Sunday, November 26, 2006

Need Our God to Bring a Free World

Message in the street
What does it mean to you
Jah's prophesies
All comin' true
There's warning signs all around your head
Better listen or you're soon be dead
World run by Satan, a ruin tonight
So gotta be true, gotta do what's right!!!!!!!

We're not living in a free world
We're not living in a free world
We're not living in a free world
Need our God to bring a free world.

Terror screams
From refugees
By the demonized.
The water's dirty, air's bad to breathe
Hope-lost, lie-fed kids are grieved
No medicine, no food to eat
Money goes to guns and greed.

We're not living in a free world
We're not living in a free world
Need our God to bring a free world
Obey Jah to see a free world........

Friday, November 17, 2006

Just "The Dark Before the Dawn"? I Hope So.

From what I posted on youtube -

"Yahweh" was not performed for the last three shows...
"COEXIST" is still blasphemous though. Yahweh/ God doesn't want those false religions to keep on existing. Their "making peace" amongst each other - with a common ground of being false to God and serving the kingdoms of men, NOT God's real heaven-based Kingdom for earth and IT'S interests - is NOT the key to "peace on earth."
Similarly, uniting false religions/religionists along with those even outspokenly insolent towards God under a "One" campaign will NOT "end extreme poverty" for everyone, lastingly. Yahweh will not bless those efforts; and neither would he want them promoted. People need to "get out of" and away from the false religions God has condemned. (Revelation 18:4,5) His kingdom coming down will permanently solve the other problems soon.
In the meantime, people need to "TRUST IN JEHOVAH [YAHWEH] and do good; reside in the earth , and DEAL WITH FAITHFULNESS" (Psalm 37:3) - not disobey him or act disloyally towards him in any way, or promote anything against his will. Learn his scriptural truth, obey it, do his will, preach his truth, THEN MAKE MELODY TO HIS NAME even in front of the national groups, like David sang.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Phone Your "Buddy"?

This has been on the internet:

"As part of his project, Crosbie is building a 35 storey building called "The Watchtower" that will stand on the northside of the Liffey opposite the planned U2 Tower on the southside, which will house the band's new recording studio. Both towers will be the same height. Crosbie intends to hold an international competition to create a lighting design to link the two towers."

From the Sunday Business Post - November 5, 2006

Irony-mockery? Mockery-irony?

In association with The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York / International Bible Students; as a peaceful, united, global religion, Jehovah's Witnesses do have branch offices in a number of countries, and Ireland is one of them. These GENUINE servants of the True God LIVE UP TO the Scriptures that "the watchtower" is taken from - Isaiah 21.

This man who wants to "link lights" between the "U2 Tower" and HIS "Watchtower" building - does he KNOW that U2 just spent 2005 and early 2006 BLASPHEMING the name of Jehovah/ Yahweh with an idolatrous-pagan-spiritistic light show (and other elements of their performances) to millions of people? Also, although they likely could have done SOMETHING, with all of their money, marketing, and media power to retract or renounce the popular, though full-scale blasphemous "Yahweh" video that their live-performance "Yahweh" light show images were taken from, no news/lesson of any such regret has been made known thus far.

Both the light show and video for "Yahweh" VIOLATE the main running purpose-theme of the entire Bible, which is the SANCTIFICATION - the making or keeping holy - of God's personal name. The principle, along with warning of penalty, is clearly spelled out in Exodus 20:1-7. It is also know as "the First Commandment": Never, ever, should anything spiritually filthy - of idolatry-spiritism - be tied to God's holy name; and never should his name be "taken in vain" - profaned by any ungodliness, false religious teaching; or used for any purpose against God's stated will.

Mocking God Almighty; or "stealing", extorting, disrespecting, being wreckless with, trampling upon or profaning his possessions - his people, his "utensils", or his intellectual property (such as his Scriptures, his biblical images, and ESPECIALLY HIS NAME) - NEVER bodes well. It never has, and it never will. People can and should take warning examples from the past, though.

Nimrod wanted to mock God, to challenge him, to defy him. So, he bragged about and proceeded to build a TOWER (Babel) that would reach right up into the heavens - right up in God's "face." Jehovah/ Yahweh, however, caused the workers to have to quit - and masses were dispersed away from there.

The walls of Jericho? They tumbled down, as the song goes.

Armageddon is going to "shake" anything and everything in opposition to Jehovah to the ground, so to say.

With this kind of thing going on, God's Day of Anger MUST be coming soon.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Justice Coming (Another Song in Response to the Behavior of Idolatrous U2 Fans)

Doesn't matter what the wicked think
Truth will be told ALL AROUND THEM
Snivel their putrid lie-excuses
Gonna leave them as I found them.

Hearing they didn't listen
Watching they didn't see
Can't stop sex-worshipers and others
From loving their IDOLATRY.

Sodom and Gomorrah
Evade their intellect
As they bow to men and their fantasies
They'll deserve what they get.

Bow to the Beast and The Lie
Shout TRUST in plans of men
Pat each other on the back
For the grossest God defying.

Watched it happen, the prophesies
Watched them be fulfilled
Watch those choosing Satan's side
Gather to be killed
(By God, at Armageddon.)

Haughty, the idolators
Vile, the lies they lash
Good to know that Justice owed
Will soon make their world crash.

Ridiculers predicted
Persecutors, to a "T"
But also the assurance
Of permanent relief.

(See 2Thessalonians 1:6-8)