Sunday, August 07, 2005

A List of Symbols that are of PAGAN Origin

Eye of Horus/All-Knowing Eye on pyramid

Eye of Horus and Cross emitting rays from Sun god Ra

Hand of Fatima-Evil Eye/Hamsa hand

Seal of Solomon/ Hexagram

Hexagram of Water

Androgynous being

Sun wheel

Concentric circles



Goddess (including virgin-mother-crone symbolization)/ GAIA - Mother Earth/ Mother-Child

Tree of Life (for misuse)

Solar eclipse (in context with all of these other pagan symbols)

Heart (in context with all these other pagan symbols)

Dove (in context with all these other pagan symbols)

Candle, flame (in context with all these other pagan symbols)



Phallic image entering female "circle",
creating circle with dot (Bindu) in center


Crescent Moon-Star


Star in circle - (blasphemous) "Divine Mind"

Triangle in Circle - Thaumaturgic triangle enclosed in "protective" circle

Ocean merginging into a drop of water, merging into the ocean - Depiction of the demon-origined teaching of the "mystic" Sufir Kabir: "All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop."

Exploding/blowing up ["thought"?] clouds with the name "GOD" across them.

"WORLD" - Creation worship rather than worship of the One who created. (See Romans 1:25 and its surroundings.)

"COEXIST" - A Bono, U2, Bono/U2 idolater - idol/icon recommending ACCEPTANCE of the conglomeration of all FALSE religions and anti-scriptural ideologies, as represented by the symbols/metaphors above, for the sake of [FALSE] "peace" among mankind. The World Council of Churches and other "high-level", etc., "spiritual advisors" to the UN have been promoting this same idolized, ANTI-whole-scriptural, antichrist ideology.

Pagan and spiritistic symbols such as these are being used to accompany the performance of a song to and about "Yahweh"!!!???

Have you no respect for your Maker? You owe him to be careful what you attach to his Holy Name. This must absolutely outrage him. His name and reputation do NOT deserve to be sullied by images associating him with pagan-spiritisic gods and thus the unjust and unholy beliefs promoted and acts done by their worshipers.

Gifts of art belong being used to HONOR the Creator - the Great Artist - NOT MOCK AND DEFAME HIM!!!

MASSES of people are being exposed to this poisonous blasphemy. It is horribly destructive to their spiritual well-being. It threatens their future life prospects too, which depend on people honoring and exalting - not dishonoring - God's personal Name.

PLEASE SEE EXODUS 20:1-7 for a start.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

U2 perform in front of huge lit up images from this video (produced by the Spontaneous Company) during their live performances - it is their usual backdrop for the song "Yahweh." So, sad to say, this video couldn't possibly be more "official" as regards U2's approved use of it - and there are millions of people, myself included, as eyewitnesses to that they have done this. At the same time, heavy ACCOUNTABILITY before God Almighty Yahweh for this monstrously huge spiritual crime towards him, Jesus Christ, and their fellow man is upon their head.

Sad to say too, your own statement itself is evidence that this presentation of idolatry and spiritism IS fooling people away from what God's own scriptural standards are for worship that is acceptable to him - and many others are responding the same way.

Many are being lured into apathy and worse towards what God himself says he hates: spiritism and idolatry.

Throughout the scriptures, since the fall in Eden, Yahweh expresses his rightful burning outrage against idolatry - the worship or honoring of any other god; and religious-spiritual lies of any sort. He has strongly warned humans against spiritism and idolatry, and has destroyed groups of people at times in the past on account of such things. That is because these forms of false worship ARE SATANIC IN NATURE. They are based on Satan's lies. They create by-products of other works of evil and injustice to God and among mankind - they are ruining our world. They all are manifestations of Satan's efforts to do anything to turn people away from worshiping the One True God, according to his own ONE TRUTH - on his own terms. Yahweh/ Jehovah has absolutely every right, as Creator and Universal Sovereign, to set his own standards for what he requires of intelligent beings he has made, and what his terms of worship are to be.

YAHWEH REJECTS any form of worship of him that is tainted - made spiritually filthy - by any idolatry-spiritism. He does not "listen" to prayers, appeals or songs to him that are mixed with idolatry or demon-inspired spiritism/ spiritual lies. So, certainly, he rejects every performance of "Yahweh" that is accompanied by displays of spiritism and/ or the teaching of spiritual untruth.

