Monday, May 28, 2018

Some Things I Liked, Loved, Wondered, Worried, and Didn't Like, etc. About the Concert (Chicago 2 - May 23, 2018)

Loved - The GA line arrangement. 'Got there in the morning; got an official, numbered wristband from the arena security personnel; got to leave (and do things I needed to) - and come back to line up again at 4:30 pm.

Loved - That we got to use a REAL, clean, hygienic bathroom in the arena's will-call area instead of gross port-a-potties.

Loved - That I got to be up close to the B or e stage.

Loved - The break, the fun, talking with people, the silliness, the surreal-ness of the whole situation, being there to hear and see a long-time favorite band and favorite, meaningful songs.

Wondered - Why I was there, due to the spiritual issues that have arisen; yet feeling that I should be there. Wondering what the spiritual purpose and value of this would turn out to be.

Prayed- At the beginning of the show that something good, special, and worth it all would come out of this.

Liked - a lot of the "posters" - against violence, against violation of freedom of speech, and against abuse of power, killing, and war.

Worried - About the whole MRI (?) brain scan, stage screen image background. I hope everything is okay and stays okay!

Didn't Like - Some of the lyrics of "Love is All We Have Left". Generally speaking, humans don't have immortality until after the 1000-year reign of Christ  and the final test upon mankind. I don't like the "close your eyes" line, because it alludes to death; and in the context of this song, that death is not so tragic (like it truly is), but is just a passing on to an "afterlife" (which doesn't exist), to "immortality" (which is incorrect). A dying person is not like a baby who "cries on the doorstep" of heaven; nor does the so-called spirit/ life force of a dying person leave them and enter a baby who is born. (The "Lightning Crashes" song is also altogether wrong in this way.) If a person dies, their life-force goes back to Jehovah - and the individual is kept in Jehovah's perfect memory, until its time to resurrect people back to life here (which will be in God's new world here, after His Armageddon Day).

Loved - "The Blackout". "So glad that we are all still here." Good to dance to. Yes, these last days of this world system are getting to be more scary, intense, treacherous, wicked, unjust, dangerous, violent, and life-hostile. Without Jehovah's promised intervention soon, there would be "an extinction event".

Didn't Like - "Lights of Home" - for basically the same reasons as "Love is All We Have Left." I also previously wrote about this under a video on YouTube. Basically, neither God nor His Son Jesus are responsible for the terrible accidents (or sicknesses, etc.) that befall people today. So sorry you suffered these things. Its always good to call out to Jehovah for help (in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ), and He can definitely help people to endure, especially spiritually-mentally; but, generally speaking, God is not the one causing accidents, sickness, or pain, etc. As you know, He promises that someday [soon, here] THERE WILL BE NO MORE PAIN (a thought that can help a person to endure pain), no more death, no more illness, no more suffering. Glad you made it through a terrible accident and a health issue and are better - may you keep on healing and be well.

Loved - "Red Flag Day". Awesome. Motivating. Energizing. Encouraging. Consoling. Acknowledging. Empathizing. An intriguing musical piece with a power-anthem refrain and a memorable melody line. I'm glad that it SOUNDS like "Paradise is a place you" CAN "see if its yours" - but I wish that the official lyrics could be changed to that word "CAN", instead of what they read, which is "CAN'T".

LOVED - Singing along with (and dancing to) "Red Flag Day" and other songs I loved/liked. Listening to and blending voices, live; and seeing the artists perform, live and in person; and just being there, for whatever good purpose it will serve; are my very, very favorite things about these concerts.

Loved - "Beautiful Day", the parts of "The Ocean" that I could make out/ can remember, "Cedarwood Road", and "Sunday Bloody Sunday". I really enjoyed the cherry blossom graphics all over the screen; and was happy to see what I think were cherry blossoms on trees, and also other pink blossoms floating onto the ground, along the Lake Michigan waterfront and river's edge in Chicago the next day.

Liked/ Didn't Like......Liked all the touching, lovely photos of a beloved Mom. Loved the love, honor, and sentimentality. (Heavy sigh though) didn't like what seemed esoteric (and unscriptural) in the lyrics though. For example, "Once we are born, we begin to forget, the very reason we came." Scripturally, that ISN'T. Why? Because there is no "pre-existence of the soul" before people are conceived in their mother's womb, to be born. The only human who ever had a heavenly pre-existence was Jesus Christ. (Then he lived and died as a perfect human, and is now back up in heaven, ruling, as God's appointed King there.) (I also didn't like that at the beginning of this song, it almost seemed like more of a [would be wrong] incantation of a "spirit of the dead" rather than the calling-up of memories of a Mom.) Make your Mom proud - do and teach the right (scriptural) things. She'll be back someday soon, in the resurrection, you know.

