Friday, February 19, 2016

Marriage DOESN'T "Transcen[d] Religion"!!! MARRIAGE is OF the CREATOR'S TRUE RELIGION

Unlike Bono has FALSELY preached through mass-media, to the millions, 
MARRIAGE DOES NOT "transcen[d] religion."


as demonstrated by His own creating and then bringing together the first human pair - a MAN, and a WOMAN - MALE together with a FEMALE. This, along with many other intentionally preserved scriptural standards - words of Jehovah the Creator Himself, refers to MARRIAGE mates as being MALE [men, fathers, sons] and FEMALE [women, mothers, daughters].

Oppositely, homosexual sexual relationships/homosexual "marriage" are both FORBIDDEN and CONDEMNED, as being EVIL, obscene, and diametrically OPPOSED to the KNOWN, SCRIPTURAL WILL of  the Creator of MARRIAGE, men, and women. Those who fail to genuinely repent and turn around from practicing God-forbidden homosexual fornication are barred from everlasting life. They will not survive God's Day of Armageddon, by His KNOWN scriptural standards; and they will not be allowed to be part of God's new world/Kingdom on earth either. To willfully VIOLATE God's GIVEN SCRIPTURAL WARNINGS against things which He Himself has CONDEMNED as being evil and "deserving of death" will cause persons to reap just what they have sown. (1Corinthians 6:9,10; Romans 1:24-32; Hebrews 10:26-31)

The smoke of God's destruction of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah - for their prevalent, God-rebellious homosexual perversions and violence - ought to still be figuratively rising, as a warning from the Maker, as purposely preserved in His Scriptures, for all of mankind to be learning from.

So, "MARRIAGE" - A CREATION OF GOD ALMIGHTY - WAS NOTHING FOR GOD-FIGHTING PERSONS OF THE WORLD - no matter what their fame level, "station", or job-title - TO HIJACK, DEFAME, CORRUPT, MISREPRESENT, and PERVERT TO THE WORLD - even, so BLASPHEMOUSLY, "in the name of God." 

Just call the "living" arrangements of homosexual sex partners what it is: FORNICATION

(NOT "marriage")!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Fornication and adultery are God-forbidden and God-condemned.]

Then, God-violating people can go out and get their FORNICATION "licenses" from entities of Satan's world system; and have their FORNICATION ceremonies and celebrations. They can shop for FORNICATION dresses and FORNICATION tuxes; etc. 

Who will "OFFICIATE" at their FORNICATION "ceremonies" though? ONLY an AGENT of the DEVIL, FALSE religious leader, etc. 

And, ONLY SATAN and his demons would be granting/delivering any [likewise God-mocking] so-called "blessings" too. 

The high-ride of the brazenly God-defiant persons of this world will only last until Armageddon Day, at the latest - and that event is rushing non-stop at this mostly God-disrespecting and disobedient world now. It won't be long.

P.S. And, YES, this IS a MORAL ISSUE, one that far more than "transcends" politics!!!!!!!

"In the shade of a willow tree
Creeps a-crawlin' over me."
( - U2, "Staring at the Sun.")

God's own words and standards are always what is true.
Those being true to Jehovah do NOT back-pedal on them;
or "shrink back" from preaching, upholding, or warning about them. Long ago, those of Sodom and Gomorrah duly received their warning regarding their wrongdoing before Divine cataclysm/punishment; and so does this world now need its warning, before Armageddon Day/ God's Day of Wrath, which is soon. 

Pre-2015/ "Post-2015" - 
Not at all like one couldn't see...