Since this video-light show consists of one image of idol gods, false religions, or spiritism after another, LOOK, SEE U2 and U2 PEOPLE: HERE IS YOUR SPIRITUAL A-BOMB TO YOURSELVES AND TO THOSE OF THE WORLD WHO WOULD LISTEN TO YOU. ITS SATANIC INFLUENCE IS SELF-EVIDENT. (Remember Satan's "offer", via the "Vertigo" lyrics, which is essentially the same as Satan's offer to Christ - that he, Satan would deliver Jesus the glory of all the kingdoms of the world, if Jesus would just do an act of worship to him??? (Luke 4:5-8) THIS SCRIPTURALLY-DEFIANT MASS BLASPHEMY OF YAHWEH/ JEHOVAH'S MOST HOLY NAME IS AN ACT OF WORSHIP TO SATAN. So what good things of any lasting value should anyone think Satan will REALLY deliver?

The answer is: NOTHING. His ONLY interest is to turn people away from Yahweh/ Jehovah.

"No one gets hurt?"


Soon, whoever is not found worshiping Yahweh/ Jehovah/ Ieova "in spirit and truth" - on his own scriptural terms will be done away with, by God and Jesus Christ's heavenly (only) army of spirit creatures. They will be clearing the earth of all forces and persons that insist on spiritistic false worship towards God. Since everyone will be served fair warning to leave false religion and spiritistic beliefs and practices behind, and to honor and worship their Creator rightly before then; Yahweh/ Jehovah's destruction of all persons who choose to stubbornly cling to God-dishonoring ways will be fully just. (John 4:24; Revelation 18:4,5,8; 19:11-21; Matthew 24:14; 2Thessalonians 1:8)

God will be clearing the earth of all things and persons that profane and defame his holy, personal name. He rightly upholds his name as something to be kept pure and holy. IT IS TO BE MADE KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE EARTH: SPOKEN, TAUGHT, SUNG ABOUT, PRAISED, and GLORIFIED. However, it must NEVER BE MISUSED to promote any spiritual lies - because God's name for himself indicates the unique nature and purposes of himself, as the Almighty Creator: The meaning of his name FITS HIM ALONE. It is: "HE CAUSES TO BECOME." Only he can see that his purposes are always carried out, since he is unlimited in power and ability. (However, it is VERY important to realize that everything Jehovah/ Yahweh chooses to do is ALWAYS MOTIVATED BY LOVE - even his carrying out of justice.) As further explanation and confirmation of his chosen personal name, with himself as the Being behind it; the proper translation of Exodus 3:14 reveals that God wants himself called by such a statement as "HE CAUSES TO BECOME" - he says there, "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE." He alone can carry out his purposes, no matter what. HE IS the Creator, and he has proven to be a wise, just, and and loving one. He alone is worthy of anyone's worship as God - there is no one else even close to his postion as True Sovereign of the Universe.

He has placed his firstborn, beloved spirit Son in the role of helper to him in the creation of all other things in heaven on earth. That Son came to be mankind's Teacher, one Ransomer, one Mediator, one High Priest before God; and God's appointed King of his Kingdom (the "Prince of Peace") that will soon encompass the whole earth - to bring it peace and healing at last. That Son is Jesus Christ. He also HAS NO EQUAL. The global congregation of true worshipers that Christ is also now the head of likewise has no equal - it is the only true religion on earth. (Ephesians 4:4-6; Colossians 1:14-20; 1Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 9:11,12; Psalm 2:4-12; Isaiah 9:6,7; Philippians 2:9-11.)

All of the false gods and idols and false religions man and Satan have made up are worthless dirt in comparison to the Living, True God, his Son, and God's own pure worship, according to his own words. Not only are those other spiritistic things dirt, but they are also OFFENSIVE to the True, deserving God. He himself describes idol images as dungy (as having manure on them) 39 times in just Ezekiel; and speaks of spiritism as being spiritually unclean, filthy, detestible, and disgusting to him. These things provoke God's righteous anger. He has even condemned all of the false religions of the world to destruction by Divine intervention (soon), for their tolerance and practices of spiritism: He has said that this spiritism is to blame for "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." (Leviticus 26:30; 2Corinthians 6:17; Revelation 17:4-6; 18:23,24)

So, this video is far from being harmless - and, with its "messages" unrevoked, it is likely to result in the highest level of human tragedy: It is likely to influence at least some people to their permanent death - from which there will be no further hope for them of ever existing again.

