Thursday, March 12, 2009


(I just got to write this song-poem, and post it on another site. Some "fan" there had attacked my efforts with scathingly underhanded false accusations, slander, etc. crafted (like a devil) to try to intimidate, discourage, discredit, and silence my telling-out of God's URGENT scriptural warnings as regards mass-media-ed, anti-scriptural teachings (including those set to music) of Bono/U2 and IDOLATROUS [FALSE] "Christian" fans of theirs.)


What's the matter
With the Words you so despise
By locust-types,
Nonstop and strong
To bring truth inside?

"Oh no", ha ha
There goes your fortress
Of mass idolatry
And sin unchecked
Under its roofs
Where desire's king

"Oh no!"
See how the LIES do fall
Your right to say
And handwriting
Glows from the wall -
Jah's warnings you showed hate.

The party halts
They stop and stare
Drop their cups and shake
What was God's
Was robbed and mocked
To "toast" "Babylon the Great".

Oh my
I hope you can see this
Before it is too late
Did get to infiltrate!

Hear wind
Begin to howl
While those upon the watchtower **
Sound the final calls.

* Revelation 18:4,5,8
** Isaiah Chapter 21

Saturday, March 07, 2009

U2 Could Sell a Lot of These to Their Throngs

Monday, March 02, 2009

Don't Fool Yourself - or Try to Fool Anyone Else: God's NOT Going to "Listen"

Bono, U2 -
You are still actively putting out MASS-BLASPHEMY of Jehovah/ Yahweh and his Son to the world - especially your throngs of fans (which include FALSE religious "leaders" and other people of "power").
FALSE "Christian" fans of yours, on message boards, are already shouting praise for your use of bits of scriptural allusions and metaphors in your new songs; and are scurrying to rationalize how it is that your use of them fits within the structure of their belief systems - which are already comprised mainly of man-and-demon made philosophies, interjected with bits of Scriptures which have been mostly extorted, contorted, and misapplied (so as to support their spiritual lies).

I do think some of your fans are nice people though - people who deserve better than to be spiritually misled to their eternal death, come Armageddon Day. They've been misled by FALSE religious leaders already. You've made a lot of "noise" about seeking "something better", and have encouraged people to do the same - so you've gotten the attention (the hearts) of some of those people still "in" false religions, but seeking "something better" too.
Then what did you do. What did you pick? Who did you choose to "listen" to? And then what did you proceed to teach, by mass media?

"ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH" - right? Anything but scriptural truth, because that's not very popular (its not fornication, nationalism, materialism, and spiritism (etc.)-accomodating).

Your blasphemous, still www-popular "U2 Yahweh" video teaches a whole lot of CREATION WORSHIP (again, one of the warnings against that at Romans 1:25 and its context) amongst its other images of paganism, spiritism, and advertisements for antiscriptural religions.

Did the atheistic/pagan/spiritistic/agnostic/melting-pot goo of spiritually aquiesced-sold-out FALSE religionists/money-and-or-fame-and-or-politically empowered conglomerative efforts of all such persons raising-up and exalting CREATION WORSHIP IN PLACE OF YAHWEH [JEHOVAH] and his TRUTH not deliver "the goods" - the "social justice" relief, "end" of "extreme poverty", etc. that the conglomeration (of "one") boasted it could do, if persons would only just LEAVE BEHIND THE TRUE GOD'S OWN SCRIPTURAL STATUTES????

Of course that conglomeration couldn't "deliver", because its elements were corrupt. Satan still rules this world, too; and its really all he cared about - that as many people as possible be turned away from Jehovah [Yahweh] and from following his actually life-and-world-bettering and life-saving scriptural truth.

"All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt.(?)" ("Vertigo" lyrics - loosely paraphrasing the Matthew 4:8,9 situation of Satan tempting Jesus with "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory", and saying, "ALL THESE THINGS I will give you, if you fall down AND DO AN ACT OF WORSHIP TO ME" [Satan]. PLEASE REVIEW Jesus Christ's GOD-LOYAL, integrity-keeping response at Matthew 4:10.)

Satan HAS gotten what he wanted, however, through persons failing to copy Jesus' example. You (especially Bono) - via globalized mass-media, the power of heart-permeating music, idol status (to many), and more - have helped Satan significantly. (Your band and "people" shared with you in doing that too.)

People should expect continued "talk" though - "talk" of how man can still make things all "right", WITHOUT needing the Creator of Heaven and Earth's assistance, or OBEYING HIS DIRECTIONS. People should EXPECT to hear their fellow men [falsely] proclaiming that they've even achieved "peace and security" for the world, or that its within their grasp - WITHOUT needing to submit to the Rightful Universal Sovereign and HIS commands, principles, and purposes.

