Monday, September 25, 2006

IF you REALLY CARE about the survivors of Katrina, why don't you play something tonight that DOESN'T run down faith in God?!

The song "The Saints are Coming" is a whole lot like "Wake Up, Dead Man."

Why don't you QUIT promoting the FALSE ideas that God and Jesus do not care about what happens to man - how they suffer - that God and Jesus aren't interested; that God is inane, SLOW; that he lacks power, wisdom and purpose; and that JESUS AND JEHOVAH THE HEAVENLY FATHER DON'T LISTEN to those who are HONEST-heartedly seeking him, who are willing to obey him?

Is this really going to be your service, to these people who have been through "Sheol" - you, who in this past year-and a half or so have sung "Yahweh" to millions?

"Let everyone naming the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] renounce unrighteousness." (2Timothy 2:19)

Do you know who the "saints", in relation to the True God and life-and-death, really are?
They are NOT a FOOTBALL team that people party over in a stadium or in their living rooms accompanied by beer and car commercials.

The REAL "saints" aren't even the ones Catholics have picked as their "miraculous" role models. The REAL "saints" - or "holy ones" as the Bible calls them - ARE CHRIST'S BROTHERS, the "144,000" who will help Christ rule over the earth from the heavens. (Luke 22:28-30; Romans 15:15-17; Galatians 3:26-29; 4:6,7; Revelation 14:3; 5:9,10). Most are now up in heaven, observing the shennanigans going on here on earth; but a relative few are still present on this planet.

When the REAL "saints" DO "come", soon, ones who have become SPIRIT BEINGS up in the heavens will come along with angels as a HEAVENLY army, and with Jesus Christ as their Commander-in-Chief. They will be bringing JUST, Divine retribution upon all those who disrespect and DISOBEY Jehovah/Yahweh and his Son - including those that make themselves "spiritual" leaders, but who use that position/opportunity to direct people AWAY from Jehovah/Yahweh's one body of truth from his words.

God's own scriptural truth is what people urgently need to learn and OBEY - for the best possible life now, in whatever situation they are in, and for survival into Jehovah/Yahweh's new world system here, where there will be no more poverty, crime, hunger, sickness, killing weather, pain, tears, grief, or even death, eventually. Under the arrangement of God's heaven-based kingdom for earth, dead loved ones who died before Armageddon by indescriminate weather disasters, etc. WILL BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE. (John 3:36; 17:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 21:3,4; Isaiah 25:6-9; 33:24; 65:17-25; John 5:28,29)

Therefore, WHY would anyone choose to perform a song BELITTLING putting TRUST in the Heavenly Father - and so the TRUE SCRIPTURAL HOPE from him - to bring a permanent end to tragedy and to REPAIR GRIEF???


So please cease from running it down.

MLK would be appropriate.

How about then singing "A Sort of Homecoming" - only meaning it?


How about an APOLOGY to God and to the world for the harm you've done to his name and purposes already? How about not doing that anymore?

How about being like David - "make melody" to his name "in front of the national groups" (Psalm 9:1,2; 57:9) - only bringing that name HONOR with truth and examples obedience, reverence and submission to Jehovah/Yahweh; instead of profaning his name and teaching selective disregard for his words? (A key would be to attain to a heart that is "steadfast" to do Jehovah's will according to his words and spirit; rather than one's own will first or anything contrary to that of God's purposes (see Psalm 57:7); also Psalm 116 again, which you famously paraphrased part of, only this time, verse 12 through the end of it, with God's name stuck back in again where it belongs - and set an example that you MEAN it.)

Then you and Green Day could swallow your pride and sing "All Along the Watchtower." It's only 3 chords - even I can play that. (These song choices are just a suggestion, of course. The big thing is to NOT play another "dead man" song.)

How about repentance to God, a "new start" and making whatever reparations can be made, before its too late?


The VISUALS in the video to this song - the one that, IN FANTASY, "show" military fighter planes dropping their war activities to swarm in with relief aid and supplies to Katrina victims - was gutsy and wonderful in depicting how energy and resources could so much better be spent if people were willing to "beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning shears" (or, likewise, their fighter jets into rescue vehicles).

