Thursday, July 28, 2016

So Predictable. Who Else Made an International Display of Publically Destroying Spiritual Literature....

 ....kicking it, ripping it, tossing it  - while singing, "I don't believe anymore!!"?

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Re: "Fruitage" and [Fatal?] Fall-Out from [in Part] the International "I Don't Believe Anymore" Fiasco????!

Why don't people stop in their tracks if they see bona-fide warnings, especially when they come straight from God Almighty's own words????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How ultra-foolish. Rather than doing anything effective whatsoever to stop any intent terrorist of the actually anti-God, violence-enacting FALSE religions of the world; all that this GOD-FIGHTING ruling does is BECOME GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHT-VIOLATING TERRORISM IN ITSELF. It is NOT "progressive", and it is grotesquely UNJUST in all ways. It is so gravely foolish to fight against Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign Himself, by making such a ruling against what God Almighty Himself has commanded His true and loyal servants to do - which is to preach and teach HIS scriptural truth to their fellow human beings, all around this earth. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, ESPECIALLY FREEDOM OF SPEECH REGARDING JEHOVAH THE CREATOR'S OWN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH - WHICH IT IS HIS OWN PURPOSE FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS TO HEAR OF - IS A GOD-GIVEN, GOD-AUTHORIZED, GOD-ORDAINED HUMAN RIGHT. IT IS ONE THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS ANY RIGHT, AUTHORITY, OR VALID JUSTIFICATION TO SQUELCH, INTERFERE WITH, OPPRESS, OR TAKE AWAY. TO DO ANY OF THAT WOULD MAKE A PERSON A DIRECT FIGHTER AGAINST GOD. That is always FOOLISH, insolent, INEXCUSABLE, and ultra-wrongful - and the outcome of efforts that fight God are always doomed failures from which nothing good ever comes. Again, such a harmful, conscienceless, foolish, evil, JEHOVAH-FIGHTING ANTI-HUMAN RIGHTS LAW DOES NOT FIGHT ANY VIOLENT TERRORISM FROM THE WORLD'S ALSO-GOD-FIGHTING [anti-whole-scriptural/biblical] FALSE RELIGIONS WHICH UTILIZE GOD-CONDEMNED VIOLENCE AGAINST OTHERS IN THE PRACTICE OF THEIR "FAITH." INSTEAD, THIS LAW IS A WORK OF STARK and SHOCKING TERRORISM and INJUSTICE IN ITSELF. NOTHING COULD BE MORE GROSSLY UNJUST and SENSELESS THAN PERSECUTING THE ONE GLOBAL RELIGION ON THIS EARTH WHOSE MEMBERS ARE SWORN TO NOT LIFT UP ARMS (WEAPONS) AGAINST THEIR FELLOW MAN; WHOSE MEMBERS HAVE COMPRISED THE BULK OF ALL CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS TO WAR FROM WWI and SINCE - AS IF THEY ARE A VIOLENCE-ENACTING [FALSE] RELIGION OPPOSITE TO THIS. THERE IS NO JUSTICE TO THAT, THERE IS NO SENSE IN THAT. INSTEAD, IT IS AN-ULTRA FOOLISH, HUMAN RIGHT-VIOLATING, AND GOD-FIGHTING LAW OF TERRORISM, ONE THAT WOULD BEGET MORE TERRORISM FROM MORE CONSCIENCELESS, UNRIGHTEOUS, and UNJUST INDIVIDUALS ALSO WISHING TO PERSECUTE GOODNESS, PROMOTE EVIL, AND FIGHT GOD. It is a law against the Creator God, Judge of the earth, and Universal Sovereign Himself. It has never bode well for any human being, leader, or group of people to FIGHT GOD in such a way. It is a law that needs to be ERASED, immediately, so that it does not cause the evil injustices and atrocities it consequently would otherwise. The poorest and most unjust decisions of mankind's history, which caused deplorable and unforgiveable human terror, torment, and suffering, should serve as WARNING EXAMPLES of what NEVER should be foolishly and evilly repeated. And so that, coupled with reverential fear of God Almighty Himself should make it clear and obvious that the only right thing to do is to strike out the wrongful law. 

Psalm 2 applies - the prophecy should be paid keen attention to: 

"Why have the nations been in tumult
And the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing?
2 The kings of earth take their stand
And high officials themselves have massed together as one
Against Jehovah and against his anointed one,
3 [Saying:] “Let us tear their bands apart
And cast their cords away from us!”
4 The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh;
Jehovah himself will hold them in derision.
5 At that time he will speak to them in his anger
And in his hot displeasure he will disturb them,
6 [Saying:] “I, even I, have installed my king
Upon Zion, my holy mountain.”
7 Let me refer to the decree of Jehovah;
He has said to me: “You are my son;
I, today, I have become your father.
8 Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance
And the ends of the earth as your own possession.
9 You will break them with an iron scepter,
As though a potter’s vessel you will dash them to pieces.”
10 And now, O kings, exercise insight;
Let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth.
11 Serve Jehovah with fear
And be joyful with trembling.
12 Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed
And YOU may not perish [from] the way,
For his anger flares up easily.
Happy are all those taking refuge in him."
(If anyone messes with Jehovah's people, they mess with Him and His own King-Son - so, do not interfere or mess with Jehovah's own-named people, or His own known scriptural will for and through them. It is foolish to fight with God. The record of mankind shows that any who stubbornly do become the ultimate losers and fools for all time. So, instead, kiss the Son, lest God be angry, and you perish in the way. Armageddon is near. Rather than fight God and those truly doing His will; consider how stunningly and miraculously correct His prophecies regarding the occurrences of today are. How much better to bow to one's Maker, the Universal Sovereign Jehovah, instead. The time left is short.) 

