Thursday, May 17, 2018

Women of Jah's "Army", Shout Out

Women of Jah's "army", shout out *
Preach God's words to the world, 'cause its coming to an end
And it will be soon.

Women and girls, don't give up
In God's eyes you're worth the same as males
And not one speck less.

Women and girls, don't lose heart
For Jah Himself, as a witness, will "repay"
Anyone who'd  hurt you.

Daughters of the earth, stay hopeful
Though this world's so rough, soon God will say, "Enough!"
And then He'll make it good.

Mothers everywhere, pray strongly
There's a spiritual war on the children you adore
Keep showing them The Way.

Women and men, sons and daughters,
Brothers, sisters, girls, boys, moms and dads, old and young,
We're one family.

Daughters of Jehovah, sing out
As with tambourines, to dance and sing
'Cause God's Kingdom's near.

* Isaiah 68:11 -
"Jehovah himself gives the saying;
The women telling the good news are a large army."


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