But again, this song doesn't take care enough to avoid the common mistake of letting blame be ultimately dumped on God. He does not deserve to be faulted with the errors of MEN either. So even if, in the context of this video, "Daddy" refers to MEN who were trusted to protect and provide, but who let people down (badly); outside the containment of this video - in much bigger "airspace"/media-realm - this song is still faulting God and suggesting to people to let their faith in him be CONDEMNed: That they give up "BELIEF" / trust in him because he permits natural disasters to occur at this time, and doesn't seem to deliver enough miraculous help at this time.

Please recall that we are still in the post-Eden, pre-new world lesson teaching/precedent setting time. This is the era of settling the issue once and for all: Does mankind need Jehovah/Yahweh to rule over both them and this planet? Should all sentient creation submit to, obey, love, and praise God as the One and Only Rightful Sovereign of the Universe? (The more and more obvious answer to both of those questions should be an easy "yes.") Also, WHO will, rightfully, become and stay loyal to God, even through all these troubled times; thus further proving Satan to be a Liar , and Jehovah/Yahweh to be all-good, etc., - the Greatest One to have a personal relationship with, now and for the future, with the hope that he promises too? Will you?

Lyrics really aren't too hard to alter, are they? But now what? What will you do to stop/ contain/ try to help repair spiritual damage from this poem-bomb too?

The only answer is to obey Jehovah/ Yahweh; do things as he said - HIS way; and to hurry up about it.

"And I dreamed I saw the bomb of death planes riding shotgun in the sky/
Turning into butterflies above our nation.
We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year old carbon
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden."

(From "Woodstock", by Jonie Mitchell)

Jehovah/ Yahweh will soon break all the instruments of war. (Psalm 46:9) He will END natural disasters. He will establish his own fully-peaceful, righteous, heaven-based Kingdom over ALL the earth, which will take care of EVERY person's needs; and he will even resurrect the dead - all this and more. This whole world is going to become like one big garden of Eden. Isn't that something better to sing about?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

In Regard to Yet Another Book Supporting Idolatry of "U2" Philosophy

(I couldn't post this on the website of the on-line book-selling giant without purchasing the book, which, understandably, I do not want to do. [And besides, it might not have been printed) So, just pretend that this is there, and read it anyway.)

Re: One Step Closer: Why U2 Matters to Those Seeking God

Calling All U2 Idolaters! Here's Another Book 4 U!

What a nightmare. Please - avoid this book. Will it lead you to true, blessed worship through TRUE presentation of Scripture? NO WAY. This isn't the first "U2 fan"-based book that has EXTORTED Scriptures to make false EXCUSES for people to NOT TO HAVE TO OBEY ALL OF GOD'S OWN COMMANDS and PRINCIPLES. It is ANOTHER one that promotes "worship" "Bono style" - above what God himself plainly states in his own words. (Thereby, in essence, it exalts Bono-worship/idolatry.) It thus de-values Yahweh/Jehovah and Jesus Christ's ONE SPIRITUAL BODY OF TRUTH FOR HUMANKIND. It also denies the existence of God's ONE scripturally-verified, globally united congregation/organization under the very name of God and under the headship of Jesus Christ - THAT DOES EXIST; as per orderly, never-lying, never-illogical God Almighty. (John 17:17; Ephesians 4:3-6; John 13:35; Acts 15:14; Hebrews 6:18; 1Corinthians 14:33; and so much more.) [IF people submit to this scriptural arrangement, they join with those from around the earth who already TRULY follow Isaiah 2:2-4, and DO NOT LIFT UP (a physical) SWORD against their fellow man - those who refuse to even "learn war" anymore. So the ONE TRUE RELIGION already IS a force for TRUE peace in this world.]

So, as it is, this book is yet another one that jumps on the back of a charismatic leader/idol (be warned of Jude 16), and, as a result of not putting God first, shares in doing the will of Satan by crying out what is NOT true. That runs down those who ARE God's true, faithful, God-authorized human messengers in this world - those who actually DO God's will - and their preaching work of what IS wholly TRUE from the Bible. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20) .

Anti-scriptural preaching also MAKES TROUBLE for the few of Christ's spiritual brothers that are still left on earth. (These ones are NOT, generally speaking, "the poor" of the earth, as Bono has very incorrectly taught to masses of false religious leaders lately, plus throngs of others.) Preaching that teaches disregard for even some of God's own words aggravates God's spirit and works AGAINST Christ's brothers: It MISTREATS them - since it is THEIR commission from God to HEAD the delivery of his WHOLE needed truth, including his REAL Kingdom blessing and WARNING messages, to all the world.
(Matthew 24:45; 25:34-46; Ezekiel 33:8,9)

It is ESPECIALLY URGENT, then, that people learn to listen to GENUINE scriptural, lifesaving messages. These are being preached by Jehovah/Yahweh's own-named faithful and dedicated true worshipers/servants/messengers - by both Christ's brothers and their earth-futured close companions along with them - "in all the inhabited earth" in this very critical time period of the last part of the last days.

To make yet another "U2" book glorifying the "godly example" of Bono, when this person even recently (again) preached to MANY that, in essence, people don't really need to heed ALL of God's scriptural requirements - notably those pertaining to moral cleanness - that basically, all they have to do is focus on caring for the materially poor - is to print yet another idolatrous FALSE GUIDE for the masses, one which can easily lead them to permanent death-by-Yahweh/Jehovah soon at his Day of Justice/Vengeance (Armageddon). No one found disobedient/rebellious to God and his actual scriptural standards will survive that day; neither will anyone "liking and carrying on a lie." (Revelation 22:15)

Moreover, the mass-media-ed speeches of the man named Bono have become more and more distanced from teaching the truth about what God's scripturally documented purposes are. Point-blank, now he himself boldly teaches and defends a popular false-"Christian" concept that men are supposed to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth. That is a lie that strikes out against the very central issue of Universal Sovereignty itself. It reiterates Satan's first lies in Eden that brought death and trouble into this world - that MEN can rule themselves and be just fine without obeying God and submitting at all times to his rightful Authority; and that men "positvely would not die" for such rebellion - that there who be no real penalty. (Genesis 3:1-5) It also DEFIES one the of the TOP themes of the entire Bible, which is the re-establishment of rightful and life-giving GOD RULE for mankind - which will come about ONLY BY MEANS OF JEHOVAH/YAHWEH'S HEAVEN-BASED KINGDOM GOVERNMENT ARRANGEMENT FOR EARTH UNDER THE KINGSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST (as God's appointed King) HIMSELF. No MAN-MADE "kingdom of God" can possibly establish perfect and lasting global peace and justice; and permanently end sickness, poverty, pain, tears, resurrect dead loved ones, etc.; and even (eventually) end death for everyone, everywhere on earth - as God Almighty promises will happen under HIS OWN Divine KINGDOM government.

First, though, God will do as he has stated:
1.) He will destroy the world empire of FALSE religions, which spiritually-adulterously support the interests of the "kings of the earth" instead of the interests of God Almighty and Jesus Christ and God's own already-established Kingdom in the heaven which will soon encompass the earth. False religions are also already condemned by God for having msled the nations with their SPIRITISM; and so also have been charged with the bloodguilt for "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." (See Revelation chapters 17 and 18, and in particular, verses 17:1-3; 18:4,5,8,20,21,23-24.)
2.) IMMEDIATELY following God's destruction of the entities of false religion; Armageddon itself will occur. All the current kingdoms of man, which are all deficient, will be "crushed" and brought to an "end." (Daniel 2:44) All forces and persons found in opposition to God will be removed from the earth. (Revelation 19:11-21; 20:1-3; Psalm 37:10)


In order to be allowed by God to live, to be a part of the wonderful TRUE "Kingdom come" for earth - rather than dying because of putting faith in a God-defiant,MAN-MADE, false-fantasy one - people need to LEARN to CHANGE THEIR HEARTS and MINDS, to become grateful and OBEDIENT to God, on HIS OWN TERMS. They MUST do that. (Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8:10; contrasted against the attitudes of those described at Hebrews 4:17-19.) That way, they would be fit citizens of his new world here - persons CAPABLE of TRUE love, peace, justice, etc.The time to seek and obey God's TRUE scriptural will, to save the life of oneself - and also so to be able to REALLY help save the lives of others - is NOW, NOW, NOW.

