Friday, November 17, 2006

Just "The Dark Before the Dawn"? I Hope So.

From what I posted on youtube -

"Yahweh" was not performed for the last three shows...
"COEXIST" is still blasphemous though. Yahweh/ God doesn't want those false religions to keep on existing. Their "making peace" amongst each other - with a common ground of being false to God and serving the kingdoms of men, NOT God's real heaven-based Kingdom for earth and IT'S interests - is NOT the key to "peace on earth."
Similarly, uniting false religions/religionists along with those even outspokenly insolent towards God under a "One" campaign will NOT "end extreme poverty" for everyone, lastingly. Yahweh will not bless those efforts; and neither would he want them promoted. People need to "get out of" and away from the false religions God has condemned. (Revelation 18:4,5) His kingdom coming down will permanently solve the other problems soon.
In the meantime, people need to "TRUST IN JEHOVAH [YAHWEH] and do good; reside in the earth , and DEAL WITH FAITHFULNESS" (Psalm 37:3) - not disobey him or act disloyally towards him in any way, or promote anything against his will. Learn his scriptural truth, obey it, do his will, preach his truth, THEN MAKE MELODY TO HIS NAME even in front of the national groups, like David sang.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

"Souls" aren't "stranded in"... "skin and bones" either: Who you are, everything you are as a living being - your flesh, your breath, your thoughts, your skills, your abilities, your quirks, your likes, your dislikes, your plans, your dreams - everything that makes you who you uniquely are - IS, altogether, your "soul"...

2:13 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

This hasn't been played for the last seven shows now.

Yet the "COEXIST" support of false religion still rides high...

I read that Bono gave his "Jesus, Jew, Muhummad, it's true" ("It's" NOT) headband to a little girl. I hope that little girl and her parent(s) wisely TORCH the thing, though; since that headband was used to demote God's own Son and teach spiritual lies to millions of people.

Also, the performance of "Bad" was thoughtless again towards the interests and will of the Creator.
"Let it go...Revelation."

Well, who are you, Bono, to try to persuade people through your music to NOT LISTEN TO GOD - to say of HIS URGENT, LIFE-SAVING WORDS: "Let it go." And so then what? Listen to YOU INSTEAD??????


THERE'S NEWS FOR YOU and those with you: YOU ARE >>>> NOT GOD.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

During the Elevation tour, this was sung during "Bad" - "Let it go...NOT revelation...

So, what's this now again? The last of the "I'd have lunch with the Devil" deal?

Have you noticed yet that what Satan delivers in INSUFFICIENT???

And what will be THE TOTAL PRICE PAID for what is INSUFFICIENT???

Hundreds, thousands or even millions of eternal lives; plus a real sock in the face to both Jehovah and Jesus Christ for each one lost???

5:47 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

(Yahweh hasn't been played for the last 10 shows now.)

11:51 PM  
Blogger Exile from GROGGS said...

What is better - to kill others in the name of religion? Or to accept that for this life, people have the freedom to reject the truth?

That's what Coexist is all about.

6:46 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

"COEXIST" is a LIE representative and symptomatic of a prophesied, bigger-picture, IDOLIZED, Satanic philosophy that will soon cause most people on this earth to HAVE NO FUTURE LIFE WHATSOEVER.

"COEXIST" is now asking the audience of globalized mankind in this time of the end to do as Satan originally implored our first parents in Eden at the dawn of mankind: To beLIEve his LIEs AGAINST the words and Universal Sovereignty of Jehovah God himself; and to "render sacred service to the creation rather the One who created" (Romans 1:25).

"COEXIST"ence - ecumenalism of already FALSE-TO-GOD religionists/ spiritists for the sake of establishing "peace" has been tried before, i.e., through UN-affiliated councils/ conventions, etc. Despite the pomp and show, however, the "gathering together" of such scripturally God-defiant ones has FAILED ENTIRELY to bring peace to this world.

So, there is no reason to IDOLIZE what is of "the lie." (See Romans 1:25 again.) To join with the predicted majority of humans who will do so is to choose to serve Satan along with them, and so have to be justly killed by God at Armageddon.

FALSE RELIGION has nearly ruined our world with its spiritism "in the name of God"; and spiritual adultery to God - serving "the kings of the earth" and their interests in a now Satan-run world system - instead of Him. The fruitage of FALSE religion, as per Satan's design, has thus been widespread DEFAMATION OF GOD ALMIGHTY, HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, AND HIS OWN SPIRITUAL TRUTHS; plus damaging, pain-causing, life-ruining and even life-stealing injustices to mankind; and the spilled blood of God's prophets and holy ones, and, indeed the blood of "ALL THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SLAUGHTERED ON THE EARTH." (Revelation 18:23,24)

TRUE RELIGION - the ONE actually obedient to God on this earth, is NOT TO BLAME FOR THE WAR-MONGERING, etc. done by FALSE RELIGIONS - yet, again, IT IS SATAN'S AIM TO MAKE IT SEEM SO.

Indeed, in CONTRAST to FALSE religions, and notably, FALSE "Christianity", Jehovah's Witnesses have provided, globally, the bulk of all conscientious objectors through two World Wars and other wars and armed conflicts since.

So, CERTAINLY, TRUE RELIGION IS A FORCE FOR PEACE IN THIS WORLD. It upholds the standards which the Creator himself insists on for ALL of mankind. To NOT listen to God the Father, God Almighty through his words is to be NEGLIGENTLY INGRATEFUL and INSOLENT to him, as beings he has made and has sustained the lives of.

Satan's global conglomeration of all false religions - including the three false religions symbolized in the "COEXIST" icon - will soon be punished by God. Rather than willing for them to "COEXIST", God Almighty has judged and condemned them and all other FALSE religions for their spiritual crimes and bloodguilt, and has decreed that they shall NOTEXIST, soon. (Revelation 18:4,5,8)

Spiritual supporters of FALSE RELIGIONS and Satan's lie-philosophies and idolized institutions of man will soon pass away with God's upcoming global crashing of all FALSE religions or Armageddon itself, which will immediately follow that, to get rid of every last spiritually polluted vestige of Satan's world system and those in opposition to God.

THEN obedient-to-God-mankind WILL HAVE PEACE ON EARTH AT LAST.

Note: Bono is NOT the only media-powered one calling for "COEXIST"ence. That is also a running theme of the UN-affiliated "World Council of Religious Leaders", [FALSE religious leaders], "spiritual advisors" to the global law-making entity of the UN. What you will find being upheld in association with this is stark rendering "of sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created."

Also notice people in general's apathy, mockery, and disdain towards the ideas of having a healthy fear of (reverence to) Jehovah; giving him exclusive devotion as the One True God; or regarding his scriptural words as truth that it is necessary and right to respect and obey.

Many people are now ready (debased, spiritually unprotected by choosing to heed and obey God's truth); willing (desperate, self-desire serving); and spiritually dumbed-down enough (brainwashed and easily led) by the propaganda of Satan's world system; to serve him and that which he promotes as an idol, a "last hope for mankind"/ a man-and-Satan made COUNTERFEIT "kingdom of God", for the sake of "peace and security." (Revelation 13; 16:13; 1Thessalonians 5:3)

Please get yourself quite ready for God's vengeance upon all FALSE religions, "Babylon the Great" (Revelation, Chapters 17 and 18); to be very rapidly followed by Armageddon - it will not be long now. (Revelation 19:11-21)

4:15 PM  

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