This is the kind of "game" Satan plays. The reality is, however, it is full of deepest death, and its goal is to get people to show ingratitude, defiance, insolence, and hate towards their own Maker.

In spite of all of the Satanic influence in this world, however those who want to do what is right and who will let God guide them will have peace. By obeying Yahweh/ Jehovah's scriptural words, their steps through the end of this wicked world system will be lit up to do what is right, just, true, good, and lastingly beneficial - both for themselves and others. The path into Yahweh/ Jehovah's new world system here will be illuminated before them. (1John 5:19; John 14:27; Psalm 119:105,130)

Start by taking in knowledge of what Yahweh/ Jehovah requires of humans who would be his friends/ his people/ his true worshipers. (John 17:3) It is necessary, for "everlasting life."

A key principle is this: "O you lovers of Jehovah [Yahweh], hate what is bad." (Psalm 97:10)

To hate what is bad is to loyally uphold Yahweh/ Jehovah's righteous standards. God is in no way apathetic towards idolatry or spiritism; and so anyone who wants to be true and loyal to God can't be apathetic towards these things either. Hate the video and the blasphemy of Yahweh's name also. Warn others. Tell them to learn Yahweh/ Jehovah's scriptural commands and principles, and to only worship him "in spirit and truth." Tell them to call on the name of Jehovah [Yahweh], in grateful, pure worship of him, so as to be saved out of this Satanic world system into God's own new world order here on this earth. (Daniel 2:44; Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13; Revelation 21:1-4; Psalm 37:11)

2:12 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

There is no question that this video delivers images of idolatry and spiritism to peoples brains and hearts. The very act of showing disgusting Satanic images while singing "Yahweh" teaches a deadly Satanic lie that Yahweh/ Jehovah would ever accept such a corrupted offering. It also puts fondness for an act of outright blasphemy of Yahweh's name in many people's hearts, and teaches them to accept or practice (rather than rightly hate) such demon-originated thoughts.

In times past, Jehovah/ Yahweh has rightly, angrily EXTERMINATED people who have tried to mix ideas of Satanic idolatry and spiritism with pure worship of him.

HIS FEELINGS HAVE NOT CHANGED. Soon, he will again exterminate those still wishing to push "acceptance" of concepts of idolatry and spiritism. Nearly all of the world's religions have been condemned by God as being guilty - bloodguilty - for doing this. Countless ruined lives and the blood of "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth" have been charged to the idolatrous and spiritistic ways of false religions.

That is why Jehovah/Yahweh IS lovingly warning people to GET OUT OF FALSE RELIGIONS NOW - to leave all of their anti-scriptural, idolatrous, spiritistic beliefs and practices behind; because God will soon bring such entities and their spiritual supporters to total demise. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,23,24)

He wants the earth and the people who live on its hearts made clean of idolatry and Satanism. He wants his name to be cleared of the defamation and blasphemy that has been put on it. He wants his name to be sanctified (made/kept holy), and rightly respected and esteemed everywhere, by all of his intelligent creatures alive.

That is his main reason for bringing his Armageddon to earth - it is coming soon.

So don't believe in or defend any last-minute death-spread the demons are trying to work through this video, U2's promotion of spiritism through mass blasphemy of Yahweh, or anything else against God's will or spirit.

Take that zeal and learn and spread life-saving scriptural truth instead.


5:48 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Update, 8/7/07 - U2 did NOT perform "Yahweh" for the last 11 shows of the Vertigo tour.

As far as direct, straight-out blasphemy goes though; IDOLATROUS fans of theirs; especially intensely FALSE "Christian" and other APOSTATE ones - such as a very fierce, vile, and dead/ demon-influence-conscienced, prophesied book-of-Jude-type HOMOSEXUAL APOSTATE; and a Catholicism-promoting female (?) APOSTATE who is so "holy" and "God-concerned" that "she" has stated plans to let "her" Rottweiller dog attack the next Jehovah's Witness that comes to her door - have KEPT their spiritual-disease-hazard bomb beachball tossed out to them popping way up and lightly landing everywhere amongst them; and have also bumped it out into the general public too.

