Monday, October 05, 2009

October Now

And what do you know
Of the 6th or 7th
Long ago* ?

See tree clusters turn
Showing their colors
Oh what have they learned.

Fall we call it
And fall it did
And fall they did
Again, and again

And fall they do
And fall it will
And fall they will
- Still -
No matter what time of year
These things are fulfilled.

Reason: It is "the season."

Each fall Satan seems
To increasingly mock
And His kingdom,
The heavenly part of which was
Circa October 4-5, 1914.

Satan does so with mass-rebellion,
To memorialize his war dead;
And by motivating
"Kingdom of God", ***
Replete with COUNTERFEIT
"holy ones"
praising it.

Don't buy it (with your soul, with your eternal future).
(Satan's "offer" is an evil deal.)

How I would hate to be
A dried-up leaf
Carried by some meaningless wind
To a lost place
To rest on a mess
Only to have winter then bury me in.

Fall, yes:
Many of the God-wreckless
Come out of the closet
To revel in their philia
Of what is pagan and demonistic
And teach their children
To do the same -
To send obscene offense up
To Jehovah/Yahweh himself -
Never looking behind
At why they do what they do.

Jesus, the appointed
King of God's Kingdom,
The Prince of Peace,
The Ransomer
Was born on this earth
In the Fall, 2 C.E.
But he has been raised-up forever,
And his Kingdom by his Father
Will NEVER fall,
Will never be made low again.

Still every year,
Satan mocks that too, though,
By FALSE assignment of God's Son's
Paganized "birth day" as being the same
As Satan's Sun god,
In the "dead" of winter.

Through this clash and swirling
Of the winds of good and evil;
Leaves do fall
Upon moving vascillations
Of the still and tornadic
Peaceful and distressed
Sun-warmed, rain-chilled

Love and hate

Loyal and treacherous

(The hour is late)

Man's "answers!", then no answers
People's indecision

The loudness and fall of Babylon the Great
The boldness of man's kingdoms and their doomed-state

Joy and suffering
(The hour IS late)

The listening and non-listening
To God's truth that saves,

I hear Fall 2370's waves.

That was B.C.E.,
The Great Flood then,
But Divine cataclysm
Will soon come again

For the same reasons -
It IS "the season".
Hear: No matter what time of year.
(And the hour is late.)

Daylight can seem
More scarce
This time of year
Adding more gray
When rain clouds appear...

And leaves as they fall

Bring some sadness to heart

But I'll wait for Paradise

And the life it will impart.

* The ancient kingdom of Babylon, trouble-maker to Jehovah-Yahweh's ancient people - prophetic of how those of Babylon the Great would make trouble for God's people in these Last Days - fell to the Medes and the Persians, just as Jehovah/ Yahweh had prophesied it would, during the evening of October 6/7, 539 B.C.E.

Babylon the Great has also risen and fallen since; but has now fallen so far as to never be able to get up again. It will merely continue to fall, to a great final crashing - by Divine intervention - SOON.

Isaiah 21;

Daniel Five;

Revelation 17-18

(And more)

It will be quite a ride.

***And that full moon you loved, up in the sky

Was never a statute, nor a promise-sign

Of a "kingdom of God" to be fake-formed by men

But one born of Jah, to Rule again.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

How I would hate to be
A dried-up leaf
Carried by some meaningless wind
To a lost place
To rest on a mess
Only to have winter then bury me in.

(From this poem, this post)

Bit from the new U2 song, "Every , Breaking Wave", just debuted, in concert, 8/21/10 -

"Somewhere else, fearlessness
Now I’m speaking to an answer phone
Every falling leaf
On the breeze
Winter wouldn’t leave her alone"

5:46 PM  

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