Tuesday, February 05, 2008


You are spiritually LIABLE, before God, for the FALSE religious teachings you have promoted to your worshiping throngs AND HAVE FAILED TO TRY TO CORRECT.

Again, UNDER A BLASPHEMOUS "U2 Yahweh" video on a popular website (which I have been banned from, for speaking UNWANTED, unwatered-down truth about God), some "fan" of yours is again COPYING YOU, re-telling your deadly-mistaken, ANTI-SCRIPTURAL, ANTICHRIST spiritual FALSEHOODS.

NONE of these religions (as featured via your "COEXIST" headband, video, and concert screen, etc. icons) - modern Judiasm, God-and-Christ-DISOBEDIENT/ apostate "Christianity", or Islam - worships Yahweh, the God of Abraham, ON HIS OWN SCRIPTURALLY-GIVEN TERMS, as HE REQUIRES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your "fan" used this teaching to publically support and promote (under that U2 Yahweh video) another popular FALSE teaching: That Jehovah/ Yahweh and Allah are the SAME god.


WHO are "Abraham's sons" ? WHO are his "seed", in the way that matters, SPIRITUALLY?

AGAIN, ONLY JESUS CHRIST and THOSE WHO "BELONG TO CHRIST" - spirit-anointed followers of Christ, who are OBEDIENT and LOYAL to Jesus Christ (who, in turn, taught his followers to OBEY EVERY UTTERANCE COMING FORTH FROM HIS FATHER JEHOVAH [YAHWEH'S] MOUTH) - "ARE REALLY ABRAHAM'S SEED." (See Matthew 4:4; Galatians 3:29)

By this, each of the above religions - modern Judiasm, Christendom (apostate "Christianity"), and Islam IS DISQUALIFIED ENTIRELY from being "sons of Abraham".

Therefore, it is also more than improper to even insult the Greater Abraham, Jehovah/Yahweh, over his "friend", the highly faithful human Abraham, by having the audacity to even refer to those religions as "Abrahamic religions"/ "the three great Abrahamic religions."

BTW, the "high level" "religious expert" your "three great Abrahamic religions" philosophy is essentially THE SAME as IS NO, REPEAT, NO, REPEAT, NO "RELIGIOUS/ SPIRITUAL EXPERT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANTI-SCRIPTURAL SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS, those which defy, deny or disregard elements of Yahweh/ Jehovah's Holy Bible - THE TRUE AUTHORITY, BY GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF, FOR ALL SPIRITUAL MATTERS - ARE SPIRITISTIC (DEMONISTIC) and destructive TEACHINGS. They may be POPULAR and socially/ politically convenient teachings; pleasing to the masses and easy to exploit their spirituality with for various God-rebellious agendas; but they are FALSE to Jehovah/Yahweh - HATED BY HIM.

"The wisdom of this world IS FOOLISHNESS WITH GOD." (1Corinthians 3:19)

"He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he who is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare BADLY." (Proverbs 3:19)

YES, again, one of your "FANS" is MIMICKING YOU to the world, thus furthering a fire of lies YOU flared up before MILLIONS OF PEOPLE - AND, SO FAR, HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT!!!!!!!

Bono, you spend much time and effort trying to help save lives from physical poverty and disease now; but for mass-media-ing SPIRITUAL FALSEHOODS, even about God's very own holy name itself - and then not acting to try to correct what you've taught, but just letting the madness of those wrong teachings and their effects rampage - you are causing people to become spiritually starved and spiritually diseased, which could very well mean their permanent, eternal death come Armageddon Day, which is soon.

"The time has come.....

A fact's a fact....." *

Sheep belong to Jah


P.S. The idolizing, mimicking, FALSE religious "fan" of yours who has prompted this post is also parroting another misleading teaching you promoted - "Yahweh" does NOT rightly mean "I AM THAT I AM"!

It means, "He Causes to Become." To Moses, God further explained his name thusly: "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE." (Exodus 3:14)

Yahweh/ Jehovah is NOT the STAGNANT, INACTIVE, INEFFECTIVE, and seemingly UNCONCERNED God as Christendom (FALSE "Christianity's") pagan-origined, unalive, "I AM" triune godhead.

Instead, HE IS "THE ONLY TRUE GOD" - DISTINGUISHED FROM ALL FALSE gODS BY HIS HOLY NAME, which is a statement of HIS OWN UNIQUE CAPABILITY and POWER as the Creator, to Cause to Become whatever is necessary in order to carry out/ see through his righteous PURPOSES as RIGHTFUL UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN.