So, IDOLATROUS u2 "fans" are not just self-re-infecting each other with this spiritually deadly disease of disregarding the whole of God's words, and blaspheming his holy name; but are also infecting other people who have been curious about Yahweh and a song by U2 called "Yahweh."

1:05 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Update to my last comment -

A demonistic/ DEMONIZED, extremely slanderous, WITCH (spiritism practicing) APOSTATE to Yahweh, along with the afore-described two other APOSTATES and other (prophesied) haters of God's words and messengers promoted lies and hate against me to have me and my scriptural warning words ("To" OTHER onlookers, NOT the established apostates) from the God Jehovah/ Yahweh (in unwatered-down, needed, life-saving strength)against blasphemy of his name (and idolatry, etc.) banned and deleted from youtube.

PATHETICALLY, however, none involved in that realize the truth that despite their PROPHESIED behavior; these same scriptural warnings (against blasphemy, idolatry, FALSE religion, spiritual lies, etc., with Armageddon coming) and other scriptural truths concerning Jehovah/ Yahweh's incoming-to-earth (post-Armageddon), heaven-based kingdom-come paradise of peace for God-obedient mankind - and Jehovah/ Yahweh's scriptural REQUIREMENTS for humans who wish to survive Armageddon and be part of his new world system here - WILL ABSOLUTELY, UNSTOPPABLY CONTINUE TO BE PREACHED by his TRUE worshipers (including me, as much as I can) "IN ALL THE INHABITED EARTH FOR A WITNESS TO ALL THE NATIONS..." (Matthew 24:14)

Jehovah/ Yahweh's truth - as it does go out, and as it is appreciated as Divine by honest-and-humble-hearted persons TRULY searching for the REAL God Creator and his truth - will, by its nature, cause a natural consequence to happen to THE WORDS OF THE LIARS against Jehovah-Yahweh and his scriptural people: THE WORDS OF THE LIARS WILL BE CONDEMNED in the minds of those who have learned and rightly applied God's own truth (John 17:3,17). THE WORDS OF THE LIARS WILL BE EXPOSED AS ONLY WORTHLESS, WICKED, spiritually DEADLY (as well as permanently-physically DEADLY, come God's destruction of ungodly persons at Armageddon); and the LIARS themselves along with their words will suffer everlasting humiliation.

Note: Since none of the apostate-to-Yahweh persons who worked to have me banned from that huge website ever had any REAL "reason" to have me banned, they worked the only thing they could to try to have me "outed" - a LIE: The WITCH started a LIE - that my posts (which I copied and pasted as fast as I could sometimes to cover over the lies against my religion, slander against me, and prattle-posts to smother anything I would write that were being relentlessly gang-posted by apostates (the homosexuality-promoting one especially) - were being created by a "spambot." (The homosexuality-promoting APOSTATE was so hideously wicked that he even made up FALSE QUOTES of me saying horrible things, and then put my name by them.)

The thought-lacking "god-of-fortresses" servant-wife member of the TEAM of apostates - who also promoted Catholicism in among her many psychotic AND evil, abusive, predatorizing, and extremely slanderous posts - copied the WITCH team member's stupid lie too, and broadcasted this FALSE charge against me to the world as the "reason" why I was BANNED and all but one of my MANY posts (over a year's work of writing) were DELETED. This evil LIAR posted that SLANDER-EXCUSE right under one of the blasphemous U2-Yahweh videos with the name of MY God (Jehovah/ Yahweh are the SAME God) NOT her god's name on it). This dead/demon-influence-conscienced LIAR even had the EVIL to LIE to the world to say that MOST of my posts were created by a "spambot." (NONE of them were. Instead, they were "created" by a lot of a year's worth of my life - sometimes even through entire nights.) In apparent jealousy, the Catholicism-promoting, LIAR "god of fortresses" servant-wife (the SAME one who first said she would "sic" her Rotweiller dogs on the next Jehovah's Witness that came to her door, and then later said she didn't own any such dogs; and who claims she never slandered me, but merely posted innocent opinions regarding coffee and such [but who told me I should seek "help" - perhaps from a Catholic priest]) also lied to the world that I MUST have been using a "spambot", because no one could possibly have attended those "U2-Yahweh" video posts "24/7", like I seemed to.

