Monday, September 25, 2006

IF you REALLY CARE about the survivors of Katrina, why don't you play something tonight that DOESN'T run down faith in God?!

The song "The Saints are Coming" is a whole lot like "Wake Up, Dead Man."

Why don't you QUIT promoting the FALSE ideas that God and Jesus do not care about what happens to man - how they suffer - that God and Jesus aren't interested; that God is inane, SLOW; that he lacks power, wisdom and purpose; and that JESUS AND JEHOVAH THE HEAVENLY FATHER DON'T LISTEN to those who are HONEST-heartedly seeking him, who are willing to obey him?

Is this really going to be your service, to these people who have been through "Sheol" - you, who in this past year-and a half or so have sung "Yahweh" to millions?

"Let everyone naming the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] renounce unrighteousness." (2Timothy 2:19)

Do you know who the "saints", in relation to the True God and life-and-death, really are?
They are NOT a FOOTBALL team that people party over in a stadium or in their living rooms accompanied by beer and car commercials.

The REAL "saints" aren't even the ones Catholics have picked as their "miraculous" role models. The REAL "saints" - or "holy ones" as the Bible calls them - ARE CHRIST'S BROTHERS, the "144,000" who will help Christ rule over the earth from the heavens. (Luke 22:28-30; Romans 15:15-17; Galatians 3:26-29; 4:6,7; Revelation 14:3; 5:9,10). Most are now up in heaven, observing the shennanigans going on here on earth; but a relative few are still present on this planet.

When the REAL "saints" DO "come", soon, ones who have become SPIRIT BEINGS up in the heavens will come along with angels as a HEAVENLY army, and with Jesus Christ as their Commander-in-Chief. They will be bringing JUST, Divine retribution upon all those who disrespect and DISOBEY Jehovah/Yahweh and his Son - including those that make themselves "spiritual" leaders, but who use that position/opportunity to direct people AWAY from Jehovah/Yahweh's one body of truth from his words.

God's own scriptural truth is what people urgently need to learn and OBEY - for the best possible life now, in whatever situation they are in, and for survival into Jehovah/Yahweh's new world system here, where there will be no more poverty, crime, hunger, sickness, killing weather, pain, tears, grief, or even death, eventually. Under the arrangement of God's heaven-based kingdom for earth, dead loved ones who died before Armageddon by indescriminate weather disasters, etc. WILL BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE. (John 3:36; 17:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 21:3,4; Isaiah 25:6-9; 33:24; 65:17-25; John 5:28,29)

Therefore, WHY would anyone choose to perform a song BELITTLING putting TRUST in the Heavenly Father - and so the TRUE SCRIPTURAL HOPE from him - to bring a permanent end to tragedy and to REPAIR GRIEF???


So please cease from running it down.

MLK would be appropriate.

How about then singing "A Sort of Homecoming" - only meaning it?


How about an APOLOGY to God and to the world for the harm you've done to his name and purposes already? How about not doing that anymore?

How about being like David - "make melody" to his name "in front of the national groups" (Psalm 9:1,2; 57:9) - only bringing that name HONOR with truth and examples obedience, reverence and submission to Jehovah/Yahweh; instead of profaning his name and teaching selective disregard for his words? (A key would be to attain to a heart that is "steadfast" to do Jehovah's will according to his words and spirit; rather than one's own will first or anything contrary to that of God's purposes (see Psalm 57:7); also Psalm 116 again, which you famously paraphrased part of, only this time, verse 12 through the end of it, with God's name stuck back in again where it belongs - and set an example that you MEAN it.)

Then you and Green Day could swallow your pride and sing "All Along the Watchtower." It's only 3 chords - even I can play that. (These song choices are just a suggestion, of course. The big thing is to NOT play another "dead man" song.)

How about repentance to God, a "new start" and making whatever reparations can be made, before its too late?


The VISUALS in the video to this song - the one that, IN FANTASY, "show" military fighter planes dropping their war activities to swarm in with relief aid and supplies to Katrina victims - was gutsy and wonderful in depicting how energy and resources could so much better be spent if people were willing to "beat their swords into plowshares, their spears into pruning shears" (or, likewise, their fighter jets into rescue vehicles).

