Saturday, December 08, 2007

If You Have a Shred of REAL Concern About Jehovah-Yahweh, Jesus Christ, and Your Fans Bono, Take the "U2-Yahweh" BLASPHEMY Videos DOWN

The infamous "U2-Yahweh" videos (and concert lightshow using some of the same images) blaspheme Yahweh mightily with the spiritistic and pagan idol images they stream while God's personal holy name is sung. I've served much "notice" of this grotesque, mass-murderous (come Yahweh's Day of Wrath and Justice/ Armageddon) problem for about 2 years now.

I was banned from defending God's holy name and truth by the major website that hosts those videos. Demon-influenced (if not demonized) APOSTATES to Jehovah-Yahweh; FALSE religious U2 IDOLATERS; combos of both the previous, and others were let free to FURTHER BLASPHEME Yahweh's holy name and scriptural truth though. THEY WERE ALLOWED TO DESECRATE IT; and to heinously SLANDER and persecute his own-named, true, scripturally-described and active people - to the world, under those "U2-Yahweh" videos. (Those persons were long-term fully allowed to predatorize-hound; hideously slander; use the most abusive speech; and even FALSIFY horrible quotes, attributing them to me. I asked that website repeatedly to exercise their policy and justice; but they refused to do so. INSTEAD, THEY BANNED ME; NOT the criminals to Yahweh-God and basic justice. They kept the bulk of the blasphemy and slander comments posted for a long time after banning me too; eventually removing many of the most obviously raunchy-evil ones made by a demon-influenced/ demonized homosexual apostate to Yahweh/ Jehovah and his holy spirit [book of Jude prophesied and typified], but still left some up, which continue their demon-powered harm, both to Jehovah-Yahweh's name, and to the eternal lives of anyone foolish enough to follow their way).

That website continues to offer the "U2-Yahweh" videos. Nearly all of the posts of one of the apostate team/gang members that had predatorized-attacked my writing with demonistic slander remain up (they even LOOK ridiculous now); and some of the WITCH-SPIRITIST'S Yahweh-desecrating and mocking comments remain advertised also - under the videos WITH GOD'S HOLY NAME ON THEM.

There is no one continuing to speak to defend Yahweh's name against the intense and direct blasphemy of those videos. There are a handful of comments acknowledging the evil symbolry used in the videos, but they are sparse and few and far between. FALSE religionists, who show that they really DON'T "know" Jehovah-Yahweh and his standards at all CONTINUE to PRAISE this work of BLASPHEMY of God's name. There are some quick-remarks saying, to the effect, "This is God's name!" BUT EVEN DEMONS KNOW THAT. (Satan and his demon's goal is to desecrate and slander God's name and mislead humans to turn against and blaspheme the Creator too - even though they'll die for it.)

Even if someone true DID step up again to defend God's name and truth, with his words, in needed life-saving strength; that website (the decision-makers involved in the travesty to free-speech and justice that has occurred) has shown its nature as merely being part of Satan's world system, dominated by his spirit. Would not another such defender of God's name be similarly mistreated - allowed to be relentlessly predatorized and gang-attacked with the ugliest and most debased kinds of slander-abuse and other INJUSTICES?

Therefore, please exercise the muscle that the U2 organization has before for much lesser issues, and REMOVE and "dismantle" the ALL-OUT BLASPHEMOUS, DEATH-DEALING (come Armageddon Day) "U2-Yahweh" videos.

(That should also include the fan-captured ones that show the blasphemous concert light show images; and also those depicting Yahweh as being Jesus [even with cross and sun-god nimbi accessories.])

Show the world what you're made out of. Show Jehovah-Yahweh. Show Jesus Christ. Show what you put FIRST, really - God, or $$$, "fame", etc. Show if you have the guts for what it really is to "ROCK."

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.............


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