So, Jehovah/ Yahweh's holy NAME is NOT FITTING as the name for any other being or god; and no one belongs associating the glory of his holy name with any other god or spiritually false teachings.

"I am JEHOVAH [YAHWEH]. That is MY NAME; AND TO NO ONE ELSE SHALL I GIVE MY OWN GLORY, neither my praise to graven images." (Isaiah 42:8)

WHY? A great reason:



Blogger Theresa1 said...

* Lines borrowed from "Beds are Burning", by Midnight Oil.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Someone felt it was necessary to offer a miserable comment here; asking me if I've always been "mental", or only recently became so; and to brag that they've named their hamster "Yahweh" (also taunting that they hope that isn't blasphemy).

This U2 "fan", again (like many others), clearly demonstrates the same spirit of and/ or effect of the U2-spread (deadly) spiritual disease of casual, "cool" rebellion to God.

They've also felt COMPELLED to offer BLASPHEMY - without remorse, and without conscience. (After all, scriptural WARNING against U2 and their fans BLASPHEMY has already been delivered here and elsewhere).

Yes, by strongest principle, naming/calling anyone or anything else "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" is blasphemy.

Indeed, the person who wrote today showed the TYPICAL (also as in dry and wearisome, uninventive) ugly, unjust, unrighteous fruitage of evil viewed as casual-"hip":

The person LIED.

The person exhibited an unrighteous, unfounded HAUGHTINESS with their ABUSIVE and ASSUMING LIE-remark - one made with the intent to hurt and impair.

Despite all of the "talk" from Bono et al about "making the world a better place"; I hope it is becoming more and more clear to anyone HONEST-hearted that the spiritual DISEASE of REBELLION towards Jehovah-Yahweh and his words produces ROTTENNESS of the heart and mind, which then motivates persons to speak and act in UGLY-UNRIGHTEOUS, UNJUST, and UNLOVING WAYS. (Such persons "hip" claims as to having "love" as their modus operandi then become GROTESQUE in their HYPOCRISY and falseness.)

Really, rather than U2-fan (U2-reinforced) FALSE religionist or U2-mimicking U2idolater or other "FIGHTERS AGAINST GOD" demonstrating that they "have what it takes", from the inside-out, to "change the world" for the better; they have instead exhibited exactly why God-rebellion has caused so much suffering and has all but RUINED OUR WORLD - and why God will be FULLY JUST in his own acts of vengeance (permanent destruction) towards all such unrepentent and God-opposing persons soon, come Armageddon Day.

"This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for YOU, but, to YOU who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength" (2Thessalonians 6-9)

Those who oppose God by fighting his scriptural servants who are speaking his words of truth seem to ride on a bold, FALSE-PRIDE (and often "mob majority" opinion) "high" that they will never be called into accountability for their unjust speech and actions. (THAT IS "MENTAL" - OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY.) Yet, the Creator of the Universe repeatedly, even graphically, in his words, warns the opposite. He himself will do a thorough job of delivering vengeance onto (truly)unrepented-for-in-time persecutors of his people. That includes those who verbally abuse-persecute those delivering God's messages, including his already-made scriptural judgment-warning ones that many people DO NOT WANT TO HEAR, as PROPHESIED.

"...toward them the prophecy of Isaiah is having fulfillment, which says, ‘By hearing, YOU will hear but by no means get the sense of it; and, looking, YOU will look but by no means see. For the heart of this people has grown unreceptive, and with their ears they have heard without response, and they have shut their eyes; that they might never see with their eyes and hear with their ears and get the sense of it with their hearts and turn back, and I heal them.’" (Matthew 13:14,15)

"For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories." (2Timothy 4:3,4)

To deny, mock, and fight God's words and speech of them is INSANE.
Jehovah-Yahweh's own words of TRUTH ARE REALITY.

"Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth." (John 17:17)

To start "LISTENING" to them would a start in coming back to reality.

Those who do keep a firm grip on "the word of life" have their hearts and mental powers guarded and fortified by God's spirit; and so no words of falseness, cutting discouragement, deception, mockery, hate, etc. coming from those chosing to be (insanely) God-opposing can ruin them or de-power them for continuing to do God's will. (Philippians 4:6,7; Ephesians 6:10-18)

"Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. This is the hereditary possession of the servants of Jehovah, and their righteousness is from me,” is the utterance of Jehovah." (Isaiah 54:17)

9:56 AM  

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