Friday, March 10, 2023

It's the Wannabe Blind Leading the Wannabe Blind - They Really Don't Care About Jah or What He Says

 Wow - how much do you want to condemn yourselves with the lyrics of your own songs. Pick any one of them, and I think you could run a pedal-tone sort of voice under them singing, "hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy...."

You don't care WHAT God says, do you. And a lot of your many fans likewise don't either - like most of the world now, just as prophesied. (Romans 1:18-32;  1John 5:19)


The latest from U2 is their official promotion of what includes a handful of obscene, scripturally God-condemned homosexuality/ homosexual sex-suggesting/ glorifying; Satanism/ spiritism-promoting/ glorifying; disrespect for the sanctity of blood-promoting; women-degrading; violence against women/ self-violence-promoting; and morally, spiritually, and otherwise repulsive/ horrific videos. They didn't really want God, so this is what they let creep in instead; and so now the end product is horrid.

And this was all after Mr. B put out a book that misrepresents and blasphemes God's own personal, vital-to-know holy name, by saying something else, which isn't God's name, "is" God's name; and also gave a mass-media-ed speech about his book in one national cathedral, reminiscent of a temple in the spiritistic-religio-political kingdom of ancient Babylon.

And what there? Oh - skip what Jehovah says; skip respect for Jesus Christ and the teachings from God he reiterated - including that TRUE worshipers of God should NOT be participating in or spiritually supporting the murderous wars of the nations (of this largely Satan-controlled world political system); or resting their hope for the future in mere men.

No, no, no. Let's have have a PREFERRED "sermon" - a real crowd-pleaser (2Timothy 4:3,4);  glorifying atheism instead. And, for the pinnacle, give a bunch of head-banging nods to SATAN, with a reading of the lyrics of AC/ DC's song, "HIGHWAY TO HELL." 


You've all done LOST YOUR spiritual MINDS. And y'all LIKE it. At 11:59 PM, tick tock. SAD. Pretty-much a hopeless case. Nobody's got the time now to be running after people who simply do not want or care about God and His life-vital scriptural truth; who would much rather fight against it. It's easy - you, like everyone else, will answer to God, for sure, SOON. Armageddon Day from Him will be SOON. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

There's Been Too Much Spiritual Trouble, From Many Sources, To Keep-On Trying to Address It Much Here

 Nearly all of the world is now drowning, in its self-chosen, God-rebellious, evil, and evil-producing spiritual disease. The liars and deceivers are the loud-mouths, and promote/ amplify each other; the life-vital truth and warning speakers are usually systematically censored and suppressed - just as prophesied.

I've been mostly commenting elsewhere - as various torrid and fatally spiritually-misleading subjects come up. 

Armageddon from Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign God will be SOON; and that's no secret.

" For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way, 19 because what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them. 20 For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened. 22 Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish 23 and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things.

24 Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error.

28 And just as they did not approve of holding God in accurate knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, 29 filled as they were with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malicious disposition, being whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless. 32 Although these know full well the righteous decree of God, that those practicing such things are deserving of death, they not only keep on doing them but also consent with those practicing them." (Romans 1:18-32)

Monday, September 12, 2022

From an Isaiah 54:17'd Lemming (and an Impostor)


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Heartfelt Comment that was Just Knee-Jerk Deleted (Censored) from Under a U 2 Channel- Hosted Live Video of BTBS (I lightly edited this now)

 So this Nimrod in a sweater comes up to leaders; His face pale as a ground slug; And he's peeling-off millions for bribes; Slappin' em down/ In nation after nation/ 10 million, 25 million, unknown millions of dollars. // And you can see those d_mn v_c_ines; 'can see those deadly things/ Across the world while the nations sleep; Tyrants work their demonic schemes./ And they're threatening the women and children; jabbing men, women and children.....Who have no place to run, run, run/ So Armageddon. From God. Must come.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Had to Drop a Couple More Comments on a [Blasphemous] "U2 Yahweh" Cartoon Video Again

 Saving one here, because, you know, CENSORSHIP (Romans 1:18,32) - 

THIS GOD, the Universal Sovereign and Creator God Jehovah/ Yahweh, will SOON be performing HIS OWN globally-scripturally warned of, TRUE "great reset" (as opposed to the counterfeit, blasphemous, mass murder and evil-based, Satanic LIE-based, future-blind, already blood guilt-sharing (for mass murder), crimes against God and humanity-based, violations against God-given human rights-based, idolatrous front for worship and service to Satan (the LIAR, enemy of God, and manslayer)-based - and so pre-doomed to total, deceptive FAILURE, SHAM "Great Reset" being proposed by the EXACTLY as prophesied-in-type, "deserving of death" from God, Satanic godless/ God-defiant types of Romans 1:18-32 and Jude 7,10. Jehovah's "reset" will be His own Armageddon Day permanent removal - from any and all existence whatsoever, forevermore - of the stubbornly and heinously evil and God-insolent, blood guilt-sharing, UN ("image of the wild beast" - Revelation chapter 13), etc. -worshiping, scientism-worshiping, Satan-serving criminals against God and humanity and violators against the God-given human rights of others, etc. - including those demonically-obsessed with defiling/ violating (and harming/ injuring/ murdering, etc.) the very FLESH of others (JUDE 7,14,15; 2Peter 2:6,9,10), including by deceptively billed as "safe", KNOWN to be dangerous by nature, KNOWN to be harmful/ injurious/ deadly biologicals and poisons from experimental vaxcines/ bio-weapons (blow-off, a i); and/ or COERCED BY THREAT or forced VAXCINE RAPE/ vaxcine MURDER. This God, Jehovah/ Yahweh NEVER INTENDED HIS human children, made in HIS IMAGE, and endowed with GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS and FREEDOMS, to live under a MEDICAL-TECHNO DICTATORSHIP run by self-assuming, power-abusing, Satanic godless/ God-defiant narcissists/ Nimrods as-if on crack, asinine madmen and/ or conscienceless and evilly insane, willingly mind-controlled by Satan ( 1John 5:19; Ephesians 2:2; Revelation chapter 19), greed and evil-driven, ultra-fool abusers of power/ hordes of Satan himself desperately trying to force exactly as prophesied worship of Satan - via his promoted FALSE religions, IDOLATRY of God-fighting institutions and demonic LIE philosophies of men, and/ or practices of globally-scripturally warned-of, God-condemned EVIL. At this point, during these last of the pre-Armageddon Day, MOST persons of this world have been swayed, by demonic LIE propaganda - and very much so through much media - into being at least somewhat spiritually diseased/ corrupted and misled; to where they are on-path to lose their life, their eternal life, on THIS God's now very much LOOMING/ oncoming Armageddon Day. (1John 5:19) Where is God, some may ask? He and His Son are making sure that the last persons on this planet receive and have a fair chance to learn of and choose (or reject) THIS GOD Jehovah/ Yahweh's own scriptural TRUTH and WARNING MESSAGES. (Matthew 24:14; John 17:3,17; Ezekiel 3:17-21) Angels direct teachers of Jehovah's truth, to bring them into contact with those HONEST-heartedly looking for God's truth (so as to show their gratitude to God by obeying that truth, as they learn it - ongoing truth evasion, denial, and living a life of sin anyways have NO merit with God, and are culpable by Him as being inexcusable). Unless God steps-in soon, "no flesh would be saved." (Matthew 13:20) SO, Armageddon Day from THIS GOD, Jehovah/ Yahweh, WILL come, SOON. (Psalm 37:10; Revelation chapter 19) Along with removing all of the stubbornly and heinously evil persons from existence, permanently, THIS Universal Sovereign God will be DISSOLVING all of the kingdoms of men that now exist; and REPLACING THEM ALL WITH HIS OWN, LONG-scripturally-promised, HEAVEN-BASED KINGDOM OF GOD, extended down from heaven, ONTO THIS EARTH, AS ITS ONLY RULERSHIP - a PERFECT, RIGHTEOUS, and JUST one, headed by Jehovah's own appointed King of it, His own beloved Son and Ransomer of mankind, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9,10) Under that TRUE and valid "reset", by God Himself (just like He worked with the Great Flood of 2370 B.C.E., only this time, by the biggest Divine cataclysm yet), all of mankind here then - and even the planet itself - will be completely healed. There will be no more sickness, poverty, war, pain, tears of pain/ grief/ mourning, hunger, wrongful and destructive divisions between the global family of man, or reasons to live in fear from the wicked ones (because they won't be permitted to live in God's own true new world system here - they will pass away, forever, with the rest of Satan's world system, on God's soon-coming Armageddon Day. Eventually, even death itself will be done away with. Those who died before Armageddon will be resurrected back to life by God, and given a second chance to learn and choose His ways, and to obey Him. (John 5:28,29) If they do, they can join the rest of the happy, all God-obedient and God-respecting persons on this earth then, in living forever, with "the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Isaiah 25:6-9; 33:24; 65:17-25; Revelation 21:3,4; Micah 4:3,4; Psalm 37:11,29; Romans 8:21) THIS GOD'S OWN, UNSTOPPABLY INCOMING KINGDOM will be the ONLY TRUE, righteous, and viable "reset" for this earth and mankind. Accept no demonic, deceptive, deadly, incapable, and blasphemous imitations.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

