "What a night! Isn't this fun? Forget what the Creator says and think and do whatever YOU feel like - that's your "truth", and what you should worship. Violate anything holy though."

One of the snakes from below made its way up and coiled itself beside her, its face looking at hers as if smiling at her "proclamation." She picked it up to kiss it. The idolaters began singing a song by the celebrity rock star gods, which they called "Yahweh." The witch-spiritist raised the phallic image and the serpent into the air in Victory. The crowd cheered, glad for more "permission" to do whatever they felt like - and in the name of God, too - so that they felt "good" about it.

Popular media captured the essence of the evening's event; produced videos and articles about it, and aired these things to the world - which adored it.

As dawn came, the idolater-partiers dispersed. There were more dead skulls and bones at the foot of the idol-icon, many of them young.

The two original travelers awoke from the heap in which they laid.

"There is no 'water', no 'bread' here. We are starving; we are dying."

[Amos 8:11,12]
"'Look! There are days coming,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘and I will send a famine into the land, a famine, not for bread, and a thirst, not for water, but for hearing the words of Jehovah. And they will certainly stagger from sea all the way to sea, and from north even to the sunrise. They will keep roving about while searching for the word of Jehovah, but they will not find [it].'"

They stumbled and crawled along. At one point, a strong wind de-sanded a mound, which revealed a would-be "treasure" of a golden calf, a couple of harps, and a flute; though nearby, there were many human skulls and pieces of skeleton. They did not have the strength to carry the artifacts though, or the wisdom to ascertain their meaning.

The travelers journeyed as they could, resting and collapsing intermittently.

Eventually, they did find their way back towards "civilization".

As they viewed a city's skyline from off in the distance, however, they saw a hideous image of a beast grow before their eyes, to a towering monstrosity.

They rubbed their weary eyes in disbelief. What was it they saw that this image of a beast was holding in its arm, stroking as if it was a pet cat? Was it that idol-icon of "COEXIST" ideology that they and those in the barren desert worshiped?

The travelers came into the city, where they were facilitated. As soon as possible, they immediately looked online to see when the next major "end-[this-or-that-global-crisis]" social justice concert "empowered" by recklessly scripturally inaccurate and so pseudo-"spiritual" motivation from a celebrity would be held; and/ or if their rock star gods/ "spiritual" guides had any directions, any "nourishment" or "refreshment" for them.

Though they found NOTHING substantial; they did find MANY FOOLISH, SLANDEROUS LIES ABOUT GOD being advertised, right against Jehovah-Yahweh's face, under intensely blasphemous music videos of a song, by that rock band, TITLED WITH HIS HOLY NAME.

The wanderers continued "thirsty" and "hungry."

Still, they followed the crowd to the image of the beast. FALSE religionists of all sorts were encircling it, feeling comfortable and secure - even proud and glorified - in its presence: They figured they had a mutually beneficial relationship with the beast that this "image" represented. "Traveling merchants" - "top-ranking men of the earth" promoted FALSE religions. (Read Revelation 18:23) FALSE religionists - including worshipers of men and their philosophies - promoted "the beast" and its "image", which they and the masses they influenced now idolized.

The "kings" and military forces of the earth; spiritists of all sorts - false religionists, atheists and other self-worshipers; the great and the small; all [EXCEPT for a minority of persons, ones TRULY worshiping the God Jehovah-Yahweh, according to HIS OWN scriptural terms] "bowed" to the image of the beast in IDOLATRY, ACCEPTING SPIRITUAL SLAVITUDE TO IT (and thus the one behind it, who is Satan.)

The image of the beast had been opening its mouth wide in BLASPHEMY, against the One and Only True God - BLASPHEMING HIS HOLY NAME and HIS RESIDENCE. (That does bring to mind, for instance, a certain globally famous rock star's mass-media-ed to the world, scripturally wrongful, "social justice" as being "true religion" -"supporting" statement that God "lives under a cardboard box", with the poor, on this earth [he actually lives in the heavens, only]; and, of course the internationally mass-media-ed, music-accompanied BLASPHEMY of God's Almighty's own holy name that rock star god, his band, and his IDOLATROUS fans have carried on, and have let be carried on.) [Read Revelation 13:6 and the rest of that chapter; chapters 17-19; the rest of Revelation, and the rest of the Bible - which Revelation ties together, to produce the greatest warning for our day.]

The FALSE religionists and others that ecumenalized together to give worship to the image of the beast - and the Devil behind it - may have figured themselves to be spiritually "rich" and "socially progressive" - spiritually well "fed" [with trash] and watered [with "wormwood" (spiritual poison lie)-tainted "water" ] - in one way; but are likely still aware, deep down, that they are actually spiritually hungry, thirsty, starving and dying. (Compare Revelation 3:17)

Deep down, they must know that God has righteous decrees that they belong taking in (as pure, wholesome, life-giving and life-helping spiritual food and water) and OBEYING; so as to be spiritually strong, like people will need to be; and so as to NOT be fooled, along with the majority of mankind (as prophesied), into idolatry - and dying for it, come Armageddon. (See Romans 1:19-32.)

Suddenly, the "nice" image of the beast changed its demeanor....
and the once-popular "COEXIST" idol-icon, with its ideology, and those similar to it - which had drawn throngs of people together in idolatry for the sake of [FALSE] "peace" - became quickly, wholly, events described at the end of Revelation 17 and in chapters 18 and 19 occurred in rapid, unstoppable succession to completion.

And who would have known, except for the people that took in and minded true, scriptural, spiritual "food"/ "bread" and 'life's water" (including warnings) - life-saving refreshment from the Maker himself - that others rejected, mocked, hated, and banned.

Monday, April 07, 2008



Corrective TRUTH - in unwatered-down, needed strength - from Jehovah-Yahweh's own words regarding HIS OWN NAME and his purposes for it - including scriptural WARNINGS against BLASPHEMY of his name HAS BEEN BANNED from being posted underneath those videos. It was most UNWANTED by spiritists and IDOLATERS of YOU.