Thursday, January 21, 2021

Had to Drop a Couple More Comments on a [Blasphemous] "U2 Yahweh" Cartoon Video Again

 Saving one here, because, you know, CENSORSHIP (Romans 1:18,32) - 

THIS GOD, the Universal Sovereign and Creator God Jehovah/ Yahweh, will SOON be performing HIS OWN globally-scripturally warned of, TRUE "great reset" (as opposed to the counterfeit, blasphemous, mass murder and evil-based, Satanic LIE-based, future-blind, already blood guilt-sharing (for mass murder), crimes against God and humanity-based, violations against God-given human rights-based, idolatrous front for worship and service to Satan (the LIAR, enemy of God, and manslayer)-based - and so pre-doomed to total, deceptive FAILURE, SHAM "Great Reset" being proposed by the EXACTLY as prophesied-in-type, "deserving of death" from God, Satanic godless/ God-defiant types of Romans 1:18-32 and Jude 7,10. Jehovah's "reset" will be His own Armageddon Day permanent removal - from any and all existence whatsoever, forevermore - of the stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent, blood guilt-sharing, UN ("image of the wild beast" - Revelation chapter 13), etc. -worshiping, scientism-worshiping, Satan-serving criminals against God and humanity and violators against the God-given human rights of others, etc. - including those demonically-obsessed with defiling/ violating (and harming/ injuring/ murdering, etc.) the very FLESH of others (JUDE 7,14,15; 2Peter 2:6,9,10), including by deceptively billed as "safe", KNOWN to be dangerous by nature, KNOWN to be harmful/ injurious/ deadly biologicals and poisons from experimental vaxcines/ bio-weapons (blow-off, a i); and/ or COERCED BY THREAT or forced VAXCINE RAPE/ vaxcine MURDER. This God, Jehovah/ Yahweh NEVER INTENDED HIS human children, made in HIS IMAGE, and endowed with GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS and FREEDOMS, to live under a MEDICAL-TECHNO DICTATORSHIP run by self-assuming, power-abusing, Satanic godless/ God-defiant narcissists/ Nimrods as-if on crack, asinine madmen and/ or conscienceless and evilly insane, willingly mind-controlled by Satan ( 1John 5:19; Ephesians 2:2; Revelation chapter 19), greed and evil-driven, ultra-fool abusers of power/ hordes of Satan himself desperately trying to force exactly as prophesied worship of Satan - via his promoted FALSE religions, IDOLATRY of God-fighting institutions and demonic LIE philosophies of men, and/ or practices of globally-scripturally warned-of, God-condemned EVIL. At this point, during these last of the pre-Armageddon Day, MOST persons of this world have been swayed, by demonic LIE propaganda - and very much so through much media - into being at least somewhat spiritually diseased/ corrupted and misled; to where they are on-path to lose their life, their eternal life, on THIS God's now very much LOOMING/ oncoming Armageddon Day. (1John 5:19) Where is God, some may ask? He and His Son are making sure that the last persons on this planet receive and have a fair chance to learn of and choose (or reject) THIS GOD Jehovah/ Yahweh's own scriptural TRUTH and WARNING MESSAGES. (Matthew 24:14; John 17:3,17; Ezekiel 3:17-21) Angels direct teachers of Jehovah's truth, to bring them into contact with those HONEST-heartedly looking for God's truth (so as to show their gratitude to God by obeying that truth, as they learn it - ongoing truth evasion, denial, and living a life of sin anyways have NO merit with God, and are culpable by Him as being inexcusable). Unless God steps-in soon, "no flesh would be saved." (Matthew 13:20) SO, Armageddon Day from THIS GOD, Jehovah/ Yahweh, WILL come, SOON. (Psalm 37:10; Revelation chapter 19) Along with removing all of the stubbornly and heinously evil persons from existence, permanently, THIS Universal Sovereign God will be DISSOLVING all of the kingdoms of men that now exist; and REPLACING THEM ALL WITH HIS OWN, LONG-scripturally-promised, HEAVEN-BASED KINGDOM OF GOD, extended down from heaven, ONTO THIS EARTH, AS ITS ONLY RULERSHIP - a PERFECT, RIGHTEOUS, and JUST one, headed by Jehovah's own appointed King of it, His own beloved Son and Ransomer of mankind, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9,10) Under that TRUE and valid "reset", by God Himself (just like He worked with the Great Flood of 2370 B.C.E., only this time, by the biggest Divine cataclysm yet), all of mankind here then - and even the planet itself - will be completely healed. There will be no more sickness, poverty, war, pain, tears of pain/ grief/ mourning, hunger, wrongful and destructive divisions between the global family of man, or reasons to live in fear from the wicked ones (because they won't be permitted to live in God's own true new world system here - they will pass away, forever, with the rest of Satan's world system, on God's soon-coming Armageddon Day. Eventually, even death itself will be done away with. Those who died before Armageddon will be resurrected back to life by God, and given a second chance to learn and choose His ways, and to obey Him. (John 5:28,29) If they do, they can join the rest of the happy, all God-obedient and God-respecting persons on this earth then, in living forever, with "the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Isaiah 25:6-9; 33:24; 65:17-25; Revelation 21:3,4; Micah 4:3,4; Psalm 37:11,29; Romans 8:21) THIS GOD'S OWN, UNSTOPPABLY INCOMING KINGDOM will be the ONLY TRUE, righteous, and viable "reset" for this earth and mankind. Accept no demonic, deceptive, deadly, incapable, and blasphemous imitations.