Again, after I was banned from that site, and my posts deleted, the persecutors celebrated. They continued to lie about me and my religion. They continued to blaspheme my God and his name.

A know-nothing salesman of "religion" (this person "knows" neither the God Yahweh-Jehovah, nor his truth, but is yet another self-styled "religious expert" writing a book on "religion") whose spiritually baseless criticizing posts I had previously ignored, has also cowardly taken advantage of the situation of my not being able to answer his/her anti-scriptural critiques of me and what I had writen of Jehovah-Yahweh God's own scriptural truth and warnings. The religious salesman/saleswoman expressed that, from their "authoritative wisdom" as a person "writing a book" about "all" religions in general, that it was wrong for me [as an actual, scriptural, dedicated and baptized servant/ messenger of this very God Jehovah/ Yahweh - a long-time faithful and TRUE Witness to his name and truth] to speak God's own commanded WARNING WORDS OF permanent DEATH-by-God on Armageddon Day, soon coming to all persons found being blasphemous and otherwise disobedient, rebellious, and/ or apathetic towards this God.(Ezekiel 3:17-21)

The self-promoting (NOT God or his scriptural truth-promoting) religious salesman/saleswoman bookwriter "counseled" me to instead PANDER to APOSTATES and other opposers of God [who expressed prophesied mocking disregard and hate for his words and scriptural messengers of them, along with stubborn approval of blasphemy, idolatry, other wickedness that God has CONDEMNED; and also unjust slander, and profane, abusive words of hate, etc.] - the salesperson said that I should speak to PLEASE these persons.

But that is the NOT the way of those who truly "know" and OBEY this God, Jehovah-Yahweh and his Son Jesus Christ - it is NOT the way of those with UNDERSTANDING of God's words and spirit!!! We TELL God's scriptural truth AND WARNINGS, as need be. We do it whether it PLEASES other humans, or meets their "approval" OR NOT. We do it KNOWING that these are "the last days" (before Armageddon) of Satan's world domination, and that, as prophesied, most people would REJECT God's the whole of God's scriptural words, commands, and principles being delivered by God's obedient people, and would be hostile towards us.

That religious salesperson was telling me that I should simply do the same as all sell-out-spiritual-integrity-to-God FALSE religionists (especially those of Christendom [FALSE, counterfeit, Christ-denying/disobeying "Christianity"])do - that I should change my scriptural messages to JOIN Satan-serving enemies of Jehovah-Yahweh in their preaching/ teaching of prophesied-type antiscriptural, PSEUDO-SPIRITUAL, man-made (and/ or demon-made) philosophies that "TICKLE THE EARS" of many people; that appease/ support their DESIRES for things which God's own "healthful words" discipline and/ or condemn. (See 2Timothy 4:3,4)

The religious salesperson would like to have seen me speak the more COMMON way - the "warm-fuzzy"; Easter-clothes, lily-holding-cute; Sunday-school-morning-only ("Jesus loves the little children..."), "happy", "everything's okay", televangelist locked-smile way - of pleasing the masses with SPIRITUAL FALSENESS, so as to contribute to [FALSE] spiritual "PEACE" with all humans involved, DESPITE God's own rightness standards and requirements.

I'm sure that the religious salesperson/ bookwriter will have no shortage of people praising his "counsel"/ retort/ philosophy; but that person's "wisdom" IS FOOLISHNESS with God. That person shut me out - as a servant of the Only True God, speaking his words - with their "EMPTY SPEECH."

The religious salesperson/bookwriter/ "expert" ALSO attempted to discredit, even to me myself, the VALUE of what my writing efforts (now banned and deleted on that website) have been, basically trying to SELL/ covince me that they were futile, a waste, for their lack of being more "pleasing" and accommodating to the many. (Others with prophesied hate towards God's scriptural truth and messengers had also tried to "tell" me that "no one" read what I wrote.)