Don't know what to say that I haven't already said - "Until the End of the World". Judas was NOT a hero of any sort, but became a greedy thief, a conspirator with evil Pharisees, and a traitor. He was NOT "predestined" to be the human who would fulfill prophesies by evilly betraying and sharing in causing the death of the Son of God - no individual was "predestined" to do that - but Judas knowingly violated God's holy spirit and chose to do that anyway. This is what the Scriptures teach. There was no excuse for his letting himself become a tool of the Devil. As Jesus described to His Father in prayer, not one of his apostles was "LOST" (as in not coming back, for sinning against the holy spirit, like the Gehenna-bound evil Pharisees), except for "the son of destruction" - Judas Iscariot. So, he's NOT a hero, and NOT a good example. So this song and its antics are kind of messed-up.

Thanks for Sharing. Your story. Sounds like a wild ride, glad you survived. "HMTMKMKM". I don't want to comment on this except to ask why did you let someone depict you as being like the bad angels Christ threw down out of heaven. Why do you even have "kill me" in the lyrics. It's rather disturbing, violent, and senseless.
 "See me, feel me, touch me, heal me." That was pretty good of The Who (and you've sung that also.) All positive images. Maybe change "kill" to something nice (or at least non-violent) instead? Same C/K sound - "COOL me", lol.

LOVED - "Elevation", this "Influx Remix" version. Love it. It's energizing, involved/intricate/intense, lilting, ethereal, and exotic - a trip of the mind, a joy to the heart. And then the singing starts, and it comes way back down to earth, lol. But I love it. Loved the fluorescent puffs of color of the screen too (but no, I don't do Holi, thank you). Loved that this was performed right in front of me, on that "e" stage. LOVED, loved, loved dancing to this, with the live singing, live.

Loved (but didn't like one or two lines of) "Vertigo". A thrilling, energetic song, fun to watch being performed too. But crosses aren't right - nobody has "Jesus 'round their neck" for wearing cross jewelry. And Satan's offer to Jesus, of Matthew 4:8,9, alluded to/ loosely paraphrased in the song? People just don't hear enough of the balancing part of that, Jesus' response to Satan's temptation of offering him (Jesus) "All the kingdoms of the world and their glory" (which Satan then and now still largely controls). People don't so often know that Jesus then answered, "GO AWAY, SATAN! For it is written, 'It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service." (Matthew 4:10) I wish that was more featured.
How did I miss it - "I Know its Only Rock and Roll", a "snippet"? A set list I'm looking at says it was there...I like most of that song - fun.

Liked - "Desire". Don't know where one's coming from with all of the aren't-you-glad-to-be-experience stuff; but it reminds me of a kind of spiritually-warpy U2/ Johnny Cash Song, "The Wanderer", wherein the line says, "I went out walking, in search of experience -  to taste and to touch and to feel as much as a man can before he repents." Yet, that's just wrong. A.) God says to "be babes as to badness" - He admonishes people to stay innocent. (1Corinthians 14:20)  B.) No one belongs courting "sinning against the holy spirit" - intentionally doing/ partaking of what they know is wrong and sinful, according to their conscience and God's own words, yet assuming "forgiveness" - because that would wrongfully be abusing the value and intent of the sacrifices God and His Son made to "cover" for sins. (Hebrews 10:26-31)

LEFT THE ROOM - for the whole Macphisto and "Acrobat" number. Gave up my spot near the front to do so. To me, a large, floating and snarling/taunting Devil head can't be entertainment. As with the Rolling Stones live "Sympathy for the Devil" performances, it is disturbing, but true, that some people actually seem to relish the Devil references - and so the spirit with this can come out to be very bad. Scripturally, we're supposed to "OPPOSE THE DEVIL" (James 4:7), NOT "MOCK" him.
I went out into the hallway and made a 22-second flip-book video showing these words, to contradict what Mr. Macphisto pronounced to the masses, that "The truth is dead!"
It just says, THE TRUTH IS NOT DEAD. "THE WORD OF GOD IS ALIVE AND EXERTS POWER" HEBREWS 4:12. (See a previous post for a link to this very short and humble video.)
This line Macphisto said IS true and a good point to teach though - that when people don't believe that Satan exists, that is when he gets "some of [his] best work done."