But then, by the same prophecy they're fulfilling (1Thessalonians 5:3), people should expect Armageddon (God's Day of Righteous Anger) to be soon (or even immediately) upon them, for their warned-against rebellion against him.

So far, the "old world" way of thinking (God-insolence and defiance, even "in the name" of Him or his Son) hasn't worked out, has it.
So what is it "time for"????

A turning back to "God" and "spirituality" again - even involving selected bits of his Scriptures in songs some more? What god do you think you are invoking, even as you use those scriptural bits?
Yahweh/Jehovah? NO, HE'S NOT LISTENING, because, you see, you are still a criminal-at-large AGAINST HIM - YOU ACTIVELY MAINTAIN BLASPHEMY VIDEOS AGAINST HIS NAME, FACE, SON, PURPOSES/TRUTH, and scripturally-described people/messengers of his biblical truth to the world. (Proverbs 15:29; 28:9; more)
YOU ARE STILL THE GRAND-CONDUCTOR OF A GLOBAL BLASPHEMY-FEST, with many of your IDOLATROUS fans - especially FALSE "Christian" ones, though witches, atheists, and other spiritists are also fervently involved - using the "opportunities" you have created for them to rip-down, violate, blaspheme, and (even outrageously) slander the Person of God; his Holy Name; his Son; his scriptural TRUTH and the one true global religion/"people" that forms; and Jehovah/Yahweh's spirit (power)-and-purpose-backed, God-obedient, truth-preaching actions of his people. Such "fans" of yours, following YOUR LEAD of showing public DISREGARD for words of God that do not suit YOUR "opinions" (read 2Timothy 4:3,4) DO THE SAME - right under those "U2 Yahweh" BLASPHEMY videos, "U2" music and other music message boards, blog sites, etc.

As stated before, for your showing spiritual support for the leaders of FALSE (anti-scriptural) "Christian" religions - in order to get their support for your religion-as-"social justice" efforts; you have also become a darling to many of them - a "poster boy" and "soundtrack"-music provider - and REINFORCER of their anti-Jehovah [anti-Yahweh] and antichrist "function" in Satan's world system (which is, underneath layers of falsehoods, to defy God and destroy lives).

I expect that some of your "usual" Jezebellian FALSE "Christian", self-proclaimed (but then sadly beLIEved-by-many) "experts" on the [FALSE] "Christian" "spirituality" of your songs will increasingly have another hay-day with your latest batch - overlooking your scripturally WRONG messages seen in them and one accompanying video already - and then perhaps even SELLING more pop-religion books and sermons, and booking more speaking gigs (to their own "glory") based on these thrown-bones too.

Yet, here it comes AGAIN. More new songs. And a new tour...

Remember though, God's NOT "LISTENING". Even if you call Him Jah or Yahweh, he's still going to REFUSE to HEAR or ACCEPT your offerings of songs or prayers to him or about him - so long as you continue to be actively and/ or NEGLIGENTLY involved in spreading and reinforcing BLASPHEMY of God Almighty; and lies and slander against his Son, scriptural truth, and people.

You are also NOT "justified", because DIVINE JUSTICE has NOT been settled in your case for the above, scripturally described and warned against spiritual crimes. Your sins (spiritual crimes) have NOT been made "white as snow", either - because there has been NO TRUE REPENTANCE DEMONSTRATED, nor actions taken, nor speech made showing that you have TURNED AROUND from works of global BLASPHEMY of God's name and teaching and or/ reinforcing FALSE (anti-scriptural) "religion" and spiritual philosophy to millions of people.

SO UNLIKE FALSE "CHRISTIANITY" TEACHES, the TRUE GOD HAS SCRIPTURAL REQUIREMENTS FOR "FORGIVENESS", BEFORE HE IS WILLING to apply the sin-atoning value of the hard-made sacrifice of his Son's human life to individuals, to "cover over"/"forgive" their sins - thus "blotting" those otherwise glaring-scarlet sins out, and leaving their impression as cleaned-up "white as snow". (See Isaiah 1:18) CONDITIONS, REQUIREMENTS:

“REPENT, therefore, and TURN AROUND so as to get YOUR sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the person of Jehovah." (Acts 3:19)

