Friday, November 22, 2013

Breathe What

Breathe how.

She * died of lung cancer,
She can't breathe anymore,
But back in the day,
She'd knock on your door.
Maybe 9am,
Maybe a quarter to 10
But she would have told you the truth
About the world we live in.

I can only imagine,
But then maybe I can,
What it was like to feel oppression
From an opposing man.
What did it do to her life,
That Jah-serving wife,
When she wanted to go preach,

Without truth, there's no real love
Without truth, no real peace
Where the spirit of Jehovah is,
She knew and taught those keys!

And its foolish, just how people kill freedom
And the answers for life they ignore
Even when a humble mother with a Bible
Would walk to bring them to your door.

Her long walk to freedom.

A religious-titled man?
How well does that stand,
Or will it at the end of days,
When He even sent forth
His large army of women **
To tell of non-mysterious ways.

See you soon, Sister. Love.

* Evelyn (Mandela) 

** "Jehovah himself gives the saying;
The women telling the good news
are a large army.

Even the kings of armies flee,
they flee.
As for she that abides at home,
she shares in the spoil."
                                 ~ (Psalm 68:11,12)

"Make your way up onto even a high mountain,
you woman bringing good news for Zion.
Raise your voice even with power,
You woman bringing good news for Jerusalem.
Raise [it].
Do not be afraid.
Say to the cities of Judah:
'Here is your God.'
Look! The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself
will come even as a strong one,
and his arm will be ruling for him..."
                                           ~ (Isaiah 40:9,10)

"The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah
is upon me....
to tell good news to the meek ones.
He has sent me
to bind up the broken-hearted,
to proclaim liberty to those taken captive
and the wide opening [of the eyes]
even to the prisoners;
to proclaim the year of goodwill
on the part of Jehovah
and the day of vengeance on the part of our God;
to comfort all the mourning ones"
                                 ` (Isaiah 61:1,2)