Monday, July 31, 2006

Your Fruitage (To ALL Supporters of FALSE Religions, Who Thus Bear Community Bloodguilt for "All Those Who Have Been Slaughtered on the Earth")*

I saw "your child"
On the front page today
And wondered
How proud you must be

A darling one
With those eyelashes
And mouth
That must have said something.

I saw this boy
And imagined
What conditions
Must have led to such a"birth"

As if false religion
Owned the egg of him
And earth's kings were father
By their sperm.

A womb for him you formed from a bombed building
Crumbled grit became the baby's nest.
Compressed, was its little head left crying?
Hands reached to help, but alas, the rest...

Out the workers pulled a tiny body
Its skin would not be pink, but coated gray
This treasure held, its features were admired
But your war had STOLEN LIFE away.

*(See Revelation chapters 17 and 18; and in particular, 18:4,5; 17:5; 17:2; and 18:24.)

UNLESS people CHANGE, so as to worship Yahweh/Jehovah "with spirit and truth" - unless they learn his will and then worship him according to his own given scriptural terms; unless they become repentant of their sins and past wrong course/associations, and unless they turn to OBEYING God so that their sins can be atoned for by his High Priest-Son's sacrifice; unless they develop and keep a good personal relationship with Jehovah/Yahweh through Jesus Christ - they remain OUTSIDE (or will end up back outside) a spiritual "city of refuge." When Armageddon comes, they will NOT be SHELTERED from he who is also God's appointed "Avenger of blood", the "next-of-kin" of mankind who have been unrighteously "slaughtered", who is Jesus Christ. (He will be accompanied by his heavenly [only] army of faithful and powerful spirit beings.)

So, THE ONLY RIGHT and SMART THING TO DO in regard to these most urgent and vital issues is to humbly and gratefully SUBMIT to our Maker/Creator, the Life-Giver, the God of Love AND JUSTICE, the only rightful and true Sovereign of the Universe - whose name is Jehovah/Yahweh; and to his appointed Highest King-Ransomer-High Priest-Only Mediator/Reconciler for mankind, his Avenger of Blood Son Jesus Christ NOW.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Do U REALLY Want LOVE AND PEACE? Then OBEY Jehovah/Yahweh & Put TRUST in His Incoming Heaven-Based Kingdom - His Words & Spirit CHANGE HEARTS & MINDS

The Belfast "Peace Wall." All I had was a green marker A few minutes And the Truth.

Tryin' to Throw this Divine Lifeline Through the Wind

***Achtung !!***



Walk to the Water, Really Painted Billboards, Capital Letters, In the Name of Love...Begin:Uno

U2, A Lot of Your Fans are Spiritually Dying. If You Really Care About God and Neighbor, You'd Better Sort Things Out and Open Your Mouths Fast

You owe that to the God you've sung about; and you owe that to the millions who "followed" you because they heard scattered references and inferences in your songs to God Almighty's intellectual property-words-Truth.

Your messages to the masses via your performances, songs, and actions as seen through media you have used, however, show that you have mixed unscriptural and indeed anti-scriptural, FALSE religious teachings in with those bits you have used for your hit songs.

Again and again it is evident that MANY people are upholding and defending your mistaken and anti-scriptural teachings ABOVE THOSE PLAINLY PROVIDED by Yahweh/Jehovah in his own words. This is idolatry, and you are the object.

Since you've taken it upon yourselves to be "teachers" of God's words to the masses, you need to realize that puts you in a position of heavy accountability to Yahweh/Jehovah. If you continue to let your throng wallow, flounder, and spiritually drown in the anti-scriptural teachings, philosophies, and practices you have promoted (in an ongoing spirit of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For") - blasphemy; idolatry-spiritism; immorality; non-acknowlegment/denial of God having one body of spiritual truth and one true global congregation under the headship of his one King-Son and mankind's one Ransomer-Mediator, Jesus Christ; idolization of institutions of man or their potential accomplishments as saviors of this world rather than obedience to and trust in God's heaven-based kingdom; ecumenalism of false religions to service agnostic-atheiestic/political/secular-humanistic efforts, etc. - you are going to end up with a SEA of bloodguilt on your heads.

PLEASE OBSERVE what your fans are saying about you. Phrases such as "U2/BONO IS MY GOD", "What would Bono Do?", "The Church of U2/Bono", "U2 and the Eucharist", "In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Bono", "Preaching the U2 Catalog", etc., etc. OUGHT TO ALARM YOU. What also should alarm you and what also is a testimony that such "worship" is very, very amiss is the way such "worshipers" respond with disdain and disagreement towards God's own words of warning against false religion, idolatry, spiritism, blasphemy, immorality, political non-neutrality, etc.

As with other false religions, many of your fans are creating a very loose "church" built on their own desires as well as spiritistic falsehoods.
But such a community blatantly does NOT meet Yahweh/Jehovah's spiritual standards - even as some "members" of it openly MOCK Yahweh's words (and messengers); and it does not nor will it prove to be a place of spiritual refuge - either from Satan's fooling machinations now, or during the "great tribulation" coming to the earth soon, which will culminate in Armageddon.

Armageddon is NOT indescriminate destruction of the earth from A-bombs, etc.

Armageddon IS Yahweh/Jehovah's Day of Wrath towards all those alive on this earth who so unrighteously choose to oppose him and his rule - even though everyone will have been given fair warning to change so as to meet God's just requirements.
Armageddon will also be God's vengeance/serving of justice upon those choosing ungodliness for all of his holy ones and other faithful ones who have been mistreated and/or put to death by satanically-influenced opposers of God and his servants through the ages.

It will also be vengeance/a balancing of justice upon the wicked for all those who have been treated unjustly and/or slaughtered on this earth due to the chosen spiritistic practices of the nations. (Revelation, chapters 17-19)

"There are many here among us who think that life is but a joke"; * but this is not a light matter, this is not "entertainment", and


You were given talents. You listened to the wrong people, and you have misused your "gifts", power, freedom, and voices - because things you've said and done and have boldly recommended to the masses are AGAINST what God's stated will is. Your fans are in a state of imminent spiritual death - which will become permanent physical death at Armageddon - by the city-ful. This tragedy will befall them unless they realize the difference between faulted teachings of men and God's true and vital instructions from his own words.
Do what Paul and Barnabas did when crowds tried to wrongly worship them as the gods Zeus and Hermes. (Acts 14:11-18)





IT IS "MAYDAY", for you, your "crew", and your passengers; along with the rest of this world, "Captain."

"The hour is getting late."*

*From "All Along the Watchtower", by Bob Dylan.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Helping Artists "See the Light"/ Regarding "Large Capital Letters, Large Capital Letters"

A certain wall in Dublin,


....And after.

(Click the pic, and notice the word "NOT.")

Clear Sign that Scriptural Truth Needs to Be Taught

A bench in Dublin.
Some U2 fan's message reads,

"Bono cancelled the debt
He can cancel Armageddon!"