Used the restroom during - "You're the Best Thing About Me". Not wild about that song. I don't like the line, "The best things are easy to destroy." However, I LIKED the sound of Larry's hand drums.

Wandered in again for - "Staring at the Sun" I really like that song, and loved the old video for it - showing the silhouettes and shimmery water, etc. I enjoyed singing along/ listening to and blending voices for this one also. Too bad I could not recover my place up near the front, but for this, but oh well. I wrote about this song at length long ago. The "luminaries" and institutions of this world (including false religious institutions) that people have classically looked to and trusted for guidance and help - in lieu of Jehovah - have and are failing them. The "sun" of them, the "light" of them is becoming too dark and/or is too FALSE to sustain the life of human kind. (See Revelation 8:12 below.) The moon's become dark, turned to "blood"; the SUN's become dark, one-third gone. (mmm...I'm going to use that for a song/poem line.)

(Revelation 8:12)

"And the fourth angel blew his trumpet. And a third of the sun was smitten and a third of the moon and a third of the stars, in order that a third of them might be darkened and the day might not have illumination for a third of it, and the night likewise."

If people turn to Jehovah, with His given and available scriptural truth and spirit; if they "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19), and honest-heartedly open up their hearts and minds up to learning essential scriptural truth from God, so as to heed His truth and obey His scriptural requirements as they discover these things and see the proof of them (including by the testimonies of their own God-given, inborn consciences and the Creation of Jehovah all around them and within their person) - THEN THAT TRUE, WANTED, NEEDED, LIFE-SUSTAINING LIGHT OF TRUTH FROM JEHOVAH, with His spirit/ His active force, CAN FLOOD IN.

Lots of people don't like hearing Jehovah/ Yahweh's own scriptural messages - especially the disciplinary or warning messages. These messages may seem inconvenient and bothersome to their goals and desires, and so they BUG them. Its like they hear an irritating sound of the metaphoric "locusts" of Revelation, who have, as prophesied, swarmed-out, upon the earth, to deliver Jehovah's scriptural warning messages to mankind - whether it "bugs" individuals or not. The purpose is good - its for the sanctification of Jehovah/ Yahweh's holy name, and for the saving of individuals of mankind. So its all for love, Justice, righteousness, and goodness.

"There's an insect in your ear/ If you scratch, it won't disappear
It's gonna itch and burn and sting/ You want to see what the scratching brings"

"And the likenesses of the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle; and upon their heads [were] what seemed to be crowns like gold, and their faces [were] as men’s faces, 8 but they had hair as women’s hair. And their teeth were as those of lions; 9 and they had breastplates like iron breastplates. And the sound of their wings [was] as the sound of chariots of many horses running into battle. 10 Also, they have tails and stings like scorpions; and in their tails is their authority to hurt the men five months. 11 They have over them a king, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name is A·baddon, but in Greek he has the name A·pollyon." (Revelation 9:7-11)

So, its a very meaningful, "relevant" song - especially during these last of the pre-Armageddon days.

Loved - "Pride". To sing along with that song was what motivated me to want to attend my first U2 concert.

I must have just wandered outside again or something - for most of "Get Out of Your Own Way" and "American Soul." I don't like "Get Out of Your Own Way" entirely, because I don't like "Now you're a girl who's left with no words." I'm not left with no words, and never want to be left with no words.
With "American Soul", I was still wandering or something, and mainly missed it. However, I came in and noticed the giant American flag background. Okay.

Left it - "City of Blinding Lights". I already wrote about this song yesterday, in a previous post...I saw the upside-down cross on the lower section of stage right. That, along with the line "Blessings aren't just for the ones who kneel, luckily", made me want to be out of there.

So, I basically left - for most of the encore - only wandering in from the outside on occasion.

I did, however, hear Bono say something like this, before "13 (There is a Light)": "Parents, hold on to your children. Children, hold on to your parents. Children, know who your parents are." That was pretty rich, worthy advice! And your song line of, "and the world comes, STEALING CHILDREN from your room" is very noteworthy.

