Yahweh's Name in Spanish is JEHOVA, NOT "Yahweh"
There is a "new" trend - a new [FALSE] "religion" - based on that God should be called "Yahweh", and his Son should be referred to as Yeshua/ Yehoshua. Adherents insist that "Yahweh" is the most pure and proper form of the Tetragrammaton, is "what he wants to be called" and "is what the angels call him."
However, there is NO VALID [SCRIPTURAL] BASIS for claiming that "Yahweh" is a superior rendition of God's personal holy name to "Jehovah". The original pronunciation WAS LOST - due to demon influence and men's wrongful willing cooperation with that influence by allowing taboo and "fear of man", etc. to dominate over God's commands for humans to continue to USE, SPEAK, and sing his name in worship, in teaching about him, and in everyday life. Also, when people began putting "vowel points" into the written Hebrew language as a whole, to preserve spoken (but not formerly written) vowel sounds, when it came to God's name, most of the time THEY SUBSTITUTED-IN OTHER vowel points to remind the reader to say a word OTHER THAN God's holy personal name. Where God's name was supposed to be spoken, humans decided to use descriptive TITLES - "Adhonai" (meaning "Sovereign Lord") or Elohim (God) INSTEAD. So the original pronunciation IS NO LONGER CERTAIN.
Nevertheless, IF EXACT SPELLING and PRONUNCIATION of God's name, as represented by the Tetragrammaton, was IMPORTANT to God Almighty, HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT IT WAS PRESERVED - like he has with other information he has said is critical. (John 17:3,17; 2Timothy 3:16,17; 1Peter 1:25)
Also, it was God that decided to make it so that mankind changed from speaking ONE SINGLE LANGUAGE to speaking MANY LANGUAGES. (He caused this to happen at Babel in Nimrod's day, to discoordinate and disperse masses of people who were defying Jehovah-Yahweh's mandate to spread out over the whole earth. Those speaking the same new languages formed groups and wandered off together from that cradle of civilization [and epi-center of demon-influenced false religion - common FALSE religious practices spread from there too]). (Genesis 10:8-10; 11:1-9)
So - is it God's will for all people of all the different languages on earth now to only use Hebrew when referring to him and his Son?
No - if it was, he would have said so, in his own words; and his spirit (his active force) would also have clearly indicated this as his will to the one global organization/ united congregation of people on this earth that actually OBEY and teach his alive Bible as a whole.
Also, IF it was true that God and is Son should only rightly be called "Yahweh" and "Yeshua"/ Yehoshua", then why shouldn't the whole rest of the holy Scriptures only be presented and referred to in Hebrew - or why shouldn't disciples of this new trend religion insist on only speaking the Hebrew language, foresaking all others as improper?
God's words clearly indicate that he acknowledges that the peoples of the earth do speak in different languages/ tongues. It is his stated will to save obedient people (to preserve them alive through his upcoming Armageddon Day/ let them be a part of post-Armageddon new world system here on earth) from ALL nations, tribes, AND TONGUES. (Revelation 5:9; 7:9,10)
There are DOZENS of DIFFERENT RENDITIONS OF THE TETRAGRAMMATON, NATURALIZED INTO MANY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD that are ABSOLUTELY APPROVED AND POWER-BACKED BY GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF to preach, teach, call on the Person of God in prayer by, praise his name by, etc. These different forms of God's name clearly have his blessing and suit his purposes of giving all of humankind a recognizable, distinct personal name to come to know him by - call him by.
That is because, although people from different lands may use different naturalized forms of God's personal holy name; his holy spirit (his power) acts to draw them into pure worship of him. People learn from God's Scriptures the truth about WHO he is - the truth about the God behind whatever naturalization of his holy name it is that they use - including what his purposes and requirements are; and they come to willingly submit to OBEYING his scriptural commands and principles. They come to dedicate their lives to doing the alive will of this God - no matter which one of the many naturalizations of his personal holy name it is that they use.