An IMMEDIATELY CENSORED/ DELETED (by the YT "U2" Channel), Serious Comment I Posted Under the "Love is Bigger..." Homosexuality-Promoting "Fashion" Video

This comment was immediately deleted by U2’s YT channel, from under their homosexuality-promoting “Love is Bigger than Anything in its  Way” video. (I made a couple of tiny edits, for correction/ clarification.)

[Lightly edited] - 
Bono once wrote a rightly angry poem in outrage against soldiers raping a four-year-old girl in the mud. But yet this is the type of evil which the Satanic godless/ God-defiant persons - demonically-obsessed with violating and supporting the demonic violation of the flesh of others; and violating the Creator and His own scriptural moral/ sexual laws - have caused to become an epidemic. After their “victory” of as-if re-establishing Sodom and Gomorrah on earth, only on a much wider scale, in about 2014/ 2015 and so on, the exactly as prophesied, Satanic godless/ God-defiant persons demonically obsessed with God-forbidden homosexual sex became emboldened in their rebellion against God and their depraved, also exactly prophesied in type demonic obsessions to go after the very flesh of others, for unnatural purposes, with desires to defile it. (Jude 7; 2Peter 2:6,9,10; Romans 1:18-32) The demonically obsessed sexual deviants have, also as prophesied, along with the rest of the  wicked, progressed from bad to worse. (2Timothy 3:1,13) Since the time of this video, the Satanic godless, demonically obsessed sexual deviants have “moved on” to infiltrate government policy, to force demonic, animalistic, obscene, traumatizing and demoralizing/ brainwashing pedophile mental rape and mental abuse of children in some schools - to sexualize and groom them, for pedophile, homosexual, and other sexual exploitation and other moral, conscience, and spiritual corruption, etc. Men have formed groups , including even “doctors” and “psychologists”, to train other demonically obsessed homosexual pedophiles on how to preditorize children online, seduce them, win them over, and get their hands on them, for rape and other sexual and mental/ life abuse and destruction. Corrupt and evil agents of states are unjustly removing - stealing and kidnapping, 83% of the time - and then human trafficking, for profit and other evil purposes, the God-given children of others, supplying them to pedophiles; child sex trafficking rings; Satanic  Ritual Abuse rings (where homosexual gang rape of children is engaged in as an act of worship to Satan, because it’s so hated by God); and to homosexual  couples who choose to violate and defy the Creator’s globally-given scriptural laws and standards for God-ordained and purposed marital and family arrangements, but who still COVET the reward of children God grants to heterosexual, scripturally married couples. The sexual preditorization of  children, by demonically sexually depraved adults is becoming more and more bold and shameless. Within the past 2 days, I have seen news of a troll doll for children, where if they push the button between its legs, it makes sexual noises; and diz ney “magic wand” toys that, upon close-up view, are distinctly shaped and designed as dildos. And this - along with very sharp increases in other life-threatening crimes against God and humanity - is the very sad, dangerous, and evil state of things that the world slid into, IMO, starting in the pivotal time of 2014/2015, with the re-establishment of Sodom and Gomorrah on earth, only on a much wider scale. That’s very in-sync with Romans 1:18-32. God destroyed the original Sodom and Gomorrah. Now Armageddon Day from Him is very soon. (Jude 7,10,14,15) And how do most people react now, when persons speak of God’s scriptural warnings? Exactly as prophesied: With hate for God, hate and mockery for His scriptural warnings, and hate for the minority of persons speaking the truth of them. Just as prophesied, and just as highlighted in the multi-colored block letters in the “U2 3D” movie, their reactions to God’s disciplinary scriptural words and warnings are: “I   DON’T WANT TO HEAR” and “I DON’T WANT TO SEE”. Armageddon Day from Jah is VERY soon now. (Psalm 37:10) Yes IT IS the end of the world.


