Look Upon Your Dying Fans
Look upon your dying fans
Read their sickened thoughts
Fatally set for Armageddon
And there YOU SIT, lips clamped shut
Like popes silent on wars
Or those who watched people loaded on trains
Headed for imminent horror.
Just HOW DO YOU sleep at night
Speak of "social justice" or human rights
While you lead throngs to pay the price
Of God-defiance with their lives?!
Exalt, exaltThe rock star over GodSo much better than JesusAnd what he taught.Abuse Yahweh's nameShows a band to their fansAnd then please takeA dumbed-down stand:# 1, Attack truth With slander and lies# 2, Tempt,DEMORALIZE# 3, Misleadweakened mindsNow they're song-brainwashed Isn't that nice.Then everyone do What those in power wishFollow their lead to 666Take the mark of the beastDo what you pleaseServe Satan by defaultSo attractive, it seems.BOW while the song playsChant a mass dirgeSing offense to YahwehDON'T CARE WHAT ELSE HE'S HEARD.Sing Yahweh to the UNFor social justice fundsDon't Jezebel's love What their heroes have done(But who cares what God Almighty'sOwn words sayWhen you worship a rock starAnyway.)Just bow to a manPraise the idolPraise the idol Praise the idolSo sexy, sexy, sexy BOW TO THE IDOL.Tired of the God That you cannot "see"?Just BOW TO THE IDOLAnd what rock stars teach.BOW TO THE IDOL,Golden calf, times 23 - Now you're wearing 666 In invisible ink.BOW TO THE IDOLWhat a tricky leadTo then bowTo the image of the beastBOW TO YOUR IDOLSLike the prophesies saidEven though it will soon Leave you deadBy way of tainted musicDid LIES enter your head?Oh BOW TO YOUR IDOLPriests and pastorsBOW TO YOUR IDOLMake your flocks do it fasterBOW TO YOUR IDOLJezebel "preachers"BOW TO YOUR IDOLYouth deceiversBOW TO YOUR IDOLBOW TO YOUR IDOLS,BOW.