For being in living agreement to what this God teaches in his words - and so being UNITED under him - no matter what language God's loyal and obedient human servants now speak, no matter what naturalization of God's personal name we use, as a global organization, we alone have had this prophecy for "the time of the end" fulfilled upon us:
"For then I shall give to the peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder." (Zephaniah 3:9)
That "pure language" is the knowledge and understanding of God's scriptural truth, including realization of the need and value of calling on God's personal holy name as represented by the Tetragrammaton - no matter in which human-social language they do that.
So, now, in 235 lands and islands of the sea, the holy personal name of God - be it in the naturalized forms of Jehovah, Yahweh, Geova, Ieova, Exhoba, Zoova, Yekovah, Ihowa - or any of many others that uniquely represent him as the One and Only Creator, God of the Bible, Heavenly Father, and Universal Sovereign - HAS BEEN EXALTED, GLORIFIED, and HONORED: God's own obedient servants, the prophesied "people for his name", "called by his name", who are his "witnesses" in this time of the end are the ones who have made BOTH his personal holy name - in its many naturalized forms - AND THE SCRIPTURAL TRUTH ABOUT THE GOD BEHIND THIS NAME (his PURPOSES, REQUIREMENTS, PROMISED BLESSINGS, WARNINGS, etc.) known to the global degree they are now during this last part of the last days of this old world system. (Acts 15:14; Isaiah 43:5-7,10; Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20; Ezekiel 3:17-21)
Similarly, it is also right and fitting for Jehovah-Yahweh's Son's name to be naturalized into the different languages of the world, and the truth about him to be preached everywhere also - and that has been done too - by those who are both Jehovah-Yahweh's obedient people, and therefore also true and obedient disciples of Jesus Christ.
So, certainly, the touchstone of what constitutes "true worship" is NOT whether persons make mention of the Hebrew forms of God Almighty and his Son's names. It is, instead, whether people call on these names (foremostly the Creator's) AND worship God "with spirit and truth" (according to his own scriptural terms of worship) AND OBEY him and his Son. (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13; Philippians 2:10; Matthew 4:4 again; John 3:36, 4:24, 17:3 and 17:17 again; 2Thessalonians 1:8; Matthew 4:10; John 12:50; 1John 5:3; and more...)
There is now, as prophesied, a great WANT of "easy-going" religions as "ALTERNATIVES" to worshiping Jehovah-Yahweh-etc., on his own scriptural terms, according to his own requirements. As prophesied, this is happening: People are looking for and practicing "ALTERNATIVE" modes of "spirituality" and "worship" that will accommodate anti-scriptural, ungodly desires and practices that they wish to continue with; and that will "validate" that, despite what these persons are "believing" and doing, they are still in an "acceptable" state to God, "blessed" by him, have an okay relationship with him, and have a future with him. They look for "false teachers" of spiritual things/ false religious leaders that will "tickle their ears" (and falsely salve their in-born consciences this way too) -
"For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, IN ACCORD WITH THEIR OWN DESIRES, they will accumulate teachers for themselves TO HAVE THEIR EARS TICKLED; and THEY WILL TURN THEIR EARS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories." (2Timothy 4:3,4)
So, this is a reason why many are picking "all you have to do/ all that matters is ___" , the-rest-is-a-free-for-all forms of "worship." They choose to magnify a few stipulations from God's words (including those taken out of context, left undefined, and misapplied), but then promote DISREGARD for THE REST OF, the bulk, of God's scriptural commands and principles.
This is reflected in "belief" statements similar to the following: "All you have to do is believe in the Lord"; "All you have to do is confess that you are a sinner and accept Jesus as Lord in your heart"; "All that matters is that we show love for God and neighbor, because he said that these are the two GREATEST commandments"; the only thing that matters to God is if people help the poor; all that matters is if you live a good life; all that matters is "social justice"; "All you need is love"; and what really matters for pure worship is if you call God "Yahweh" and his Son "Yeshua" or "Yehoshua".