And here is my last post there, following that corrupt and evil channel's censoring of my post - just like how U2 idolaters work censoring/ "suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way" (see Romans 1:18 and the outcome from God for that, at Romans 1:32) everywhere (including on that band's own website and fan forum, under their watch - just like on their YT channel) - 

Lost cause; hopeless case. Leave it behind. Gotcha. Satan wins on the U2 channel and in the “U2 world”. Best to just let that ship continue with its hitting of icebergs and it’s sinking. God called - He wants you to quit name-dropping/ blaspheming His and His Son’s names for cash, fame, and as false support for anti-scriptural and deadly spiritual teachings to the masses; and because you censor those speaking out His scriptural truth and warnings. Romans chapter one verses eighteen and thirty-two.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Posting What I Just Wrote Elsewhere (Under a "U2 Yahweh" Video) Here, In Case What I Wrote is Deleted.

Contrary to a comment below, Jehovah/ Yahweh is NOT the God of modern Judaism, NOR of anti-whole-scriptural, God-disobedient, and God-disloyal counterfeit/pseudo-"Christianity" [Christendom]. Jehovah/ Yahweh CEASED being the God of the Jews, and the ancient Jews were NO LONGER His chosen people/ His holy nation, by the time of their murder of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and unmistakable Messiah. When the Jews in Rome shouted-out in unison, at the time of the gang murder of Jesus Christ, "Impale him!", and, "WE HAVE NO KING BUT CAESAR!", that absolutely demonstrated THE END of the Creator God Jehovah/ Yahweh's once special relationship with the Jewish people as a whole. INSTEAD, a NEW special SPIRITUAL NATION to God, as the new "people of God" was formed - a global one - under SPIRITUAL "Israel" (no longer physical) and "Jerusalem above" - which has nothing to do with the political nation/ republic of Israel on earth. Jesus Christ is at the center of SPIRITUAL "Israel" and "Jerusalem above"/ HEAVENLY "Zion". Jesus Christ is now the head of the global congregation/ people of God. The Law Covenant that was binding upon the ancient Israelites was ENDED - along with God's covenant with that ancient people - by the end of Christ's ministry on earth, and was REPLACED by "the law of the Christ". And what did the law of the Christ include? "Every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth" - Matthew 4:4 - with everything in whole-scriptural context. Therefore, while the bulk of the 600-some laws of the Law Covenant were, in context, done away with; many of the laws or PRINCIPLES of them are repeated in other parts of the Bible - from either before the Law Covenant went into effect; or after, in the Christian-Greek Scriptures. True Christian worship of THIS GOD, Jehovah/ Yahweh, DOES NOT ABIDE by the anti-scriptural TABOOS, TRADITIONS, or extraneous extra-scriptural practices, philosophies, and writings of men - such as those followed in the God-dis-servicing, blasphemous, disloyal, and disobedient, anti-scriptural FALSE religions of Satan's world empire of them, "Babylon the Great." (Revelation chapters 17 and 18) Thus, TRUE, scriptural Christian worshipers of THE GOD OF THIS NAME - the Creator and Universal Sovereign God Jehovah/ Yahweh - ARE witnesses of His holy name (and the Person of God behind this name) to this world; teach and uphold the scriptural truth of this God meant to be proclaimed along with the making-known of His name; and USE HIS NAME, as absolutely is God's known and repeated scriptural will - in praise, preaching, teaching, everyday speech, prayer, personal prayer, songs, meditation, etc. We "CALL OUT HIS NAME", just as God said to, because it means salvation for persons to do so. (See Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13) *HOWEVER*, GOD'S WORDS TOTALLY FORBID BLASPHEMY of His personal holy name - taking it up in a worthless way, or ASSOCIATING IT WITH ANYTHING of IDOLATRY; evil; or God-hated, anti-whole-scriptural, demonic LIE-based, evil and evil-producing, actually God-fighting, antichrist, spiritually adulterous, God-disobedient FALSE religions/ Satanic spiritual LIE philosophies, etc. When God's personal holy name is grossly disrespected, abused, filthified, badly misrepresented, maligned, slandered, dishonored, and extorted in these ways, IT IS BLASPHEMY. So, when churches of Satan's world empire of false-to-God religions of "Babylon the Great" go through all the work, pomp and circumstance, money, etc, to have large, finely-tuned choirs, in gold-guilded, palatial churches, sing-out droning strains, in 4-part harmony, of "Hallelujah"; no matter how impressive it SEEMS, God hates it. It is BLASPHEMY - a robbing, hijacking, and abuse of the personal, most holy name of the Universal Sovereign Himself. Why? Take, for example, the ornate and state-glorified/ partnered-with Russian Orthodox church. How impressed many are with its shows of "worship"; its intricate singing of "praise" "to God" - including any "Hallelujah's".What is all that actually worth to Jehova/ Yahweh God though? Answer - NOTHING. He hates all of that blasphemy; all of that formalistic, yet lie-based, lie-teaching, evil-practicing, evil-condoning/ promoting, hypocritical FALSE religion. For there are its priests, in their gold-trimmed garments, bathing in the sound of the choir, raising their idol image sceptors, to confer illicit and blasphemous "blessings" ("in the name of God") upon soldiers; and later elsewhere, upon bombs/ missiles, and other military equipment; military war training exercises (with priests even participating), etc. Additionally, those same Christ-defiant (and blasphemous to God) priests, working in mutually beneficial spiritual adultery with the leaders of the Russian government, influenced the Russian government to try to silence their spiritual competitors/ enemies - the scriptural Christian Jehovah's Witnesses in that land; who preach Jehovah's scriptural truth, who expose false religious lies and practices Jehovah hates; and who, in actual obedience to God and Christ, are conscientious objectors of war (instead of being physically militant, like those of the Russian Orthodox church; whose priests even recruit soldiers, to serve the Russian government [NOT God, and in disobedience to God]). So, the militant (bomb-"blessing", combat-training, soldier-recruiting, etc.) and otherwise anti-scriptural priests and other minions of the Russian Orthodox church brought forth their demonic lies and slander to the leaders of Russia, whom they are as if "in bed with" (whom they "fornicate" with, as the Bible prophetically-warned - Revelation chapter 18), slanderously and falsely charging the conscientious objector to war Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia as being a group "promoting terrorism", for their loyal adherence and obedience to the scriptural words of God - instead of scrapping them and disobeying them, like those of the Russian Orthodox church do, to bend to and serve the government as lord and god. With that, the spiritual adulterer team (for Satan) of the Russian Orthodox church and the Russian government together banned scriptural Christian Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia; and banned their Bible study aid literature - and even the scholarly literal translation Bible they carry - as being "extremist literature promoting terrorism." Then the Russian government leader and head(s) of the Russian Orthodox church went off to discuss the recruiting of more soldiers, and to admire and "bless" more weapons - in service to Satan. So yes, there is much blasphemy against the name and Person of the God Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ, going on in this world today; resulting in much ruin to mankind, and persecution of those true to God. It is the main reason why Armageddon Day from God is on its way - for Him to remove all sources and works of blasphemy from this planet. It will be SOON. (Psalm 37:10)