Thursday, October 26, 2006

Since 1000 Years is as a Day/ To the God Jehovah-Yahweh...

Why would he not feel the same
That he did before, about his name?


"No man can own, no man can take"....Those are phrases from U2's song "Yahweh." Here though, please apply that poetry to the name of the God that song is addressed to.

No man can own or "take" Yahweh/ Jehovah's name - and use it in any way against Yahweh's commands and principles. He holds that name as holy-precious to himself, for the good of all; and warns that no man had ever dare link it to anything of idolatry/spiritism. Some have tried this in the past - calling on the name of Jehovah/Yahweh while worshiping Baal gods, golden calves, etc. God did not listen to them, his anger raged against them, he did not protect them, and he even had thousands put to death on account of this.

In 2005 and early 2006, in place of a statue of a golden calf, millions have been shown spiritistic and idol images made of golden-colored lights while some performers have sung "Yahweh."

What would make people think Yahweh feels any different about this than he did about the golden-calved "festival to Jehovah" in front of Mount Sinai; or the "concerts" for "worship" of Jehovah centered around a golden calf in Amos' day? He must feel even more angry - because such lessons of the past have already been provided as WARNING examples.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

Well, martijn; I am VERY familiar with the philosophy that you are upholding here; and >>> I REJECT IT entirely as being >>> THE LIE <<< that IS DESTROYING MOST OF THIS WORLD - the REASON FOR ALL SUFFERING AND INJUSTICE ON EARTH NOW and throughout history.

It is the SAME LIE as MOST people of this dying world have been persuaded and even BRAINWASHED to beLIEve. It is the SAME LIE first taught by SATAN, which originally brought death and injustice into our world.

Satan taught our first parents that that they should have THEIR OWN "PERSPECTIVE" of what Jehovah their Creator said - that God's instruction was ONLY "RELATIVELY" RIGHT, "RELATIVELY" TRUE. Satan coached Adam and Eve that they would DO BETTER IF THEY CHOSE to view things this way: TO REBEL AGAINST GOD; to DEFY, DE-VALUE, DISREGARD, and DISOBEY the COMMANDS and principles of the Maker himself.

They believed Satan's lie. It offered them FALSE FREEDOM from the having to respect, honor, and obey Jehovah (as they rightly owed to; even though God's standards were for their own good anyway). Satan's lies appealed to wrongful pride that they were developing inside - wrongful pride like Satan had developed - that THEY SHOULD DESIRE to BE gods of themselves, as opposed to submitting to the One who made them.

Satan, however, was actually seeking to be god of them. Because Adam and Eve DID believe and act on his LIE; however, even though they THOUGHT they were gaining the "freedom" of becoming their own gods and making their own decisions as to what they should be allowed to do; they were actually following Satan's lead. Thus, the Devil, an unrighteous rebel against God who had NOTHING of any good and lasting value to offer anyone - including the power to sustain life - became their god.

Adam and Eve permanently LOST THEIR LIVES for listening to Satan's lie-advice that God Almighty's words weren't REALLY true, that they wouldn't REALLY die for disobeying Jehovah like God fairly warned they would. Satan's PERSONAL "PERSPECTIVE" and "RELATIVE" TRUTH certainly FAILED them. Not only did Adam and Eve DIE (forever); but their children inherited the corruption of their then imperfect/ dying minds and bodies and their to tendency to sin - and have suffered and died since.

Satan is ALSO the god of MOST of the people of this world today - of all those that crave and go after the FALSE freedom and "better" ("enlightened") way he has promoted: TO LIVE, THINK, and ACT IN DENIAL AND DEFIANCE OF THE CREATOR. (2Peter 2:19; 2Corinthians 4:4; 1John 5:19)

Now, please OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE >>> REALITY OF THE RESULTS of viewing God's commands and principles as negotiable, simply a matter of personal preference/perspective, as only of "RELATIVE" WORTH or TRUTH. LOOK AROUND YOU at this world in ruins - MANY PEOPLE exhibit this same wrongful, false pride; as they live IN DENIAL of GOD'S TRUTH and disregard his instruction.

There is no more UNNATURAL; UNRIGHTOUS; and HARMFUL-to-oneself-and-others way to think and live than that. DISREGARDING the words and counsel of God himself has made people in general as untrustworthy, selfish, dishonest, etc. as they are.

