Friday, July 28, 2006

U2, A Lot of Your Fans are Spiritually Dying. If You Really Care About God and Neighbor, You'd Better Sort Things Out and Open Your Mouths Fast

You owe that to the God you've sung about; and you owe that to the millions who "followed" you because they heard scattered references and inferences in your songs to God Almighty's intellectual property-words-Truth.

Your messages to the masses via your performances, songs, and actions as seen through media you have used, however, show that you have mixed unscriptural and indeed anti-scriptural, FALSE religious teachings in with those bits you have used for your hit songs.

Again and again it is evident that MANY people are upholding and defending your mistaken and anti-scriptural teachings ABOVE THOSE PLAINLY PROVIDED by Yahweh/Jehovah in his own words. This is idolatry, and you are the object.

Since you've taken it upon yourselves to be "teachers" of God's words to the masses, you need to realize that puts you in a position of heavy accountability to Yahweh/Jehovah. If you continue to let your throng wallow, flounder, and spiritually drown in the anti-scriptural teachings, philosophies, and practices you have promoted (in an ongoing spirit of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For") - blasphemy; idolatry-spiritism; immorality; non-acknowlegment/denial of God having one body of spiritual truth and one true global congregation under the headship of his one King-Son and mankind's one Ransomer-Mediator, Jesus Christ; idolization of institutions of man or their potential accomplishments as saviors of this world rather than obedience to and trust in God's heaven-based kingdom; ecumenalism of false religions to service agnostic-atheiestic/political/secular-humanistic efforts, etc. - you are going to end up with a SEA of bloodguilt on your heads.

PLEASE OBSERVE what your fans are saying about you. Phrases such as "U2/BONO IS MY GOD", "What would Bono Do?", "The Church of U2/Bono", "U2 and the Eucharist", "In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Bono", "Preaching the U2 Catalog", etc., etc. OUGHT TO ALARM YOU. What also should alarm you and what also is a testimony that such "worship" is very, very amiss is the way such "worshipers" respond with disdain and disagreement towards God's own words of warning against false religion, idolatry, spiritism, blasphemy, immorality, political non-neutrality, etc.

As with other false religions, many of your fans are creating a very loose "church" built on their own desires as well as spiritistic falsehoods.
But such a community blatantly does NOT meet Yahweh/Jehovah's spiritual standards - even as some "members" of it openly MOCK Yahweh's words (and messengers); and it does not nor will it prove to be a place of spiritual refuge - either from Satan's fooling machinations now, or during the "great tribulation" coming to the earth soon, which will culminate in Armageddon.

Armageddon is NOT indescriminate destruction of the earth from A-bombs, etc.

Armageddon IS Yahweh/Jehovah's Day of Wrath towards all those alive on this earth who so unrighteously choose to oppose him and his rule - even though everyone will have been given fair warning to change so as to meet God's just requirements.
Armageddon will also be God's vengeance/serving of justice upon those choosing ungodliness for all of his holy ones and other faithful ones who have been mistreated and/or put to death by satanically-influenced opposers of God and his servants through the ages.

It will also be vengeance/a balancing of justice upon the wicked for all those who have been treated unjustly and/or slaughtered on this earth due to the chosen spiritistic practices of the nations. (Revelation, chapters 17-19)

"There are many here among us who think that life is but a joke"; * but this is not a light matter, this is not "entertainment", and


You were given talents. You listened to the wrong people, and you have misused your "gifts", power, freedom, and voices - because things you've said and done and have boldly recommended to the masses are AGAINST what God's stated will is. Your fans are in a state of imminent spiritual death - which will become permanent physical death at Armageddon - by the city-ful. This tragedy will befall them unless they realize the difference between faulted teachings of men and God's true and vital instructions from his own words.
Do what Paul and Barnabas did when crowds tried to wrongly worship them as the gods Zeus and Hermes. (Acts 14:11-18)





IT IS "MAYDAY", for you, your "crew", and your passengers; along with the rest of this world, "Captain."

"The hour is getting late."*

*From "All Along the Watchtower", by Bob Dylan.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

And here, if U read this, U2; in case you didn't read my changed "bio" on your website:

Do U remember my comment, now years ago on Zootopia [which "your people" banned me from], regarding the UN, the "wild beast" of Rev., & my wondering if the song "One" would become a theme song of mass opposition to God rather than "Imagine"? Have U noticed that seems 2 be coming true?

By so vocally encouraging people to further involve themselves with false religions - even for the sake of humanitarian work - at this pre-Armageddon time of Jehovah/Yahweh ORDERING ALL HUMANS TO CUT ALL TIES WITH THE FALSE RELIGIOUS ELEMENTS OF THIS WORLD - is massing people together in opposition of God's will.

You can see this all coming, can't you? I thought you were a chess player.

