Sunday, June 11, 2017

Common False Kindness Could Cause Fatal Blindness

I got to take a trip to Chicago, a couple of years ago. This time, it was for a non-musical adventure - but I had a touch of one anyway...

There was a music festival in town, featuring a long-famous, classic "jam band." This band has some devoted followers - a lot of them.

For myself, I discovered that I really liked some of their songs; but others, I found shady, with some spiritually offensive elements........

I did go see this band once. They played in a beautiful outdoor amphitheater, at a campground, near a river. I had a top-notch seat, in a relatively "safe" area - center stage, 17 rows back. I got that good seat for decorating my ticket request envelope - and (probably) for calling, a couple of times, to ask where my ticket was. Bob Dylan opened. In a lot of ways, it was a lovely night. People were euphoric, on account of the very appreciated music and band; and strangers hugged strangers, for the joy of the experience - me included. 

However, spiritually, there was a long, disturbing "moment" too. I wasn't the only one who felt this way. One man in front of me asked the other, "Are you scared?"

Other than that, it seemed like an okay night, with lovely weather, under a clear, mooned sky - though the band's closing song seemed to have a touch of irreverence towards Jesus.... 

I thought about the music afterwards. There are some songs that are fine, scripturally-spiritually - but they are the lesser amount of them. 

In fact, a few are extremely intriguing and desirable, musically - it can be hard to resist replaying them. But, there are also elements of spiritism in them. I tried rationalizing listening to them - one in particular....but even giving it the biggest amount of slack, for being full of imagination; I can't honestly do that.....

So, back to that Chicago trip, one morning, in a coffee shop.

A man - who seemed like he could be a producer, manager, or other person affiliated with that band or the event then featuring them - was thrashing through a newspaper, in immense delight, voicing excited gladness over the positive feedback/ great review(s).

As I was nearby, I asked, "Oh, is that for The D--- ?" (formerly known "as", The G------- D---).

Excitedly, he asked, "Yes! Are you a fan?!"

I had to keep my reservation, as I could not, by conscience, recommend something that I felt to be spiritually destructive, so I said the likes of, 

"I like some of their songs a lot! [And then I gently said] But I think some of their other songs have some spiritually dangerous messages in them..."

And then, I just nicely left this man with that thought, to consider that, with the ball in his court; and went off to try to drown my feelings regarding these sorts of mass tragedies in good, fragrant coffee.....

I thought this was done, and over - but then this guy sought me out - came after me and said, 

"Look. I think the whole thing about this band can be summed up in one line, from the song, "Uncle John's Bed" (which I knew, but did not like). "In that song is this line:


I have learned that, to a degree, I need to "pick my battles." So, I just let it go, figuring that saying anything else then would do no good. Hopefully, my non-verbal message came through clear enough: Please think about that - if it really makes things okay (because it doesn't).

For most of that stay, I kept running into people there for that music festival. I understood their elation; but I also understood that afterwards, before too long, that elation - without spiritually beneficial and lasting substance; and probably even undermined with at least some musical spiritual detriment - would let them down. In itself, it would fail to keep them happy; motivated towards godliness, and the seeking and doing of what is true and right; or hopeful.

It is absolutely NOT a substitute for the seeking of Divine truth (which turns out to be scriptural truth), or the following of Jehovah (and His happy, free way).

That is true, even though I WILL hang on to this band's song phrase - in itself - of, "like Jehovah's favorite choir."

Paradise will be paradise,
And that it's coming is in the air;
But we need to do what's right, NOW - 
To get from here to there.  (T.K.)


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