Friday, March 10, 2023

It's the Wannabe Blind Leading the Wannabe Blind - They Really Don't Care About Jah or What He Says

 Wow - how much do you want to condemn yourselves with the lyrics of your own songs. Pick any one of them, and I think you could run a pedal-tone sort of voice under them singing, "hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy...."

You don't care WHAT God says, do you. And a lot of your many fans likewise don't either - like most of the world now, just as prophesied. (Romans 1:18-32;  1John 5:19)


The latest from U2 is their official promotion of what includes a handful of obscene, scripturally God-condemned homosexuality/ homosexual sex-suggesting/ glorifying; Satanism/ spiritism-promoting/ glorifying; disrespect for the sanctity of blood-promoting; women-degrading; violence against women/ self-violence-promoting; and morally, spiritually, and otherwise repulsive/ horrific videos. They didn't really want God, so this is what they let creep in instead; and so now the end product is horrid.

And this was all after Mr. B put out a book that misrepresents and blasphemes God's own personal, vital-to-know holy name, by saying something else, which isn't God's name, "is" God's name; and also gave a mass-media-ed speech about his book in one national cathedral, reminiscent of a temple in the spiritistic-religio-political kingdom of ancient Babylon.

And what there? Oh - skip what Jehovah says; skip respect for Jesus Christ and the teachings from God he reiterated - including that TRUE worshipers of God should NOT be participating in or spiritually supporting the murderous wars of the nations (of this largely Satan-controlled world political system); or resting their hope for the future in mere men.

No, no, no. Let's have have a PREFERRED "sermon" - a real crowd-pleaser (2Timothy 4:3,4);  glorifying atheism instead. And, for the pinnacle, give a bunch of head-banging nods to SATAN, with a reading of the lyrics of AC/ DC's song, "HIGHWAY TO HELL." 


You've all done LOST YOUR spiritual MINDS. And y'all LIKE it. At 11:59 PM, tick tock. SAD. Pretty-much a hopeless case. Nobody's got the time now to be running after people who simply do not want or care about God and His life-vital scriptural truth; who would much rather fight against it. It's easy - you, like everyone else, will answer to God, for sure, SOON. Armageddon Day from Him will be SOON.