These people you are herding back into their false religions - don't you love them??? Because God has already condemned all of the false religions of this world for their bloodguilt, spiritism, and spiritual adultery to him for the benefit of the kings of the earth.

Soon, God is going to use a multi-national political creation of man to devastate the entire world empire of false religions ("Babylon the Great"). He will put the thought of doing so into the heads of the kings of the earth, and they will suddenly work together to destroy "Babylon the Great." That destruction will be quick and hard - it is described as a crash.

Right now, Jehovah is having his true servants warn the whole world to GET OUT OF "Babylon the Great", because he will soon have it crash.

By God's decree, all those found still "inside" of the entities of false religions, despite the warnings now being given WILL SHARE IN THE PLAGUES, DEATH, AND MOURNING that will occur when God puts "Babylon the Great" through its final and most devastating fall.

That will begin "the great tribulation" for this entire world system, which will reel due to the crashing of false religion.

Satan will try to use the same multi-national entity that will destroy Babylon the Great to try to destroy Jehovah's own loyal body of people; but he will not be able to, since God's response will be to unleash Armageddon.

There will not be enough time in between the destruction of Babylon the Great and the global cataclysm of Armageddon for people to sucessfully change religions and find spiritual shelter with Jehovah's people. It will be too late then - as it was after God had shut the door of the Ark and the rain began to fall.

The number of human beings that will die during the upcoming great tribulation culminating in Armageddon - for their not paying attention to God and obeying him - is likely to dwarf the number who have died of the AIDS pandemic.

If you REALLY love Yahweh/Jehovah, Jesus, and your neighbor, you will heed and OBEY God's warnings and QUIT urging your "neighbors" to stay within or return to the realms of false religious organizations that God is angry with and set to destroy.

Surely you don't want to be responsible for leading masses of people - or even one person - to their permanent deaths?

Since you have the power of the media which you do, USE IT to tell people you've made some terrible mistakes. Just repeat what God has said, what God has warned. With that set straight, pray to Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ for what to do next. Learn Jehovah's scripturally given purposes and requirements for us - and obey them.

Work WITH Jehovah and WITH his ONE spirit-directed global congregation, which is under the headship of his Son Jesus Christ, with the rest of HEAVENLY Zion/Israel/Jerusalem (God's wife-like heavenly organization of faithful spirit beings) backing him; and which includes the remnant of Christ's brothers still left here on earth - "the faithful and discreet slave" of Matthew 24:45 - that God uses to spiritually feed and protect his household and their companions on this earth.

Then carry out, correctly, first and foremost, what the "prime directive" for all of TRUE worshipers of Yahweh/Jehovah and followers of Jesus Christ is to do, which is to PREACH THE GOOD NEWS of God's INCOMING, PERFECT and JUST HEAVEN-BASED KINGDOM-GOVERNMENT that will absolutely encompass the whole earth. It will bring a permanent and total end to all poverty, wars, sickness, crime, and other injustices and oppressions of every sort.

As soon as this preaching work is completed to God's satisfaction, God will end this old world system. Babylon the Great will crash, Armageddon will happen, and then the peaceful new world here under rightful God-rule will begin. (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 17 and 18; Daniel 2:44; Revelation 21:3,4).

God will help everyone who puts him, HIS will, and HIS Kingdom FIRST.(Matthew 6:33)

It is absolutely prophesied that right before Armageddon, there will be men who will proclaim that "peace and security" has been achieved for this world by humans - without God-rule, and without his heaven-based Kingdom having been set-up on earth. (1Thessalonians 5:3) They will do this, even though it will NOT BE TRUE that everyone everywhere will be experiencing lasting "peace and security."

Those who will put their trust in any such arrangement of false "peace and security" formed by entities of this world that are actually alienated from God and party to Satan's faulted, demonically influenced system will face doom from the Creator for their unjust, ingrateful, and insolent IDOLATRY of institutions and works of men and Satan and also for their unrighteous disacknowledgment of GOD'S OWN REAL, purposed incoming Kingdom government.

Please turn your ship, and stop leading your fans down into that black and red whirlpool of deadly Satanic idolatry and doom. CHANGE the COURSE of your large ship, and urgently do all you can now to help save all those currently being taken by the undertow. HURRY.

"Silvio, silver and gold WON'T BUY BACK THE BEAT OF A HEART GROWN COLD" *

- or thousands, or millions of them; due TO DROWN for the way things are.

Pray, learn, repent, turn around, and ACT.


*Bob Dylan, again.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

I can deliver a tour of internet comments showing samples of your fans boldly making statements in defiance of Yahweh's stated words and defending and exemplfying YOUR unscriptural teachings INSTEAD. These people will soon, in all likelihood, be executed by Yahweh and Jesus Christ - be dead forever - for making such unrighteous choices, despite scriptural warning.

10:11 PM  

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