So, those of these ways of worship, without learning and taking to heart the SCRIPTURAL definitions and principles of, for instance, "love", have, for example, shown their "love" for God by mixing "worship" of him together with idolatrous worship of OTHER (demon-promoted) gODS. (That is in deadly violation to Jehovah-Yahweh's most basic commands and principles, found throughout the Bible). They have repeated that they "are sinners" and "believe in the Lord" WHILE TRAMPLING AND DISOBEYING HIS COMMANDS, even before the eyes of the world. They have also shown their "love" for neighbor by engaging in fornication and adultery with their neighbor; and extorting justice for a neighbor they "love" more than another neighbor (thus dealing the lesser-loved neighbor INJUSTICE) - i.e., for the "love" of the neighbors in their own country, people have bombed and murdered their "neighbors" who happen to live in other countries. "Oh well", right? [So, "All you need is love"? NO - people need to KNOW WHAT LOVE MEANS AND INCORPORATES - according to higher, DIVINE WISDOM - such as JUSTICE, righteousness, and truth; let that effect their thoughts and actions. They need THE REST of what is in the Bible too - which is all God-purposed, vital information for humankind.]
Likewise, creating a religion - even an organizationally-detached mode of "worship" - whose FOCAL POINT is merely to "utter" the names "Yahweh" (for God) and "Yehoshua"/"Yeshua" (for his Son) while ignoring the whole-Scripture PURPOSES of using God's personal holy name, and RETAINING FALSE RELIGIOUS ELEMENTS that are common to Satan's world empire of all FALSE religions (aka "Babylon the Great") in with that form of worship (i.e., keeping pagan celebrations as "holy days" and teaching that all good people die and go to heaven) is just to create another EAR-TICKLING, easy-going, "all you have to do/say is____" form of worship that allows for the fulfillment of wrongful personal desires, but which DOES NOT MEET the WHOLE OF Jehovah-Yahweh-etc.'s OWN SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS.
Further, to attach anything ANTI-SCRIPTURAL (idolatrous, spiritistic, or otherwise spiritually false according to God's own words) to God's personal holy name DOES NOT BRING HONOR TO THAT NAME, but instead DISHONORS, PROFANES, and BLASPHEMES IT.
So whether persons use the Hebrew forms of God Almighty and his Son's names or not, any Scripture-disregarding and disobeying form of worship is unacceptable to God - according to God's own biblical standards; and such persons will NEED to do what those now in ANY mode of FALSE religion need to do, QUICKLY: To learn what God's scriptural truth REALLY is - what ALL of his true requirements REALLY are (John 17:3); to "repent and turn around" from their former ways (Acts 3:19); to leave all false religions behind (to "get out of" them/ cut membership with them without delay [Revelation 18:4,5,8]); and to fully OBEY God and his Son - which would include worshiping Jehovah-Yahweh-etc. with "spirit and truth", along with his OWN-NAMED global, obedient, and TRULY UNITED AS "ONE" people, under the congregational headship of God's own Son, Jesus Christ-Yeshua/Yehoshua-Jesucristo, etc. (John 3:36; 4:24; 13:35; Matthew 4:4; Ephesians 4:3-6; Colossians 1:4,18)
Additionally, there is WRONGFUL BIAS, EVASION and HOSTILITY shown by many towards "Jehovah" and other forms of God's name that are very close to "Jehovah" - Jehova, Jeova, Ieova, Jihova, uJehovah, Jehofah, etc.
WHY? It is because many persons (including many so-called "scholars"/ "experts"), especially of Christendom (Scripture-denying/disregarding/disobeying; man [and demon]-made doctrine, tradition, philosophy, and popular trend-exalting/ exploiting; Christ-disobedient, and prophesied-apostate "Christianity"), DO NOT WANT THEMSELVES, WITH THEIR "USE" OF GOD'S HOLY NAME, TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THOSE WIDELY KNOWN AS "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES" - WHO HAVE NOT ONLY PREACHED GOD'S PERSONAL NAME THE MOST TO THIS WORLD, BUT WHO HAVE ALSO PREACHED HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH MEANT TO GO ALONG WITH THE PROCLAMATION OF THAT NAME - INCLUDING JEHOVAH-YAHWEH'S UNPOPULAR AND OFTEN VERY UNWELCOMED ### WARNING MESSAGES ### AGAINST FALSE RELIGIONS, etc. TO THIS WORLD. (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Revelation Chapter 9.)
["In a locust wind, comes a rattle and hum..." (From U2's "Bullet the Blue Sky".) "There's an insect in your ear, if you scratch, it won't disappear/ It's gonna itch and burn and sting/ You want to see what the scratching brings?" (From U2's "Staring at the Sun".)]
So....given all of the above, how much sense does it make to produce - and then let be promoted on a major www video website - an "alternative", "unreleased", "Spanish" version of "Yahweh"? Do Spanish-speaking, true worshipers of the God whose name is represented by the Tetragrammaton generally refer to him in Hebrew? No, OF COURSE NOT. They refer to him as Jehova (with an accent mark over the "a"); which is pronounced (in this locale) similarly to this: /Heo-VAH/.
Those who wisely and gratefully choose to come to truly "know" and honor God, acknowledging his uniquely identifying personal holy name - even in any of its many naturalized forms - to come to "know" and fully OBEY the God behind that name (and so come to know and obey his Son too), can join together in pure worship with those who are fulfilling this prophecy during these last pre-Armageddon days:
"In that day you will certainly say: 'Give thanks to Jehovah, you people! CALL UPON HIS NAME. MAKE KNOWN AMONG THE PEOPLE HIS DEALINGS. Make mention that his name is to be put on high. MAKE MELODY TO JEHOVAH, FOR HE HAS DONE SURPASSINGLY. This is MADE KNOWN IN ALL THE EARTH." (Isaiah 12:4,5)
However, there is NO VALID [SCRIPTURAL] BASIS for claiming that "Yahweh" is a superior rendition of God's personal holy name to "Jehovah". The original pronunciation WAS LOST - due to demon influence and men's wrongful willing cooperation with that influence by allowing taboo and "fear of man", etc. to dominate over God's commands for humans to continue to USE, SPEAK, and sing his name in worship, in teaching about him, and in everyday life. Also, when people began putting "vowel points" into the written Hebrew language as a whole, to preserve spoken (but not formerly written) vowel sounds, when it came to God's name, most of the time THEY SUBSTITUTED-IN OTHER vowel points to remind the reader to say a word OTHER THAN God's holy personal name. Where God's name was supposed to be spoken, humans decided to use descriptive TITLES - "Adhonai" (meaning "Sovereign Lord") or Elohim (God) INSTEAD. So the original pronunciation IS NO LONGER CERTAIN.
Nevertheless, IF EXACT SPELLING and PRONUNCIATION of God's name, as represented by the Tetragrammaton, was IMPORTANT to God Almighty, HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT IT WAS PRESERVED - like he has with other information he has said is critical. (John 17:3,17; 2Timothy 3:16,17; 1Peter 1:25)
Also, it was God that decided to make it so that mankind changed from speaking ONE SINGLE LANGUAGE to speaking MANY LANGUAGES. (He caused this to happen at Babel in Nimrod's day, to discoordinate and disperse masses of people who were defying Jehovah-Yahweh's mandate to spread out over the whole earth. Those speaking the same new languages formed groups and wandered off together from that cradle of civilization [and epi-center of demon-influenced false religion - common FALSE religious practices spread from there too]). (Genesis 10:8-10; 11:1-9)
So - is it God's will for all people of all the different languages on earth now to only use Hebrew when referring to him and his Son?