Also, indeed, for their DENIAL OF REALITY - that they belong submitting to and obeying their own Creator - the evidence of which is both built-in their very beings and in all of creation around them; all persons rebelling against God's stated truth ARE TRULY INSANE. (Romans 1:19,20) (The rotten and harmful way many treat others, and the deplorable state of the world today are EVIDENCE of that.) Those who persist in this kind of denial of reality - which not only disacknowledges truth; but which also mixes in with that UNRIGHTEOUS ingratitude and disregard for God himself - can expect mental and spiritual corruption and bad effects from that - (Romans 1:21,22) Decisions and actions are likely to become further distanced from what is right. (2Timothy 3:1-13)

Jehovah himself has put out very STRONG WORDS OF WARNING against the POPULAR FALLICY of his commands and principles as being merely "optional" for humankind, according to THEIR individual "PERSPECTIVE"; and his words being held in inaccuracy - to be only "RELATIVELY" true. (Romans 1:28-32) (Even many leaders of Christendom [FALSE "Christianity"] teach this!)

Those who REFUSE to LEARN and OBEY God's righteous scriptural standards can choose God-defiance if they want to: They, like Satan and Adam and Eve, can anti-gratefully ABUSE their God-given gifts of free will, conscience and intellect in this way too, if they so desire. However, just as in the case of Satan, Adam, Eve, Judas, and others who have sinned against God's holy spirit; God Almighty, by standards of Divine JUSTICE, will NOT be able to grant them continued EXISTENCE.

Adam, Eve, Judas, and some wicked Pharisees, for instance, are now dead forever. They will never be resurrected back to life. Satan and his demons will soon be abyssed for future total and permanent annihilation.

Armageddon is on its way. In this LAST PART of THE "LAST DAYS", MANY - if not most - people ARE CHOOSING DENIAL of and DISOBEDIENCE to Jehovah's just, diciplining, and warning words. Many insolently boast of their disdain for God's biblically-provided requirements and standards; and do indeed RIDICULE them. Some work fiercely to try to stop or impede the God-willed global preaching of his scriptural blessing and warning messages. Some even show hate towards God's loyal human servants who DO obey and DO teach these lifesaving things to others - (Jude; Revelation 12:17)

Jehovah and Jesus accurately predicted this situation. (Matthew 5:11; John 15:18-23; 17:14-18; 2Peter 3:3,4 and more.) Whereas individuals are "free" to make such unrighteous choices now - despite warning against doing so being put out all over the earth at this time - God has stated that he will not continue to give them life either: Opposers of God and those who make trouble for his faithful messengers will soon pass away forever with the rest of Satan's world system, at Armageddon. (2Thessalonians 1:6-8; Psalm 37:9,10)

God's scriptural judgment messages of what he has condemned as evil are NOT "RELATIVE." They are Divine WARNINGS. Obedience to these commandments and principles are REQUIREMENTS FROM GOD HIMSELF for those he will let live beyond the fast-approaching cataclysm of Armageddon, for them to be part of HIS PEACEFUL and JUST new world system here on earth - his heaven-based "Kingdom come."

The only "PERSPECTIVE" that will matter come Jehovah's Great and Fear-Inspiring Day (his Day of Divine Vengeance, Armageddon) will be HOW GOD VIEWS each individual regarding how they responded to his messages of truth; i.e., did they choose to listen to and obey them - or did they cast them off in ever-popular, haughty, falsely-prideful, self-serving, mocking, etc., anti-godly apathy and/ or hate?

I hope you think about >>> God's "PERSPECTIVE" of YOUR HEART and MIND (because HE READS THEM BOTH, at will) and all actions - which he can constantly observe. He has provided HIS STANDARDS and REQUIREMENTS for you and all people. If any human's "PERSPECTIVE" is that they do not agree with God and so intend to rebel against any of his orders, they had better (quickly) humbly and honestly re-consider what their rightful place in this universe is. (It is NOT that of Maker and Giver of Life.) Jehovah's scriptural commands and judgments are NOT "relative", but are definite, and all persons will be HELD ACCOUNTABLE as to whether they are obedient to them or not.

Thanks for calling me "crazy" - the Son of God was called "crazy" too.

Have a good day.

6:08 PM  

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