True Jehovah's Witnesses are the greatest human force for non-violence on this planet. For however much anyone tries to stop Jehovah's servants from preaching God's scriptural commands against violence to their fellow man, then that - multipied, for how much those teachings of peace could have spread - is how much persons work against this greatest force for peace and non-violence. If everyone was a Jehovah's Witness (following God's own scriptural commands) there would be ZERO wars on this planet, ZERO acts of violent terrorism, and ZERO gun or other lethal deaths per day, anywhere. So, if leaders are honestly concerned with trying to stop violent terrorism stemming from religious beliefs, THAN THIS IS EXACTLY THE WRONG GROUP TO TRY TO SILENCE.

It is senseless, gross injustice - to persecute and oppress one of the only KNOWN TO BE WEAPONLESS (by Divine standard) groups of people on this planet, and do so using the CLEARLY WRONGFUL "EXCUSE" that these HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS (and this fighting against Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign) should occur, because a WEAPONLESS group of conscientious objectors to war might in any way pose the same danger as those who make violence and terrorism part of their religion! It is such a ridiculous "excuse" that one must ask what the REAL motivation is behind such senseless and horrid injustice. I would say, take a clue from this picture, which seems to show the leader of Russia performing some pious act of "worship". I would not be at all surprised if the Anti-Jehovah and so antichrist FALSE religious leaders of Russia have once again meddled into politics, and once again used the hysteria of war/terrorism to pressure the political leader(s) of that country with more of their own conscienceless slander against Jehovah, against Jesus Christ, against God's own scriptural standards (which the FALSE religious leaders show hate for, and replace with faulty and false doctrines of men, instead), and hatefully against the people true and loyal to Jehovah, who obey Him, by preaching scriptural truth, including God's standards of NON-VIOLENCE, to others. As the hateful, spiritually jealous, disobedient-to-God, HYPOCRITICAL, blasphemous, and politically-meddling FALSE religious leaders of Russia have already done, before the eyes of the world, are they yet again engaging in more spiritual adultery with "the kings of the earth", in effort to try to silence, oppress, and work further persecution against their spiritual "enemies" - the only global people who are telling the world the scriptural TRUTH about the Only True God - and who, in doing so, also prove the world's FALSE RELIGIONS to be LIE-FILLED, DAMAGE-DOING, INJUSTICE- BREEDING SCAMS?! Any "worship" that violates Jehovah's known scriptural words or His will - including that His own true, own-named servants do as HE COMMANDED, and preach HIS scriptural truth and warnings to others - is completely UNACCEPTABLE to God Almighty; but, in fact, it rightly draws His outrage. (P.S. The very ugly truth of the EVIL behaviors of, i.e., the Orthodox church, in their unjust PERSECUTION of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia and Georgia has been world-known and condemned as being despicable by decent and righteous people, world-over, for a very long time now. Besides working other gross injustices against God and humanity, by conspiring with the government to persecute Jehovah's Witnesses and ban their literature in parts of Russia already; evil-working religious leaders and members of that Orthodox church, even enjoined by likewise corrupt and evil "law"-enforcement there, have PHYSICALLY ATTACKED and MOB-ATTACKED Jehovah's Witnesses there already, since years ago - EVEN ENTERING THEIR PLACES OF WORSHIP, TO ATTACK THEM THERE. One of the FALSE religious leaders of that Orthodox Church even smashed his cross scepter on the heads and faces of a man and child alike, bloodying them - all in the name of their FALSE RELIGION, WITH ITS FALSE and SLANDEROUS MISREPRESENTATION OF WHO GOD ALMIGHTY IS, AND WHAT HIS OWN STANDARDS REALLY ARE: It is THESE and other VIOLENCE and CONSCIENCELESS INJUSTICE-ENACTING, POLITICALLY MEDDLING/SPIRITUALLY ADULTEROUS FALSE RELIGIOUS LEADERS (and their followers working and spiritually supporting the same violence and hurtful/harmful/life-destroying injustices) THAT ARE TRUE TERRORISTS, and belong being TURNED AGAINST by the governments they currently meddle with and maintain illicit relationships with, to empower the evil they work - against God, against the innocent, and against mankind. God's own toleration of such illicit and harmful arrangements is RAPIDLY DIMINISHING, NOW. Kiss the Son, lest God be angry, and you perish in the way....Read and heed Psalm 2....Then Revelation, chapters 17 and 18....and more...It's all transpiring, before your very eyes, now. (These wicked people already INVADED some places of worship of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, attacking and injuring them. They drove Witnesses to have to worship in private homes, etc. And now, evil persons such as those have seen to the ruling that loyal worshipers of the True God can't even worship or talk about their God and His own-purposed scriptural truth in their homes, even to their families??? This madcap, evil, anti-God, senselessly unjust and atrocious human rights violation of a ruling equals the worst of those of Hitler, North Korea, China, etc: The ruling is a work of gross injustice and terrorism itself - it also "sanctions", by the government, MORE evil injustice and terrorism, to be worked by godless and conscienceless persons against INNOCENT, non-violent persons who are loyal and true to Jehovah, and who follow His ways of peace, love, and righteousness.)