Monday, June 16, 2008

Look Upon Your Dying Fans

Look upon your dying fans
Read their sickened thoughts
Fatally set for Armageddon

And there YOU SIT, lips clamped shut
Like popes silent on wars
Or those who watched people loaded on trains
Headed for imminent horror.

Just HOW DO YOU sleep at night
Speak of "social justice" or human rights
While you lead throngs to pay the price
Of God-defiance with their lives?!


Blogger Theresa1 said...

A fan, "Paraphrased", amplified, explained, dramatized, etc. [CONTAINS MUCH SARCASM] -

[Chomping gum...]

What are you fighting over this song called "Yahweh" for - that's silly. [Chomp]

It's JUST a song. [Chomp] What's "Yahweh." Who's "Yahweh" [Chomp, chomp] - who cares anyway.

What does that matter? It doesn't matter. ALL religion is bad - that's what BONO teaches. [Chomp, chomp, chomp]

So what's true about God DOESN'T MATTER either then. [Chomp]. He can't have a body of truth about himself, or any true people obedient to him anymore - there can't be a true religion on earth that worships him on his own terms that God works through to save, guide and protect people through an upcoming Divine cataclysm of justice anymore. Bono must not think so - he paints ALL religions as bad. (Except for "social justice", which Bono preached to the world as being "true religion.") It's like "religion is what happens when God walks out of the room." That's what Bono says.

So the Bible must be lying when it speaks of there being one [spiritual] "body" faith... one baptism...One God; and when it speaks of "an entire association of brothers in the world", one UNITED and global congregation headed by Christ, etc. Bono doesn't acknowledge these scriptural things, but, rather, publically DISACKNOWLEDGES them (and more). So, they must not matter [Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp]....

...And [exasperatedly] SO NONE OF YOU SHOULD THINK THEY MATTER EITHER! [Chomp, chomp, chomp; waves hands in the air] Just coexist, like the U2-promoted idol icon says! Forget about spiritual truth - what pure, God-honoring worship according to his own scriptural standards would be; what He has said HE REQUIRES of humans!

Stop being concerned about that. Instead, everyone accept everything "spiritual", even if its lies about God and what He actually teaches. It doesn't really matter! Just "get along WITH EACH OTHER" instead!!! [Chomp, chomp, chomp.) That way, more people can work together to "make poverty history" and achieve "love and peace" [and security]. Join the "one" campaign. (I wonder why its called that? [Scratches head, looking off into space. Chomp, chomp, chomp.] "Vote for change", "change the world", "do something": Follow Bono!!!

The holiness of the name of Yahweh/ Jehovah DOESN'T MATTER - that's what U2 TEACHES. SO WHAT if they've chosen to have their song, titled with God Almighty's own personal holy name, accompanied by [many] spiritistic and pagan idol symbols - like phalluses - in a globally broadcasted video; in their concerts to over 3.5 million people; and in other media?

Who cares, so what. [Chomp, chomp, chomp; blank stare...]

Idolatry? What's idolatry? Blasphemy? What does that even mean? Is that more of that stupid God talk? Who cares - IT DOESN'T MATTER. Bono doesn't say it matters. Why do any of you think that matters?! Exodus 20:2-7? Blechhh! Stop quoting Scriptures. You're silly. You just "don't get it" do you? (Me and some other U2 fans like to use that "come back" - like Bono did - to people when they direct-question/accuse Bono or us of spiritual wrongdoing, and we can't make a valid scriptural defense for our speech and actions. It's a classic. We just tell them: You just "don't get it.") [Chomp, chomp, chomp, sigh...]

Are't we cool? [Chomp, chomp, chomp] We're Bono-cool. He's hot.

Now let's just all get along and sing, and nobody bring up the topic of God: "Yahweh, Yahweh, always pain before the child is born" [not]. [Gum falls out of mouth, and subject picks it up and resumes chewing.]

9:39 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

I don't even want to bother taking the time to "correct" every scripturally repulsive, ignorant, and God-defying spiritual FALSEHOOD being advertised to the world by U2 fans/ IDOLATERS/ FALSE "Christians", spiritists, etc. via "comments" under U2's UNRETRACTED "U2 Yahweh" BLASPHEMY videos.

However, currently, another U2 IDOLATER has posted DEFENSE and PRAISE for U2's DISPLAY OF A PAGAN (BAAL WORSHIP/ DEMON-INSPIRED SEX WORSHIP) PHALLIC IDOL IMAGE while U2's "song" misnamed "Yahweh" - one repeating God's holy name - is played to the "world".

Their "reasoning"?!?! Why, its a "circumsized" PHALLUS that is displayed while Yahweh's holy name is sung! Oh - that circumcision means a holy covenant with God, quacks the fan/ idolater.

The "fan" must NEVER have BOTHERED to research warnings of that being blasphemous. Had the "fan" checked the Bible itself, they would have found numerous references and warnings against the use of phallic images in particular (along with other idol images) being associated with Yahweh-Jehovah's holy name or worship of him. Phallic (and other demon-promoted pagan/ spiritistic) IDOL images are HATED BY YAHWEH.

Yet, the U2 "fan" pronounces it all fine to the world - like so many other U2 IDOLATERS have also done now.

Then, another PSEUDO (FALSE, fake, scripturally DISOBEDIENT and DISLOYAL)-
"Christian" U2 IDOLATER, in the names of God and Christ,tops that comment off with more praise as to the [FALSE] "Christian" wonderfulness of U2's [BLASPHEMOUS] "Yahweh" song and internationally promoted video.

After observing the growing Satanism being worked through U2 and their IDOLATROUS fan's blasphemies against God for some time now; Jehovah-Yahweh's own OUTRAGE over abuse of his own holy name - as well as his own impending remedy of justice/ righteous vengeance against blasphemers of his name is all the more understandable.

It is so deadly-pathetic that so many U2 "fans" have become SPIRITUALLY "SATISFIED" by U2-ISM as an easy-going, ear-tickling form of [FALSE] WORSHIP.

How about this for a sickening thought too: How much MONEY have the producers and promoters of the death-delivering (come Armageddon Day) "U2 Yahweh" video - and, more so, U2 and their camp - made off of this global God-blaspheming effort??????????

However much it is, its BLOOD MONEY in Yahweh's eyes.

6:20 AM  

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