How many people have any idea at all how monstrous and demonic the current human rights crisis/ homeland terrorism at large/ new and spreading Nazi-like regime of UNJUST child "removal" - CHILD THIEVERY/ KIDNAPPING and human trafficking of them, FOR PROFIT and/or illicit "control"/brainwashing and/or EUGENICS (euthanasia-forced death-MURDER of the weak and sick) by CORRUPT, conscienceless, and evil agents of states is occurring?! How many people realize that the same category of corrupt, conscienceless, and Satanically evil individuals are also doing the same to senior citizens - and weak, sick, and or vulnerable other persons - medically KIDNAPPING THEM, robbing them, and orchestrating their forced death-murder-demise?! Corrupt state agents and their cohorts are actually engaging in this homeland terrorism and are carrying out these CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY for paychecks, bonuses, and in the case of child STEALING in the US, Federal incentives for their states. This new Nazi-like, Stalinistic, Satanic terrorist movement of destroying the lives of multiple people at once, by cowardly and consciencelessly targeting their children (with their legal and other vulnerabilities) has covered Britain, has spread across the US like a devastating plague, and is also seen in Canada, Australia, and probably other places. it's a situation of:


Surely, Armageddon Day from a very angry God Jehovah - the Creator and Purposer of scriptural, Divine family arrangements, parental rights, the right to life and liberty, and the Giver of CHILDREN to their PARENT(s) [Psalm 127:3] - and NEVER to any state or government of this largely Satan-run world system - is SOON. Indeed - "Sometimes, the end is not coming...The end is here."

This IS the end of this largely wicked world system - Armageddon is NEAR.

"Put your hands in the air, hold up the sky/
It could be too late, but we still got to try."

Well, it IS TOO LATE.
As predicted, from Eden on, defiant "independence" from God has all but completely ruined our world; and many people still aren't listening to Jah - many are listening less.

So, its not us that would be able to hold back the sky. Right now, four angels are as if holding back four winds of destruction - and they are about to let them go, at God's command, onto the stubbornly and heinously evil people of the world, on Armageddon Day. (Revelation 7:1-3)

"Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)

Loved - that you DIDN'T DO the "Raised By Wolves" performance. I hate it. I hate that it condemns ALL "beliefs" - including scripturally TRUE beliefs; and that recently, what one can easily assume to be spiritual literature was still being ripped up and tossed.

Loved - "Free yourself to be yourself, only you can see yourself". That's relatively true, but Jehovah can "see" and understand us even better.






Sunday, May 27, 2018

This is Too Hypocritical, Isn't It? The Fansite Zootopia at U2 dot com has Censored/ Banned Free Speech; and has "Adopted"and Promoted Another Fansite that Has Grossly Done the Same

Yes-man-ship; idolatry; the most harmful, godless, God-insolent, blasphemy, FALSE religious/ spiritistic LIE comments - ANYTHING BUT SCRIPTURAL, VITALLY-CORRECTIVE and WARNING TRUTH - (at least) were the long-running status quo of U2's fansite zootopia and the "adopted" fansite called atu2. And then, under the oversight of those responsible - up to and including U2 - these became enjoined on U2's fan website.

Persons could post and discuss anything freely - about U2, music in general, the state of the world, world events, social issues and phenomena, politics, personal views and life-happenings, poetry, random thoughts, what they were having for dinner,  anti-scriptural religious views, atheism, immorality, blasphemy, insolence towards God, spiritism/demonism, etc. etc. etc. HOWEVER,
actually scriptural, warning and corrective comments/ statements/ posts - words NOT DILUTED into ineffectiveness/ inanity - WERE DELETED and CENSORED/ BANNED off of both U2's fansite zootopia and the fansite atu2. This was especially so if the corrective and warning scriptural words of God and speech solidly based on them were addressing the lyrics, performances, speeches, or other mass-media-ed works of Bono/ U2 - or were in response to unjust/unfair attacks, hateful hounding, or bullying (teamed or gang-bullying) worked by fervent  U2 fans; who did not want any contradictory scriptural truth competing with or calling into question the mass-media-ed works of those whom they put FIRST (idolized).

I was BANNED and CENSORED/ BANNED (same effect) for using God-given freedom of speech, to speak His scriptural truth (including his corrective and warning words) on U2's fan website, zootopia. (The unjust attackers and persons working hounding and bullying were NOT banned, however.) That occurred at least four times, since the administration for zootopia first changed hands, after I joined and started writing profusely there, which was November 2001. (My money was taken and kept each time, however.)