To "repent", people need to be TRULY sorry, from the heart (which God can READ, at will), for violating or being negligent towards His scriptural laws, principles, and purposes. Come Armageddon Day (soon), "ignorance" of those laws, etc. will NOT be a valid "excuse" either, since Jehovah IS, as prophesied, having his scriptural blessing/hope and WARNING messages put out to "in all the inhabited earth" at this time. (Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3:17-21)

The Maker of humans requires us, rightly, to LISTEN to him and LEARN the scriptural truth about Him and his Son - and what God's will is:

"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3)

By learning and realizing THE DIFFERENCE between God's RIGHTEOUS, loving, good, just, TRUE and wise scriptural standards and actions -versus- man's largely faulty, UNJUST, and hurtful ones; and also waking-up to the basic truth that Jehovah [Yahweh] IS OUR CREATOR - and so we naturally OWE gratitude, reverence, and obedience to Him (and love - since it becomes clear he is a LOVING Being); willingness to trust and obey God's scriptural ways grows.

Then, on the basis of that awareness (and inborn conscience, and also upon learning what was really involved in the sacrifice of God's Son's human life to "cover for" human sin/disobedience to God), people can become as truly repentant as God's standards rightfully require them to be.

Then, they are able to "exercise faith", in the value of that sacrifice made, by OBEYING God's Son (who taught everyone to OBEY his FATHER [Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator].

"He that EXERCISES FAITH in the Son has everlasting life; he that DISOBEYS the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him." (John 3:36)

People need to "TURN AROUND" from their scripturally-wrong practices and errorsome ways of thinking that "allowed" them to practice those sins.

They need to turn FROM that ~~~ TO, yes ~~~obeying God and being willing to do what HE wants them to do (rather than what any personal desires that conflict with that would have a person do):

"...they should REPENT and TURN TO GOD by DOING WORKS THAT BEFIT REPENTANCE." (Acts 26:20, also see Matthew 3:8)

Yes - in order to have sins truly "forgiven", people need to be aware of how and why what they did was wrong, so that they can be appropriately sorry/repentant for what they did; and then they have to leave their sinful ways BEHIND. They need to "TURN AROUND" and be heart-resolved to do things God's way. Also, by scriptural knowledge, they need to rightly appreciate and "exercise faith" - again, by grateful obedience to God (and Christ) - in the sin-atoning/covering/ransoming value of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ's perfectly obedient human life.

(People are not "autosaved".)

Then, this can take effect -

“Come, now, YOU people, and let us set matters straight between us,” says Jehovah. “Though the sins of YOU people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow; though they should be red like crimson cloth, they will become even like wool." (Isaiah 1:18)

.......and this situation can REVERSED -

"And when YOU spread out YOUR palms, I hide my eyes from YOU. Even though YOU make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed YOUR very hands have become filled." (Isaiah 1:15)

.......even this -

"I have hated, I have rejected YOUR festivals, and I shall not enjoy the smell of YOUR solemn assemblies. But if YOU people offer up to me whole burnt offerings, even in YOUR gift offerings I shall find no pleasure, and on YOUR communion sacrifices of fatlings I shall not look. REMOVE FROM ME THE TURMOIL OF YOUR SONGS; and THE MELODIOUS SOUND of YOUR STRINGED INSTRUMENTS MAY I NOT HEAR." (Amos 5:21-23)

Yet, beware, because although "God is love", that LOVE motivates his JUSTICE (and demands "EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION" and so therefore rightful OBEDIENCE to him as well):

(Back to Isaiah, 1:19,20)
"If YOU people show willingness and do listen, the good of the land YOU will eat. But if YOU people refuse and are actually rebellious, with a sword YOU will be eaten up; for the very mouth of Jehovah has spoken [it].”

(That "sword" will come, too - in an even bigger way - on Armageddon Day (soon) - Revelation 19:15,21)

What followed the verses in Amos above, which expressed God's anger and frustration with sin-and-falseness [spiritual lies, idolatry, disobedience, etc.]- based songs and music being put out to him in illicit "festivals" to him (as also happened around a golden calf in front of Sinai in Moses's day)?


(Amos 5:22) -
"And let justice roll forth just like waters, and righteousness like a constantly flowing torrent."

Why don't you exercise that justice NOW by taking the God-condemned, www "U2 Yahweh" BLASPHEMY VIDEOS DOWN???? Your "people" do that quite quickly with other videos you do not want aired. Cut it out of the U2-3D video too.

Then, follow through with an earlier scriptural paraphrase you used - "Oh Lord, loosen my lips!" and TELL THE WORLD HOW WRONG IT WAS THAT YOU BLASPHEMED GOD and left ways open, for so long, for the public mass-slandering of him and his life-saving, scriptural TRUTH.