No - if it was, he would have said so, in his own words; and his spirit (his active force) would also have clearly indicated this as his will to the one global organization/ united congregation of people on this earth that actually OBEY and teach his alive Bible as a whole.
Also, IF it was true that God and is Son should only rightly be called "Yahweh" and "Yeshua"/ Yehoshua", then why shouldn't the whole rest of the holy Scriptures only be presented and referred to in Hebrew - or why shouldn't disciples of this new trend religion insist on only speaking the Hebrew language, foresaking all others as improper?
God's words clearly indicate that he acknowledges that the peoples of the earth do speak in different languages/ tongues. It is his stated will to save obedient people (to preserve them alive through his upcoming Armageddon Day/ let them be a part of post-Armageddon new world system here on earth) from ALL nations, tribes, AND TONGUES. (Revelation 5:9; 7:9,10)
There are DOZENS of DIFFERENT RENDITIONS OF THE TETRAGRAMMATON, NATURALIZED INTO MANY DIFFERENT LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD that are ABSOLUTELY APPROVED AND POWER-BACKED BY GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF to preach, teach, call on the Person of God in prayer by, praise his name by, etc. These different forms of God's name clearly have his blessing and suit his purposes of giving all of humankind a recognizable, distinct personal name to come to know him by - call him by.
That is because, although people from different lands may use different naturalized forms of God's personal holy name; his holy spirit (his power) acts to draw them into pure worship of him. People learn from God's Scriptures the truth about WHO he is - the truth about the God behind whatever naturalization of his holy name it is that they use - including what his purposes and requirements are; and they come to willingly submit to OBEYING his scriptural commands and principles. They come to dedicate their lives to doing the alive will of this God - no matter which one of the many naturalizations of his personal holy name it is that they use.
For being in living agreement to what this God teaches in his words - and so being UNITED under him - no matter what language God's loyal and obedient human servants now speak, no matter what naturalization of God's personal name we use, as a global organization, we alone have had this prophecy for "the time of the end" fulfilled upon us:
"For then I shall give to the peoples the change to a pure language, in order for them to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder." (Zephaniah 3:9)
That "pure language" is the knowledge and understanding of God's scriptural truth, including realization of the need and value of calling on God's personal holy name as represented by the Tetragrammaton - no matter in which human-social language they do that.
So, now, in 235 lands and islands of the sea, the holy personal name of God - be it in the naturalized forms of Jehovah, Yahweh, Geova, Ieova, Exhoba, Zoova, Yekovah, Ihowa - or any of many others that uniquely represent him as the One and Only Creator, God of the Bible, Heavenly Father, and Universal Sovereign - HAS BEEN EXALTED, GLORIFIED, and HONORED: God's own obedient servants, the prophesied "people for his name", "called by his name", who are his "witnesses" in this time of the end are the ones who have made BOTH his personal holy name - in its many naturalized forms - AND THE SCRIPTURAL TRUTH ABOUT THE GOD BEHIND THIS NAME (his PURPOSES, REQUIREMENTS, PROMISED BLESSINGS, WARNINGS, etc.) known to the global degree they are now during this last part of the last days of this old world system. (Acts 15:14; Isaiah 43:5-7,10; Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20; Ezekiel 3:17-21)
Similarly, it is also right and fitting for Jehovah-Yahweh's Son's name to be naturalized into the different languages of the world, and the truth about him to be preached everywhere also - and that has been done too - by those who are both Jehovah-Yahweh's obedient people, and therefore also true and obedient disciples of Jesus Christ.
So, certainly, the touchstone of what constitutes "true worship" is NOT whether persons make mention of the Hebrew forms of God Almighty and his Son's names. It is, instead, whether people call on these names (foremostly the Creator's) AND worship God "with spirit and truth" (according to his own scriptural terms of worship) AND OBEY him and his Son. (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13; Philippians 2:10; Matthew 4:4 again; John 3:36, 4:24, 17:3 and 17:17 again; 2Thessalonians 1:8; Matthew 4:10; John 12:50; 1John 5:3; and more...)
