Friday, October 19, 2012

Times Up [Again] - Another Not-Shown Response of Mine to a Music Lyric Forum

[Re: A woman recommending that U2 concerts are better than any "church service" she's ever attended; that "God" is in their music; that what people get out of lyrics should be "private" and "personal" - especially if spirituality is involved; that lyrics shouldn't be "dissected"; and that one's view, as regards "God" and "spirituality" should be: "To each his own" - and let the views of other people alone.

In other words,

(Never mind what the Creator Himself says and wants) JUST ACCEPT THE SPIRITUAL DUMBING-DOWN TO LIES AGAINST GOD BEING ACCOMPLISHED BY SATAN'S SPIRIT VIA THE ULTRA-SLICK MEDIUM of some internationally MASS-MEDIA-ED MUSIC with messages of spiritual falsehoods that have become tagged to some songs/bands/artists: Don't question these things, don't debate them, don't object to them - just ACCEPT THEM, in the names of made-generic (by the fault of men) gOD(s), "peace", and please-the-majority "spiritually" laissez-faire "NICENESS".]

October 11, 2012 [with light editing]; Re: "Drowning Man" by U2

Many people have have found something "of God" in U2 lyrics, because U2 have done exactly this: They have quoted, paraphrased, and alluded to Jehovah/Yahweh's OWN scriptural words themselves in the lyrics of many of their songs - BUT, they have used just BITS and PIECES of those Scriptures. Moreover though, SO FAR, the ultimate CONTEXT in which they have USED God's own words (and even his own Holy Name) to the world has become, sadly, massively UNHOLY - thus tainting, twisting, and [even spiritually-likely-to-be-fatally] MISREPRESENTING what God Almighty Himself PURPOSED to MANKIND WITH HIS OWN WORDS [and Holy Name].

This way, many of the masses have enjoyed God-warned against/prophesied-type (2Timothy 4:3,4) PSEUDO-SPIRITUAL "fulfillment" (in accord with their own personal desires INSTEAD OF actual whole-scriptural Divine standards) by way of U2 music; speeches/articles; U2 Eucharist services; U2 concerts as "church"; U2 fan sites; U2-idolater religious "leader" books and sermons for sale; and even participation in/support of Bono/U2 social justice groups as being their own self-deemed mode of "worship"/"service" to God INSTEAD OF what the Creator Himself has warned against and stated as HIS will and requirements for pure worship from human beings.

All of this, unchecked by U2 (though that IS possible), has led to the tragic creation of a HUGE, international host of U2 IDOLATERS feeling self-satisfied; and multi-group, mass-media, and musically life-sound-track supported in actually ANTI-SCRIPTURAL forms of "worship"/"spirituality" BECAUSE some SCRIPTURE BITS/piece-paraphrases/allusions can be found in songs of those they have IDOLIZED.

With the end of this entire screw-ed up world system - mostly under the mental-spiritual domination of the wicked one (1John 5:19) - about to be done away with by Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son; how very tragic it is that many, many people are still choosing to NOT listen to and obey the whole of their own Maker's life and survival instructions from the whole of His own words, but are choosing to make the "permissive" and easy-going form of "worship" that is (often FALSE "Christian") U2 idolatry the [more important than listening to and obeying God Himself] center and motivation of their "spirituality."

The following "lyrics" ARE a paraphrase from the Universal Sovereign's own words - they're from Isaiah 40:31.

"Rise up, rise up
With wings like eagles
You run, you run
You run and not grow weary"

It sounds good, doesn't it?

However, the God behind these words is NOT going to be supplying that here scripturally-described spiritual replenishment and re-strengthening to those TURNING THEIR BACKS ON HIM, for them to continue to DEFY Him, to "worship" Him by way of idolatry, spiritual falsehoods, anti-whole scriptural FALSE religious affiliation with "Babylon the Great" (Revelation 17 and 18), etc.

No, indeed: the re-strengthening so as to rise up again and fly and soar, etc. to do good - to do God's will, without getting weary - instead occurs onto those who are ALSO described in the scriptural context, even just previous to the verse this song paraphrases:

"Have you not come to know or have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities of the earth, is a God to time indefinite. He does not tire out or grow weary. There is no searching out of his understanding. He is giving to the tired one power, and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. Boys will both tire out and grow weary, and young men themselves will without fail stumble, BUT THOSE WHO ARE HOPING IN JEHOVAH WILL REGAIN POWER. THEY will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out." (Isaiah 40:28-31)

"Drowning Man" is a song by U2 that I have truly enjoyed, because I understand, by way of scriptural truth, WHAT the scriptural paraphrase in this song, in scriptural context, alludes to - and I believe that the rest of the lyrics of THIS SONG are not offensive, in themselves, to that scriptural understanding.

HOWEVER, please try to understand the tactic of laying BAIT.

Scripture bits are frequently offered as BAIT by false (anti-whole scriptural) religionists and those otherwise working (wittingly or not) as agents of the Devil; in order to catch "fish" and yes, DROWN them in buckets of God-and-life-alienating-spiritual LIE-poisoned water.

So, for example, it has NOT been "okay" for masses of people to have been BAITED by scripture-bit containing SONGS by this group, but then submerged in seas of anti-God spiritual LIE propaganda, as has been done in some past U2 concerts.

At the same time though, is not the "remedy" - from at least this point on, anyway - clear?

Yeah - ya gotta love "October. "