Since 1000 Years is as a Day/ To the God Jehovah-Yahweh...
Why would he not feel the same
That he did before, about his name?
"No man can own, no man can take"....Those are phrases from U2's song "Yahweh." Here though, please apply that poetry to the name of the God that song is addressed to.
No man can own or "take" Yahweh/ Jehovah's name - and use it in any way against Yahweh's commands and principles. He holds that name as holy-precious to himself, for the good of all; and warns that no man had ever dare link it to anything of idolatry/spiritism. Some have tried this in the past - calling on the name of Jehovah/Yahweh while worshiping Baal gods, golden calves, etc. God did not listen to them, his anger raged against them, he did not protect them, and he even had thousands put to death on account of this.
In 2005 and early 2006, in place of a statue of a golden calf, millions have been shown spiritistic and idol images made of golden-colored lights while some performers have sung "Yahweh."
What would make people think Yahweh feels any different about this than he did about the golden-calved "festival to Jehovah" in front of Mount Sinai; or the "concerts" for "worship" of Jehovah centered around a golden calf in Amos' day? He must feel even more angry - because such lessons of the past have already been provided as WARNING examples.
That he did before, about his name?
"No man can own, no man can take"....Those are phrases from U2's song "Yahweh." Here though, please apply that poetry to the name of the God that song is addressed to.
No man can own or "take" Yahweh/ Jehovah's name - and use it in any way against Yahweh's commands and principles. He holds that name as holy-precious to himself, for the good of all; and warns that no man had ever dare link it to anything of idolatry/spiritism. Some have tried this in the past - calling on the name of Jehovah/Yahweh while worshiping Baal gods, golden calves, etc. God did not listen to them, his anger raged against them, he did not protect them, and he even had thousands put to death on account of this.
In 2005 and early 2006, in place of a statue of a golden calf, millions have been shown spiritistic and idol images made of golden-colored lights while some performers have sung "Yahweh."
What would make people think Yahweh feels any different about this than he did about the golden-calved "festival to Jehovah" in front of Mount Sinai; or the "concerts" for "worship" of Jehovah centered around a golden calf in Amos' day? He must feel even more angry - because such lessons of the past have already been provided as WARNING examples.