There is now, as prophesied, a great WANT of "easy-going" religions as "ALTERNATIVES" to worshiping Jehovah-Yahweh-etc., on his own scriptural terms, according to his own requirements. As prophesied, this is happening: People are looking for and practicing "ALTERNATIVE" modes of "spirituality" and "worship" that will accommodate anti-scriptural, ungodly desires and practices that they wish to continue with; and that will "validate" that, despite what these persons are "believing" and doing, they are still in an "acceptable" state to God, "blessed" by him, have an okay relationship with him, and have a future with him. They look for "false teachers" of spiritual things/ false religious leaders that will "tickle their ears" (and falsely salve their in-born consciences this way too) -
"For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, IN ACCORD WITH THEIR OWN DESIRES, they will accumulate teachers for themselves TO HAVE THEIR EARS TICKLED; and THEY WILL TURN THEIR EARS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories." (2Timothy 4:3,4)
So, this is a reason why many are picking "all you have to do/ all that matters is ___" , the-rest-is-a-free-for-all forms of "worship." They choose to magnify a few stipulations from God's words (including those taken out of context, left undefined, and misapplied), but then promote DISREGARD for THE REST OF, the bulk, of God's scriptural commands and principles.
This is reflected in "belief" statements similar to the following: "All you have to do is believe in the Lord"; "All you have to do is confess that you are a sinner and accept Jesus as Lord in your heart"; "All that matters is that we show love for God and neighbor, because he said that these are the two GREATEST commandments"; the only thing that matters to God is if people help the poor; all that matters is if you live a good life; all that matters is "social justice"; "All you need is love"; and what really matters for pure worship is if you call God "Yahweh" and his Son "Yeshua" or "Yehoshua".
So, those of these ways of worship, without learning and taking to heart the SCRIPTURAL definitions and principles of, for instance, "love", have, for example, shown their "love" for God by mixing "worship" of him together with idolatrous worship of OTHER (demon-promoted) gODS. (That is in deadly violation to Jehovah-Yahweh's most basic commands and principles, found throughout the Bible). They have repeated that they "are sinners" and "believe in the Lord" WHILE TRAMPLING AND DISOBEYING HIS COMMANDS, even before the eyes of the world. They have also shown their "love" for neighbor by engaging in fornication and adultery with their neighbor; and extorting justice for a neighbor they "love" more than another neighbor (thus dealing the lesser-loved neighbor INJUSTICE) - i.e., for the "love" of the neighbors in their own country, people have bombed and murdered their "neighbors" who happen to live in other countries. "Oh well", right? [So, "All you need is love"? NO - people need to KNOW WHAT LOVE MEANS AND INCORPORATES - according to higher, DIVINE WISDOM - such as JUSTICE, righteousness, and truth; let that effect their thoughts and actions. They need THE REST of what is in the Bible too - which is all God-purposed, vital information for humankind.]
Likewise, creating a religion - even an organizationally-detached mode of "worship" - whose FOCAL POINT is merely to "utter" the names "Yahweh" (for God) and "Yehoshua"/"Yeshua" (for his Son) while ignoring the whole-Scripture PURPOSES of using God's personal holy name, and RETAINING FALSE RELIGIOUS ELEMENTS that are common to Satan's world empire of all FALSE religions (aka "Babylon the Great") in with that form of worship (i.e., keeping pagan celebrations as "holy days" and teaching that all good people die and go to heaven) is just to create another EAR-TICKLING, easy-going, "all you have to do/say is____" form of worship that allows for the fulfillment of wrongful personal desires, but which DOES NOT MEET the WHOLE OF Jehovah-Yahweh-etc.'s OWN SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS.
