Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Beware the Ships of Babylon (Started 2004, "Finished" Now)

Sing a song of Babylon
A shanty of sinking ships
Where those who love lies more than God
Set sail for treasure trips.

They visit ports, captains and crews
Call multitudes on board
And the captains, by their seaman's "rights"
Lead "churches" to nevermore.


They swirl, deep seas,
They rock, the waves
People jump in to miry graves
While they're treading water,
Will they take what saves -

Or let those things go by?...........
(This pic again)

Oh what becomes of those on ships
When the captains find they're ill-equipped -
When the thunder crashes,
The lightning hits,
And the party deck's no more?

Its been said, maybe you missed -
True, safe harbors do exist
Swim from Babylon's doomed ships
And follow good lights to shore....

And don't stop....
'Til you're safe...

It Will Only Make Us More Intent (3-29-2004, Deleted-Banned from zootopia/ "Finished" Today)

How they don't understand God's "woman",
Don't understand brotherly love
Don't see that our global force
Is directed from above

They don't hear how we speak one language,
Feel how shoulder to shoulder we serve
Or know that from devotion to Jah
True ones will never swerve.

How they don't get words they're fulfilling
Though they HAVE a CHOICE

No, they really, really don't get at all 
They cannot stop God's voice.

They miss that Zion above 
Won't be brought down again 
That God's power, like sun from her
Will shine through this world's end.
(Near the Liffey, 2006)
The "good news" and God's warnings 
Will be preached everywhere there is
And Christ will help, as promised -
The victory will be his.

Hear us sing the same song
From shoulder to shoulder we'll serve
And know that from devotion to Jah
True ones will never swerve.