The parting public condemnation-to-BANNING I received from a so-called "moderator" of the U2 fansite called "atu2" included the following (I have the whole thing saved, along with many of my posts there, of the "bothersome"  scriptural truth being complained about):


(That was coming from a fansite inhabited by FALSE religious leaders; wherein anti-whole-scriptural FALSE religious books [for sale], other sites, and/or sermons [including those for sale], and even a convention[with registration fees] featuring and adulating/idolizing the spiritual teachings and examples of U2 were discussed/promoted/advertised; along with the promotion of "U2-charist"/ "U2 Eucharist" worship services [which also promoted the United Nations Millennial Development Goals, in those houses of "worship"]. BUT, scriptural truth was shown the PROPHESIED HATE. Astounding. And U2 [by ultimate responsibility/ oversight] chose to "adopt"/ adjoin that mess to its own fansite. I suppose IDOLATRY IS GREAT FOR SALES [even if it means that countless persons will die on Armageddon Day from God on account of it, and their choosing of relative hatred towards Jehovah/Yahweh, Jesus Christ, and God's own given scriptural standards because of it - and all of this being CONDONED RATHER THAN EFFECTIVELY CORRECTED]. U2/ Bono, YOU HAVE A "MEGAPHONE" - USE IT.)

These WORDS OF CONDEMNATION-to-BANNING/ HATE FOR SCRIPTURAL TRUTH that annoys/disrupts the common pleasure-first status-quo of actual GODLESSNESS well matches with the severing words of a "high up" "moderator"/ administrator of U2's own fansite, zootopia, as sent to me by personal, HIDDEN message (I complained about this matter to a representative of the company that was running U2's fansite; yet this "moderator" was NOT removed, but was instead, afterward, featured on that website, and  publicly PRAISED for his "fine" work overall):

"Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Hello, please note the Zoo forums are a friendly, moderated place for U2 fans to share their love of the band, NOT a place to promote religious rants and beliefs, or to throw out accusations so with this in mind your account is now, on pre-moderated content only "

Indeed, U2 idolaters - especially those who are also of other false religious and/or God-rebellious mindsets or agendas - can be very fervent in their hate towards God's words and messengers of them (as prophesied). To date, I have been censored/banned from at least 13 (or more) different music, etc. discussion websites dominated by U2 idolaters.

This kind of popular hate and derision towards - and UNRIGHTEOUS SUPPRESSION OF -  Divine, scriptural truth (and messengers of it) - but a preference for FALSE "spiritual" teachers and teachings that "accommodate" the DESIRES of the many for things which God's words condemn or restrict - was well and repeatedly prophesied to occur, as the last days of an increasingly godless and wicked world system draw to a close. (2Timothy 4:3,4)


I was once told by a U2 fan/idolater that I should go into a corner somewhere, and do my preaching there.

I was told by Jesus Christ and the Creator/Sovereign of the Universe to as if shout these things from a rooftop and set them as a beacon LIGHT of life-vital TRUTH upon a hill - to NOT hide them under a basket, or faithlessly SHRINK BACK from speaking them.

I chose NOT to be intimidated and silenced by any actually godless U2 idolater, with or without any label of any other FALSE religion upon their head.

I guess this was all, in a way, good practice, good training, to be ready to SPEAK OUT JEHOVAH'S SCRIPTURAL TRUTH - INCLUDING HIS WARNINGS* - AS THE "DRAGON"(SATAN) and HIS SIDE-MONSTERS CONTINUE TO RISE UP, DOMINATE, DECEIVE, and DO HARM to mankind - and to spiritually war-against/ attack the relatively few truly godly persons/ persons honest-heartedly inclined towards godliness left on this earth. (Revelation 12:17)


For these and many other clear, scripturally-prophesied reasons, it is easy to see that Armageddon Day from Jehovah, upon the stubbornly and heinously evil persons of the world, and upon every vestige and entity of evil in this largely Satan-run world system is SOON.

THEN there will be JUSTICE - THEN there will be *TRUE*, lasting PEACE, for all people everywhere on earth.


"SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY" is TANTAMOUNT TO MURDER, for its effects, in God's eyes. (Romans 1:18-32)

Acts 3:19.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Icky Symbols.....

Srsly [seriously]? Can you and your designer(s) please give spiritual problem symbols a [permanent] rest, really?

The face on your "Human Rights" light-screen "poster" has a false religious/ spiritistic triangle/ eye of Rah symbol in its eye socket. Mass-media-ed, that's far more than a proverbial "rafter" in one's eye. Satan and his forces, symbolized by such images, will NOT support human rights anymore than ants will quit going after sugar.

I walked out, from being a second/third person back from the rail of the B/ e stage, when the Devil image appeared on the screen.