Further, to attach anything ANTI-SCRIPTURAL (idolatrous, spiritistic, or otherwise spiritually false according to God's own words) to God's personal holy name DOES NOT BRING HONOR TO THAT NAME, but instead DISHONORS, PROFANES, and BLASPHEMES IT.
So whether persons use the Hebrew forms of God Almighty and his Son's names or not, any Scripture-disregarding and disobeying form of worship is unacceptable to God - according to God's own biblical standards; and such persons will NEED to do what those now in ANY mode of FALSE religion need to do, QUICKLY: To learn what God's scriptural truth REALLY is - what ALL of his true requirements REALLY are (John 17:3); to "repent and turn around" from their former ways (Acts 3:19); to leave all false religions behind (to "get out of" them/ cut membership with them without delay [Revelation 18:4,5,8]); and to fully OBEY God and his Son - which would include worshiping Jehovah-Yahweh-etc. with "spirit and truth", along with his OWN-NAMED global, obedient, and TRULY UNITED AS "ONE" people, under the congregational headship of God's own Son, Jesus Christ-Yeshua/Yehoshua-Jesucristo, etc. (John 3:36; 4:24; 13:35; Matthew 4:4; Ephesians 4:3-6; Colossians 1:4,18)
Additionally, there is WRONGFUL BIAS, EVASION and HOSTILITY shown by many towards "Jehovah" and other forms of God's name that are very close to "Jehovah" - Jehova, Jeova, Ieova, Jihova, uJehovah, Jehofah, etc.
WHY? It is because many persons (including many so-called "scholars"/ "experts"), especially of Christendom (Scripture-denying/disregarding/disobeying; man [and demon]-made doctrine, tradition, philosophy, and popular trend-exalting/ exploiting; Christ-disobedient, and prophesied-apostate "Christianity"), DO NOT WANT THEMSELVES, WITH THEIR "USE" OF GOD'S HOLY NAME, TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THOSE WIDELY KNOWN AS "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES" - WHO HAVE NOT ONLY PREACHED GOD'S PERSONAL NAME THE MOST TO THIS WORLD, BUT WHO HAVE ALSO PREACHED HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH MEANT TO GO ALONG WITH THE PROCLAMATION OF THAT NAME - INCLUDING JEHOVAH-YAHWEH'S UNPOPULAR AND OFTEN VERY UNWELCOMED ### WARNING MESSAGES ### AGAINST FALSE RELIGIONS, etc. TO THIS WORLD. (Ezekiel 3:17-21; Revelation Chapter 9.)
["In a locust wind, comes a rattle and hum..." (From U2's "Bullet the Blue Sky".) "There's an insect in your ear, if you scratch, it won't disappear/ It's gonna itch and burn and sting/ You want to see what the scratching brings?" (From U2's "Staring at the Sun".)]
So....given all of the above, how much sense does it make to produce - and then let be promoted on a major www video website - an "alternative", "unreleased", "Spanish" version of "Yahweh"? Do Spanish-speaking, true worshipers of the God whose name is represented by the Tetragrammaton generally refer to him in Hebrew? No, OF COURSE NOT. They refer to him as Jehova (with an accent mark over the "a"); which is pronounced (in this locale) similarly to this: /Heo-VAH/.
Those who wisely and gratefully choose to come to truly "know" and honor God, acknowledging his uniquely identifying personal holy name - even in any of its many naturalized forms - to come to "know" and fully OBEY the God behind that name (and so come to know and obey his Son too), can join together in pure worship with those who are fulfilling this prophecy during these last pre-Armageddon days:
"In that day you will certainly say: 'Give thanks to Jehovah, you people! CALL UPON HIS NAME. MAKE KNOWN AMONG THE PEOPLE HIS DEALINGS. Make mention that his name is to be put on high. MAKE MELODY TO JEHOVAH, FOR HE HAS DONE SURPASSINGLY. This is MADE KNOWN IN ALL THE EARTH." (Isaiah 12:4,5)