Monday, June 22, 2020

A Comment I Oddly Left for a Different Band; But the Issues are Related, Indeed. It Will Probably Be Deleted, So I'll Just Drop it Here

The vaccines are ineffective, harmful/ injurious, perhaps sterilizing, and/ or deadly. With this, it’s those who DON’T follow the pied pipers who will fare better. People need clean water; natural, vitamin-packed food and/ or supplements (C, D3, K2, A, Zinc; garlic, ginger, turmeric, green tea, healthy fermented veggies and drinks; etc.); lots of hand washing; enough rest; fresh air; etc. Music can uplift people and motivate them to move their bodies for health too. Madagascar has an all-natural, herb-based, 10-day cure for COVID-19, called COVID Organics. As the President of that country rightly said (something like), “God gave us these plants.” Naturally, those who wanted to work a for-profit depopulation and control agenda through dangerous vaccines for this quite odd pandemic have been working their media strings to poo-poo the natural cure - which would foil their plans for profit and abuse of power/ crimes against God and humanity by way of mandated/ coerced by threat/ forced vaccines. It’s NOT “united” agreement that everyone should give up their God-given human rights, “for the greater good” that will ever REALLY “unite” the world. All that does is give corrupt and evil abusers of power the control over people’s lives that they have wanted. You don’t want to be part of the giant deadly scams of the Vaccine Regime, playing marching music for lemmings lining up to get their jabs full of disease and then walking off cliffs. Also, the whole Global Citizen thing is a trap - to get people to worship and idolize the UN and its lies, false promises, blasphemy and fighting against God. (Revelation chapter 13) I would cheer instead for a global concert against the global Vaccine Regime and other abusers of power, of the prophesied Romans 1:18-32 and Jude 7 types. It would be a smaller audience that would like such truth, but one of righteous-hearted people. And the end of the day (soon), it will be those persons who will end up inheriting this planet earth, you know. (Psalm 37:10,11,29)

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Mary, Mary, Mary - Abortion Survivors PROVE that the Unborn ARE PERSONS!!

(Based on true stories) -

Mary, Mary, Mary
Her mother tried to kill her
But she was born alive.
A merciful nurse
Helped her get adopted
To a new life, for her to thrive.

But Mary was hurt - 
The doc who tried to kill her
Burnt her inside and out.
They hurt her brain too,
Gave her cerebral palsy,

And MANY would LIE

Monday, June 01, 2020

Re: Riots and Vaccines - Posting this Here Too, As Truth is Frequently Subject to Censoring Elsewhere

The protesting/ demonstrating by peaceful persons was intentionally hijacked by violent and destructive troublemakers, many of whom invaded the scene from out of town (including a known violent, dangerous, and weaponed group that may or may not have gotten themselves into the mix; as the National Guard, police of multiple states, highway patrol and others went into high-gear to look-out-for and try to stop them). This infiltration was to discredit and villainize the peaceful persons decrying deadly injustice; to shift public outrage and focus from the murder and murderer onto the infiltrated and exploited protesters; to work hate crimes; and so that the apparent overall situation could be extorted by deceptive and devious abusers of power to give the dangerous and false delusion that the masses - the "lesser" human beings/ "the HERD" (in the evil view of such abusers of power) - need MORE CONTROL and [God-given] human right-VIOLATING oppression worked upon them; and that they should "accept it", "for the greater good"; for a falsely "peaceful" and counterfeit "unity"/ counterfeit "one"-ness (which is more of a 666-ness).


 No more extreme violations against God-given human rights - no more crimes against God and humanity by murderous and evilly deluded abusers of power. "Leaders" are NOT true to their people (or the God that has allowed their temporary and relative [to Him] leadership [Psalm 2]) if they SELL-OUT their people's God-given human rights TO abusers of power/ murderous criminals against God and humanity for cash. Mandated/ coerced by threat/ forced vaccines are CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY - they are VACCINE RAPE, with KNOWN to be harmful, injurious, and/or deadly biologicals (including cancer and autoimmmune disease progenators and risk-inherent [and conscience-violating for some] blood products) and destructive poisons. The truth is now widely out, and can no longer be hidden - so people are visibly making their choices on whether they support such crimes against God and humanity or not. Those of the true, scriptural one-ness with God, who are aware of the issues involved, take a stand for righteousness, and do NOT support such crimes against God and humanity/ extreme violations against God-given human rights. In contrast, those (exactly prophesied in type) persons demonically obsessed with VIOLATING and DEFILING the very bodies, children, and God-given human rights of others - with vaccine RAPE and harm/ injury/ death make themselves one with Satan the man slayer and exactly prophesied in type Satanic godless/ God-defiant persons; whom Jah also prophesied His punishment of, come His globally-warned of, soon-coming Armageddon Day against the stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent persons of this world. THEN the family of man here will actually TRULY be "one", under "One" God, living in TRUE peace here (with no more hunger, sickness, etc. either). Soon. 


:10 and that's the dance studio I go to, that building on the left... The peaceful protesters were intentionally infiltrated by troublemakers, to de-power their message; distract from the murders; and misrepresent and exploit the protesters and masses in general as being in more "need" of more abuse of power, oppression, and removal of their God-given human rights - so as to be evilly controlled, by conscienceless abusers of power, to the ruin/ slavery (including to Satan, through his power-abusing hordes)/ depopulation of the many - under the deception/ LIE that this would be "for the greater good."


Because people are conveniently distracted. And because the president of Nigeria was recently bought-out by Mr. G, to try to get him to mandate vaccines upon his people; no matter how harmful and [God-given] human right-violating such mandated vaccines would be.