What does James 4:7 say? It does NOT say what C.S. Lewis infamously MIS-represented it as saying. It does NOT say, "Mock the Devil and he will flee from you." INSTEAD, God's words say, "OPPOSE the Devil and he will flee from you."

After making a short little word video out in the hallway (see previous post); I would peek in and walk  around, but didn't even bother going back to my former place.

When I saw the stage backdrop for "City of Blinding Lights", it made my head groan. I saw crosses - intentionally ambiguous crosses every which way - but at least one (stage right, a lower image) was distinctly an upside-down cross (a nod to Satan and other rebels against God). So, I walked away again, because that was awful.

And the lyrics for that song remain dangerously misleading. Right now, God (not "luck") continues to provide some blessings to mankind in general - water, sun, food, air, etc. (Matthew 5:45) But rebels against Jehovah (as opposed to "the ones who kneel") do NOT receive spiritual blessings or approval from Him; and, soon, on Jah's Armageddon Day, ALL "blessings" from God upon the stubbornly and heinously wicked - including life itself - will be completely and permanently ended.

This is no time to reinforce anyone to stay on the "broad and spacious road....leading off into destruction", to be self-satisfied with being rebellious, ingrateful, and/or insolent towards God - and unrighteous/wicked - and promote the deadly lie that they will continue to be "blessed" anyway. (Compare Genesis 3:4)

Jah's Scriptural Words are Truth, and Mean Everlasting Life - Heaven Doesn't Send Blank Pages of Non-Answers!

"Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth." (John 17:17)

"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3)

"Man must live, not on bread alone, but by every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth." (Matthew 4:4)

"The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man." (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

At a recent concert, at the end of the "Until the End of the World" song, as waves depicting an Armageddon-like scene came rolling and "crashing" over the screen; little white pages, as if from a smaller book - like a Bible - came floating down, from high up, like confetti, over the crowd.

I looked, and the page was BLANK.

But that's NOT how God, with His spirit, has dealt with mankind.

He has sent His words, from Heaven - and they are NOT as if blank and worthless pages of empty speech and non-answers.

No. He has given the world His words, His pages of TRUTH - life-helping and life-saving scriptural TRUTH.

At this end of the world, who "listens" though, and who "sees"? Who wants to see, wants to hear?

Not that prophesied.

I suppose that the blank pages dropping from the ceiling could symbolize the spiritual "offerings" to others of atheists, apostates, those of spiritistic philosophies or any number of other "Babylon the Great" FALSE religions (which people need to LEAVE, urgently - Revelation 18:4,5).

However, in greatest CONTRAST, Jehovah/ Yahweh's scriptural words of truth - the pages of His Bible - overflow with and emanate useful and life-giving, spirit-backed words of Divine wisdom and guidance. They are the OPPOSITE of being BLANK to the soul. They are food - sustenance - to the heart, mind, survival, and future of individuals. They are "life's water." (Revelation 22:17)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Truth is NOT Dead - The Word of God is Alive and Exerts Power (Now with Rightside-Up Video)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"Summer Stretching on the Grass"

.....but you won't find me "staring at the sun."

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Women of Jah's "Army", Shout Out

Women of Jah's "army", shout out *
Preach God's words to the world, 'cause its coming to an end
And it will be soon.

Women and girls, don't give up
In God's eyes you're worth the same as males
And not one speck less.

Women and girls, don't lose heart
For Jah Himself, as a witness, will "repay"
Anyone who'd  hurt you.

Daughters of the earth, stay hopeful
Though this world's so rough, soon God will say, "Enough!"
And then He'll make it good.

Mothers everywhere, pray strongly
There's a spiritual war on the children you adore
Keep showing them The Way.

Women and men, sons and daughters,
Brothers, sisters, girls, boys, moms and dads, old and young,
We're one family.

Daughters of Jehovah, sing out
As with tambourines, to dance and sing
'Cause God's Kingdom's near.

* Isaiah 68:11 -
"Jehovah himself gives the saying;
The women telling the good news are a large army."

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

"Oppose the Devil"

The Scriptures do NOT say as C.S. Lewis popularly misrepresented that they do, "MOCK the Devil and he will flee from you."

INSTEAD, the Scripture ACTUALLY says:

"OPPOSE the Devil. and he will flee from you." 
                                   (James 4:7)

Or, even much more better yet, there is the whole of this:

"Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from YOU.   Draw close to God, and he will draw close to YOU. Cleanse YOUR hands, YOU sinners, and purify YOUR hearts, YOU indecisive ones."  (James 4:7,8)