Too bad for you, though, religious salesperson and others who have tried SO HARD to discourage me - you assessments ARE IN DENIAL OF REALITY. Over the course of five years of my writing these same kinds of things on various sites, the numbers of "views" my posts have had is somewhere in the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS; and I've posted links to the global, very multi-languaged site as a means for persons to get more scriptural information through too.

So, neither the labor I've done for Jehovah-Yahweh God (and good,honest-hearted neighbor), NOR THE LOVE I'VE SHOWN FOR GOD'S NAME HAS BEEN IN VAIN. I KNOW that is TRUE, despite what any nagging, negative, faking, lying, spiritually jealous, self-promoting, popularity-seeking, "excuse"-seeking hater of God's words and messengers of them has to say!

Further, I speak to people IN PERSON about these same things.

AND, there are 6.5 million others speaking of the same basic scriptural truths and warnings around this whole world now - against ANY kind of FALSE religion, spiritual lies, and disobedience/ disregard for God's scriptural requirements.

Plus, we have the backing of God's angels, Jesus Christ, and Jehovah-Yahweh God himself with his spirit (his active force) to back us up - lead us.

So - whether opposers like it or not, Jehovah-Yahweh's needed scriptural truth and warnings WILL go out ALL OVER THIS EARTH until Matthew 24:14 is accomplished to God's satisfaction. THAT WILL COME TO BE, one way or another. Then, with everyone alive fairly warned and given a chance to make appropriate choices towards God and is righteousness - to "get out of" FALSE religions and modes of spirituality, and to OBEY Jehovah/ Yahweh's own scriptural requirements - then "the end" (the "great tribulation" culminating in Armageddon) "will come." (Matthew 24:14 again.)

I can hardly wait for Armageddon, which WILL come SOON, by surprise, when MY God comes to enact his promised VENGEANCE for his servants onto unrepentant-and-turned-around persecutors of them. (2Thessalonians 1:6-8)

Like unrepented for idolatry and blasphemy and/ or approval of blasphemy; "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH in an unrighteous way" is a sin "deserving of death" in the God Jehovah-Yahweh's view - it invokes his wrath, which he will soon justly carry out. (Romans 1:18,32)

11:49 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

P.S. The religious salesman/ book author also revealed entirely crass, anti-Yahweh, anti-scriptural, antichrist injustice by (baselessly) ripping at my writing in this circumstance too because it is more than clear that I was being demonistically persecuted by even a TEAM of preditory apostate SLANDERERS; and was unjustly - to the Nth-degree - banned by that website.

For that religious salesperson to step in to "have the last word", the last jab (with such FALSE spiritual authority or knowledge) - to run down my writing, (cluelessly) pronounce my long-term efforts as wasted, "chastise" me for not being more like him/her (a religious salesperson, "pleaser of men" [rather than God]), and try to seal it all off with discouragement to write anymore like I did - was all a show of intense cowardice and unrighteousness.

I would expect that any books promoting spiritual apathy or hostility to Jehovah/ Yahweh's own scriptural truth and messengers would NOT survive God's soon-coming Armageddon forces.

1:37 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...


Lastly, the FALSE religious salesperson/ book author had NOTHING of Yahweh's words and spirit to offer anyone.

That person merely came to POSE THEMSELF as a FALSELY "righteous" authority over the situation at hand. (They were NOT.)

What did that person WANT? ACCOLADES from the MAJORITY - that had already exercised cowardly, Satanic, unrighteous, unjust, anti-scriptural, anti-Yahweh, antichrist mob action to "out" me for speaking God's own truth (in needed strength)? What did the FALSE religious salesperson WANT? Future book sales of yet another book of NOTHING of any true spiritual worth?

For that one's CORRUPT, crowd favor-courting pronouncements and "chastisements" against a true servant of the God Jehovah/ Yahweh (right under a video [though a blasphemous one] with my God's holy upon it), perhaps, along with their project of authoring a book of spiritual apathy/ hostility/partial hostility-to-scriptural-truth NOTHINGNESS, they can also run for office of some part of Satan's world political system.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Dear Bono.

I think you should demote your "chaplain" to hamster cage tender.

9:42 PM  

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