Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Framed in the Funnies

The other day, somebody drew
A comic for the national news
'Maybe thought it was sadly true
But it was not.

One cannon marked "religious wars"
Faced another, which implored
"Secular humanism" is
Our only hope,

Our only shot.

Well, no, my friend
This scene's NOT new
Instead its prophecy
Coming true:
It's Satan's FOREWARNED scheme
To fool you.


Make ALL religions SEEM the same
USE LIES to teach it shares the blame
For mankind's state.

That way, Jehovah would be brought down
His loyal ones ran in the ground
For continuing to serve him
In spite of hate.

And so, my friend
This scene's NOT new
Instead its prophecy
It's Satan's forewarned scheme
To fool you.

It IS the Devil's game of death
Of whether they'll put GOD first
Or their desires.

Please "hear" and learn
'Cause if you don't care
What God says to mind
You WON'T be aware


'Til Armageddon comes
And you expire.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

It is FALSE religion, built on spiritistic (demon-originated) and man-made lies, that has all but ruined our world.

Jehovah and the spiritual truth he teaches through his words and upholds with his spirit - THE ONE TRUE RELIGION for people to follow - is NOT to blame for the harm that FALSE religionists have done, in the name of God and Jesus Christ.

God Almighty and his Son are actually VERY ANGRY about all of the murder and other injustices that Satan and his demons have convinced men to carry out, against God's will, in a mode of wrongful pride, FALSE "holiness", etc.

They do not like their names blasphemed and their righteousness slandered either.

God is about to unload his promised vengeance upon all entities of the Satan-run global empire of FALSE religion. HE IS WARNING PEOPLE TO "GET OUT" of them now, for their "sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and GOD HAS CALLED [THEIR] ACTS OF INJUSTICE TO MIND." (God symbolizes the conglomerate of all false religions together as a spiritual harlot, called "Babylon the Great." Please see Revelation chapters 17 and 18.)

Ungodly men will see this destruction of false religions as "freedom" for them to indulge their anti-godly desires even more so.

THEY WILL PROCLAIM that THEY (humans) have achieved "PEACE AND SECURITY" for the world, WITHOUT GOD's purposed and promised heaven-based kingdom-government being established yet on earth - as God says that it NEEDS to be.

The ungodly, at Satan's goading, will come up against all those staying true and loyal to God's scriptural teachings, including that Jehovah's incoming Kingdom is mankind's only hope for true, lasting peace on earth and continued life for mankind.

The world will have been divided into two - the righteous, God-grateful ones, faithfully serving Jehovah/Yahweh "with spirit and truth" on one side; and those serving Satan and his decrepit, unjust world system that offers FALSE hope based on lies that appeal to ungodly and unrighteous desires on the other.

That pivotal time is almost upon us. The whole world IS being warned of God's righteous requirements for all those who wish to be part of his peaceful new world here after he destroys Satan's present wicked and hurtfully deficient world system.

People ARE making their choices now to obey God or not. The prophesied, global, "good news"-of-the-kingdom preaching/warning-of-God's-judgments work by Jehovah's servants IS nearing completion. (Matthew 24:14; 2Thessalonians 1:6-8)

Then, Satan and his crowd ("Gog" with "Magog" - see Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39) will move to "attack" God's loyal ones. However, God Almighty will give his command to a waiting Jesus Christ, and he and his heavenly (only) army of spirit beings will sweep down to rid the world of God's enemies. Angels, who have been asking God, "how long?" will also now, relievedly unleash the four winds of destruction they have been holding back upon the earth.

Through all of this Day of God's Wrath, his loyal ones will protected. BUT, all those who chose defiance to their Maker and injustice towards those faithful to him will be removed from the earth.

The kingdoms of men now set up in this world system will cease to exist after Armageddon. God will "crush and put an end" to ALL of them. (Daniel 2:44)

Then, he will set up his own originally intended, rightful, and fully just Sovereignty over the whole earth.

Those who chose rightful and humble submission/ obedience to our loving and deserving Creator, the Only True God, can then live forever in peace and happiness.

"And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, but he will not be.

But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace...And they will reside forever upon it."

(Psalm 37:10,11,29)

6:01 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Any questions or interest, go here and make "contact":

Study the Bible with some local Jehovah's Witnesses, and get going. Hurry up.

6:09 PM  

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