But again, this song doesn't take care enough to avoid the common mistake of letting blame be ultimately dumped on God. He does not deserve to be faulted with the errors of MEN either. So even if, in the context of this video, "Daddy" refers to MEN who were trusted to protect and provide, but who let people down (badly); outside the containment of this video - in much bigger "airspace"/media-realm - this song is still faulting God and suggesting to people to let their faith in him be CONDEMNed: That they give up "BELIEF" / trust in him because he permits natural disasters to occur at this time, and doesn't seem to deliver enough miraculous help at this time.

Please recall that we are still in the post-Eden, pre-new world lesson teaching/precedent setting time. This is the era of settling the issue once and for all: Does mankind need Jehovah/Yahweh to rule over both them and this planet? Should all sentient creation submit to, obey, love, and praise God as the One and Only Rightful Sovereign of the Universe? (The more and more obvious answer to both of those questions should be an easy "yes.") Also, WHO will, rightfully, become and stay loyal to God, even through all these troubled times; thus further proving Satan to be a Liar , and Jehovah/Yahweh to be all-good, etc., - the Greatest One to have a personal relationship with, now and for the future, with the hope that he promises too? Will you?

Lyrics really aren't too hard to alter, are they? But now what? What will you do to stop/ contain/ try to help repair spiritual damage from this poem-bomb too?

The only answer is to obey Jehovah/ Yahweh; do things as he said - HIS way; and to hurry up about it.

"And I dreamed I saw the bomb of death planes riding shotgun in the sky/
Turning into butterflies above our nation.
We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year old carbon
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden."

(From "Woodstock", by Jonie Mitchell)

Jehovah/ Yahweh will soon break all the instruments of war. (Psalm 46:9) He will END natural disasters. He will establish his own fully-peaceful, righteous, heaven-based Kingdom over ALL the earth, which will take care of EVERY person's needs; and he will even resurrect the dead - all this and more. This whole world is going to become like one big garden of Eden. Isn't that something better to sing about?


Blogger Theresa1 said...


That's a much better "suggestion" than this, isn't it? :

"How long now until a weather change condemns belief?" ("The Saints are Coming")

12:46 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

"Beautiful Day" is a great song; but what MAKES it great are the images of truth and hope you TOOK OUT OF GOD'S WORDS - the after-Flood rainbow, the bird with the leaf in its mouth, etc. (Also, it doesn't have anything bad in it at the same time to detract from God's words.)

That being the case, it would NOT be JUST then, to turn around and have some of the funds gained from the downloads of this song given over to God-condemned false religions - so that they can get new instruments to use in their "worship" - would it?

Please see Revelation, chapters 17 and 18. (God is now having people everywhere warned to "get out of" all false religions - to immediately cease association with them; to not spiritually support such entities, or their false teachings or practices. See Revelation 18:4,5,8)

The repercussions for not following God on this - and for leading others to do the same - could end up bringing much human tragedy. These words come to mind: They use metaphor to describe the state of things for the world empire of false religion after God uses Divine intervention to bring about its final and total fall: Revelation 18:21-24; 19:1-3.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Revelation 18:21-24 reads -
"And a strong angel lifted up a stone like a great millstone and hurled it into the sea, saying: 'Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again. AND THE SOUND OF THE SINGERS WHO ACCOMPANY THEMSELVES ON THE HARP AND OF MUSICIANS AND OF FLUTISTS AND OF TRUMPETERS WILL NEVER BE HEARD IN YOU AGAIN, and no craftsmen of any trade will ever be found in you again, and no sound of a millstone will ever be heard in you again, and no light of a lamp will ever shine in you again, and no voice of a bridegroom and of a bride will ever be heard in you again; BECAUSE YOUR TRAVELING MERCHANTS WERE THE TOP-RANKING MEN OF THE EARTH, for by your spiritistic practice all the nations were misled. Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth.'"

So, any spiritually-minded musicians who wish to continue their art (and everyone else alive too) will need to heed God's warning to get out of any FALSE religion and turn to serving Jehovah according to his words and spirit (which would also mean doing so with his one global congregation)instead.

Of the world-wide conglomerate of all FALSE religions, which God has named a "city" called "Babylon the Great" -

"Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind." (Revelation 18:4,5)

12:37 PM  

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