Do NOT beLIEve those who try to teach/sell you that God Almighty does not have his own scriptural requirements that humans MUST meet in order for God to continue to give them life. (2Thessalonians 1:8) It was predicted long ago that there would come to be FALSE TEACHERS (about God) in "the last days"; and that they would be sought after by those wanting to have their ears "tickled" with false sayings of easy-going worship - such as that which would excuse immorality, etc. (2Timothy 4:3,4; Proverbs 1:32; the book of Jude)

I would say to the author, please cut your losses - please pull the book from the market now; so as to avoid BLOODGUILT on your head for everyone who would read it and be misled to their permanent death at Armageddon, which is VERY soon. Please take in the additional SCRIPTURAL knowledge needed for preaching what is true. (John 17:3; 2Timothy 3:16,17)

P.S. The second section of this book is called "Singing the Cross." The cross is pagan/spiritistic and is nothing for TRUE Christians to "teach" or utilize as a symbol. Jesus NEVER died on a CROSS. He died on a "stauros" or "xylon" - one upright stake/tree with no horizonal crossbar.

The third section is called "Singing the Truth." THAT WOULD BE NICE, IF U2 were singing ONLY the truth - but they are (sadly) currently NOT - and neither are those promoting anti-scriptural philosophies similar to theirs.

To, in effect, preach distrust of God's biblical solutions for mankind's and earth's problems; and to promote trust in the wisdom and organizations of men instead to "solve" such issues (even in a limited way) may seem like "the ticket" for getting much done in the way of humanitarian work. (Many even view this as the way to global "peace and security.") However, teaching persons to, in effect, put faith in men rather than God, obey men rather than God, and be loyal to men rather than God is BACKWARDS from what is just, right, and true to teach in connection with our very own Creator. Soon, everyone refusing to think and live according to God's righteous will and purposes will be dead forever; despite any "good deeds" they may have done. (Matthew 7:21-23) Likewise, even the poor who have been physically helped can still soon lose their eternal lives - if they are taught to put their trust in men rather than God, and then make the great error of doing so.

Did you buy the book? (I didn't.) It hurts to lose money, but do yourself a favor. Do what I did to other "spirituality of U2" sorts of books that I bought in the past to investigate and report on. Make yourself a little bonfire.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Not the Same (Side)

It's not getting better
It's way worse than before.
Yahweh has been blasphemed,
The Devil let through the door.

Jah said: No idols
No lies
To despise.

One God
Has given warning
False religion
Will soon be mourning.

His own global Bible
Always says what's true
It shows that any day now
This old "world" will be through

And its SO LATE,
Just "moments" left
To get things right

'Can't be "one"
I can't be the same
As those who do not know God
And will not honor his name.


What do you see to put first,
Pleasing God or men?
Why join with Satan's system
Jehovah soon will end?

Does God ask so much
More than he should
For us to trust him
To do what is good?

He's One
Always been the same
Is the meaning of his name.

He says, LOVE'S being thankful,
To obey his words
LOVE'S being righteous,
To obey his words.

He asks us to listen
Then ACT on what we've learned
And teach "neighbors" the same

One Jah,
His one Son
One peaceful world here
When HIS Kingdom comes.

One Way
To live forever
With sisters
And brothers.

To save people's lives
We've got to tell it to others,
Tell it to others
Tell... truth...
Tell... truth...

Hear me calling Jah
Make it soon
'So sick of the evil
And hurt by the ruin
Who are the last ones
That will turn around?
Give them their chance
Then bring this whole "world" down