Mercy's Gonna Go
I interrupt my slow pondering of U2 3D (see a recent post) to bring you a couple of posts of urgent nature regarding "news" I've seen.I'm copying-and-pasting (and slightly editing) something I wrote earlier today on another web page. I want it seen - If they [U2] put this song, "Mercy" on their new album (should Armageddon not come before then), instead of trashing it, they're stupid.Here - I wrote a response.Mercy's Gonna GoYou drank the cup of BabylonPlaymate of the yearsHad yourself a sip or sixEnough to lose fear(Of God)Babylon's got the money, honeyBabylon's got the pullBabylon's got the moves with kingsAnd 'most everyone you knowBut what's coming is a bigger pourDown from the sky, in these last hours.Divine wine of anger,God's wine of righteous rageBlood wine of his vengeanceWill be made from human grapesForced to drink it, The wicked will beToo late in turning From hypocrisyToo late leaving STUPORFrom Babylon's cupWhose LIES and APATHY Were never enough.Blood spilled by Neros WILL BE AVENGED, Spilled by Judas' WILL BE AVENGEDSpilled by FALSE religions WILL BE AVENGEDJah's JUSTICE, of course,WILL BALANCE AGAIN.Spiritism gets you no whereNeither does abuseNeither does talk of "God" or "love"To exploit and confuse.So give it up, give it upGIVE IT UPYou CAN'T drink from both God'sAND a demon's cup.(Or would you InciteJehovahTo jealousy?)
Mercy's GONNA RUN OUT SOON"Unconditional love's" A LIEThose who trample Upon God's SonAre slated, sir, to die.Mercy's ONLY for The OBEDIENTWho REPENT and TURN AROUND Who cleanse their ways Of junk and liesAnd spread Jah's TRUTH around!!!!
You are spiritually LIABLE, before God, for the FALSE religious teachings you have promoted to your worshiping throngs AND HAVE FAILED TO TRY TO CORRECT.Again, UNDER A BLASPHEMOUS "U2 Yahweh" video on a popular website (which I have been banned from, for speaking UNWANTED, unwatered-down truth about God), some "fan" of yours is again COPYING YOU, re-telling your deadly-mistaken, ANTI-SCRIPTURAL, ANTICHRIST spiritual FALSEHOODS.NONE of these religions (as featured via your "COEXIST" headband, video, and concert screen, etc. icons) - modern Judiasm, God-and-Christ-DISOBEDIENT/ apostate "Christianity", or Islam - worships Yahweh, the God of Abraham, ON HIS OWN SCRIPTURALLY-GIVEN TERMS, as HE REQUIRES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your "fan" used this teaching to publically support and promote (under that U2 Yahweh video) another popular FALSE teaching: That Jehovah/ Yahweh and Allah are the SAME god. But they are NOT the same god whatsoever!!!!!!!!!! They have DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT NATURES, HISTORIES, PLANS, STANDARDS FOR THEIR WORSHIPERS, FUTURES THAT THEY OFFER TO THEIR "FAITHFUL" ONES, ETC!WHO are "Abraham's sons" ? WHO are his "seed", in the way that matters, SPIRITUALLY?AGAIN, ONLY JESUS CHRIST and THOSE WHO "BELONG TO CHRIST" - spirit-anointed followers of Christ, who are OBEDIENT and LOYAL to Jesus Christ (who, in turn, taught his followers to OBEY EVERY UTTERANCE COMING FORTH FROM HIS FATHER JEHOVAH [YAHWEH'S] MOUTH) - "ARE REALLY ABRAHAM'S SEED." (See Matthew 4:4; Galatians 3:29) By this, each of the above religions - modern Judiasm, Christendom (apostate "Christianity"), and Islam IS DISQUALIFIED ENTIRELY from being "sons of Abraham". Therefore, it is also more than improper to even insult the Greater Abraham, Jehovah/Yahweh, over his "friend", the highly faithful human Abraham, by having the audacity to even refer to those religions as "Abrahamic religions"/ "the three great Abrahamic religions."BTW, the "high level" "religious expert" your "three great Abrahamic religions" philosophy is essentially THE SAME as IS NO, REPEAT, NO, REPEAT, NO "RELIGIOUS/ SPIRITUAL EXPERT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANTI-SCRIPTURAL SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS, those which defy, deny or disregard elements of Yahweh/ Jehovah's Holy Bible - THE TRUE AUTHORITY, BY GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF, FOR ALL SPIRITUAL MATTERS - ARE SPIRITISTIC (DEMONISTIC) and destructive TEACHINGS. They may be POPULAR and socially/ politically convenient teachings; pleasing to the masses and easy to exploit their spirituality with for various God-rebellious agendas; but they are FALSE to Jehovah/Yahweh - HATED BY HIM."The wisdom of this world IS FOOLISHNESS WITH GOD." (1Corinthians 3:19)"He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he who is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare BADLY." (Proverbs 3:19) YES, again, one of your "FANS" is MIMICKING YOU to the world, thus furthering a fire of lies YOU flared up before MILLIONS OF PEOPLE - AND, SO FAR, HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT!!!!!!!Bono, you spend much time and effort trying to help save lives from physical poverty and disease now; but for mass-media-ing SPIRITUAL FALSEHOODS, even about God's very own holy name itself - and then not acting to try to correct what you've taught, but just letting the madness of those wrong teachings and their effects rampage - you are causing people to become spiritually starved and spiritually diseased, which could very well mean their permanent, eternal death come Armageddon Day, which is soon."The time has come.....A fact's a fact....." * Sheep belong to JahSO GUIDE THEM BACK.P.S. The idolizing, mimicking, FALSE religious "fan" of yours who has prompted this post is also parroting another misleading teaching you promoted - "Yahweh" does NOT rightly mean "I AM THAT I AM"! It means, "He Causes to Become." To Moses, God further explained his name thusly: "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE." (Exodus 3:14)Yahweh/ Jehovah is NOT the STAGNANT, INACTIVE, INEFFECTIVE, and seemingly UNCONCERNED God as Christendom (FALSE "Christianity's") pagan-origined, unalive, "I AM" triune godhead.Instead, HE IS "THE ONLY TRUE GOD" - DISTINGUISHED FROM ALL FALSE gODS BY HIS HOLY NAME, which is a statement of HIS OWN UNIQUE CAPABILITY and POWER as the Creator, to Cause to Become whatever is necessary in order to carry out/ see through his righteous PURPOSES as RIGHTFUL UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN. So, Jehovah/ Yahweh's holy NAME is NOT FITTING as the name for any other being or god; and no one belongs associating the glory of his holy name with any other god or spiritually false teachings."I am JEHOVAH [YAHWEH]. That is MY NAME; AND TO NO ONE ELSE SHALL I GIVE MY OWN GLORY, neither my praise to graven images." (Isaiah 42:8)
WHY? A great reason: