Saturday, April 28, 2018

Re: Your New So-Called "Love" ....."is Bigger than Anything in its Way" Video

Comment I posted under the video -

Here's what: People are NOT gaining "freedom", and are NOT operating by or living TRUE LOVE when they go along with the driving "spirit of the world", aka Satan's spirit, to rebel against Jah's own known scriptural standards, to engage in homosexuality. The fact is that children and young people are being INTENTIONALLY GROOMED, CONDITIONED and PERSUADED BY OTHERS (bent on rebellion against God), through media, schools, etc., TO GO AGAINST WHAT IS NATURAL TO THEM, TO BECOME "HOMOSEXUAL" - and so to become fodder for PEDOPHILES and/or set-up for lives of violating God's laws, engaging in homosexual sex, which can only ever be fornication. Rather than being loving at all towards children and young people; to deceive and cause life-and-future HARM to them this way is to exercise HATE and non-caring, devious malice towards them. Its so transparent, on the part of godless humans too: Push homosexuality, boom - exercised population "control", just like that. And just like how evil and violence went hand-in-hand with the sexual perversion of Sodom and Gomorrah; so INJUSTICE based on the same kind of demonic propaganda influence is seen today. INJUSTICE has already been worked against persons saying NO to violation of their own God-given rights to hold to scriptural standards, in ACTUAL, TRUE Christian loyalty and faithfulness. Some have become so bold in their hatred for known, scriptural standards, that they have actually wanted the Bible itself to be banned. Oh, hey, well - certainly looks like the Romans 1:18-32 prophecies, especially for the time of the end have overwhelmingly been fulfilled before our eyes, in sped-up order, right within our lifetimes. Also though, virtually everyone has received their Divine, scriptural warnings, world-over, as prophesied, for the last of the pre-Armageddon days (Matthew 24:14). But then too, just as prophesied, MOST (including U2) CHOOSE NOT TO LISTEN. For persons to REBEL against Jehovah - even though it will soon cost most of humanity their eternal lives, come Armageddon Day - is intentionally MADE HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE, and is propagandized like mad, over and through and through mass media; to corrupt the souls and set in opposition to God as many people (young and old) as possible, right before Armageddon strikes. Satan and his demons, who largely control and manipulate this world system - and who control most people, by way of LIES and FALSE promises of "freedom" and "happiness", if they defy God (1John 5:19) - know they have only a short time left to damage humanity and turn as many people away from God as possible, so that they lose their eternal lives on Armageddon Day, and pass away forever with this wicked world system. (Revelation 12:12) So what did Satan and his demons do again, to spread their soon to be fatal (come Armageddon Day) deceptions? They hired a band and a mass media crew. Quick - show your hate for scriptural truth, especially scriptural warnings again - delete! Censor! Ban! Throw a fit - an anti-God fit; 'cause aren't U2 gods, and whatever they promote golden? This video makes me feel sick. So disappointing. Don't sweat the $ales concerns though, because this world is so duped and corrupted now that MOST people will go right along with it, morally/spiritually-mindlessly, love it, and cheer for it. Armageddon Day is soon.