Sunday, August 07, 2005


Bono: 'Unilateralism before God is dangerous.'

(Quotes from Bono according to

Jon Pareles of The New York Times)

"To have faith in a time of religious fervor is a worry. And, you know, I do have faith, and I'm worried about even the subject because of the sort of fanaticism that is the next-door neighbor of faith. The trick in the next few years will be not to decry the religious instinct, but to accept that this is a hugely important part of people's lives. And at the same time to be very wary of people who believe that theirs is the only way. Unilateralism before God is dangerous"...................

"Religion is ceremony and symbolism," he added. "Writers live off symbolism, and performers live off ceremony. We're made for religion! And yet you see this country, Ireland, ripped over religion, and you see the Middle East. Right now, unless tolerance comes with fervor, you'll see it in the United States."

QUESTIONS: Well, who is wiser; and so whose ideas are superior - God's, or Bono's?

Who do we owe our worship to - our Maker, or Bono?

Who should we OBEY, first and above all others - the Almighty/the Heavenly Father, or Bono?

Since those answers really are...


and since there ARE conflicts between what God's words teach and what Bono has said; we'd better listen to the Sovereign of the Universe - and measure anything a human says against what the Creator's own words are.

God's words are 100% true - they are ONLY TRUE.

Compiled, they comprise >>>ONE TRUTH<<< (Jesus Christ to his Father at John 17:17 - "YOUR WORDS ARE TRUTH.") God has expressly purposed that humans LEARN and OBEY his ONE TRUTH. (John 4:24; 8:32; 17:3; Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20; 2 Thessalonians 1:8.)

Through his inspired Bible, God has informed humans about who he is; what his purposes are; why we are here; how our Father feels about us; the bottom line about why there is trouble in the world now; what God and his Son have done, are doing, and will do to bring relief to obedient humans and set the world right again; what WE NEED to do; etc. God has SET HIS OWN WRITTEN, SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS AND TERMS FOR PURE WORSHIP, WHICH HUMANS MUST FULFILL-OBEY IN ORDER FOR THEM TO RECEIVE THE BLESSING OF EVERLASTING LIFE in God's coming new world/ Kingdom/ paradise earth here. (2 Thessalonians 1:8; Psalm 37:10,11)

All of these things together form ONE BODY OF TRUTH, AND ONE TRUE, GLOBAL RELIGION. (1Peter 5:9; Revelation 7:9,10,13-17.)

God has no truth in opposition to anything he has given us - "It is impossible for God to lie." (Hebrews 6:18)

MANY PEOPLE, however, in wanting to avoid personal implications not-to-their-liking of what it would require of them to OBEY the True God's ONE TRUTH can be vehemenently "creative" in coming up with countless excuses and rationales about why they shouldn't have to.

God's response, however, is that people are INEXCUSABLE for not seeking his TRUTH in his written words and then OBEYING it. (Romans 1:18-32; Acts 17:26,27)

What Yahweh/Jehovah and Jesus had Paul (the apostle) write down IS TRUE then, no matter what any handsome, clever, great singer who has made some wonderful poems-lyrics says.

There IS "ONE BODY...ONE SPIRIT...ONE HOPE...ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM; ONE GOD" (Ephesians 4:4-6) ....and THIS is what we must all rightly FOLLOW.


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