Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Grim Wary Tale (Started August 2006, Finished June 2010)

Once upon a time, not very long ago,
An anti-godly man with lots and lots of money and prestige

Called a meeting of many leaders of FALSE religions.
None of these leaders were spiritually wise, though;
And NONE of them possessed the precious treasure
Of scriptural truth from Jehovah/Yahweh.
The rich man, who neither respected nor cared for God Almighty
Or his words
Pulled what he must have thought was a sly trick on these
False religionists,
Whom he probably could see had weaknesses
In what they supposedly stood for,
So he exploited their weaknesses in order
To strengthen his own anti-godly position,
And ally them, thoughbeit perhaps unwittingly,
To the service of his grandiose-against-the-Creator
Idolatrous scheme.
After making eloquent speeches,
Which pleaded the causes of "peace", global "unity",
And effective management of men and earth
By other men [instead of the incoming, biblically prophesied, heaven-based, thoroughly beneficial and perfectly just, global kingdom-government for earth run by God's Son, Jesus Christ],
This man asked all of the false religious leaders present
To sign a statement saying
That their religion is not the only true one.
The leaders easily sold away
Even what bits of truth they had
But also the concept that God HAS
One body of truth
That he expects all humans to follow.
Yes, they SOLD that to a man
Who had them charmed
By at least flattery
That they even were
Spiritual "leaders."

In another land, far away
Lived another man who was also very powerful.
He had the hearts of many
Because he was a singer
With much charisma
And plentiful resources
At his fingertips.
Many women (and even men)
Worshiped him as god.

The singer knew of the anti-god man
Mentioned above.
One day, while hand-writing out lyrics
To a song,

The singer jotted-down the words
That this media-mogul man

Was "the king of America".
(Those "extra" lyrics/notes were never heard
In the very popular recordings
Of this song though.)

The singer used paraphrases and terms
From the Bible in his songs,
He made allusions to God's words
In his poetry too.
In hindsight, use of God's words
Drew people in
Just like the rich man described before
Drew religious leaders in,
But neither man firmly directed people to God -

And the spiritual authority of the whole
Of the Creator's words -
Rather than themself, as Guide.

The rich man, becoming very emboldened
In his anti-God goals
Decided to replace the "Ten Commandments"
From the Eternal Creator, Sovereign of the Universe
With ten of HIS OWN ideas,
From his own limited knowledge and understanding
And with his own limited foresight,
And proceeded to recommend these to all humanity
As the more enlightened way to go -
A way for mankind to have "peace" and thrive.

The singer did much the same as the God-defiant rich man did.
Instead of re-doing the Ten Commandments, however,
The singer went-for-the-gut
And blasphemed God Almighty's personal holy name itself.
He did that before millions of people.
Him and his band performed a song
Called "Yahweh", repeating God's name
While they displayed many huge, lit up
Symbols of paganism-spiritism
And FALSE religions, one after another,
Upon their stage backdrop.
One section of it, which seemed to hurt the most,
Showed the word "GOD" being repeatedly
Blown-up/exploded in the sky.
After the display was done blowing up "GOD",
Then a banner appeared that said, "FREE."

The rich man described above wants
A God-free, or, at least, God-made-inane world too.

If God is made inane, or defamed enough
And people's thinking towards him
Becomes likewise apathetic,
It is easy to take the next step
And urge the masses to disregard him,
And follow a man or men as leaders
And "saviors" of humanity instead,
Is it not?

Also, just as the rich man
Gathered the false religious leaders
To acquiesce the idea that God has one truth
For people to follow - or that they had it;
The singer also made brazen, much-publicized comments

Such as,
To be "very wary of those that think that their way is the only way",

Further, like the rich man to the false religious leaders,
The singer worked at sowing doubt about God having one truth
Among his admiring fans.
In effect,
He set the example and gave the suggestion
That he hasn't found the truth about God
And that they should feel the same.
Again and again,
The singer would urge arenas-full and stadiums-full
Of people to join him in repetitively singing:
"I still haven't found what I'm looking for."
Whereas the false religious leaders agreed with the rich man
By signing papers,
The false religionists (including atheists) as well as the sadly misled
Admirers of the singer agreed,

At these concerts,
To the tearing down of God's truth
As well as the blasphemy of his name
By clapping and cheering their approval.

Moreover, the singer ALSO has done much other mass-media-ed work
To get FALSE religious leaders
And FALSE religionists (including atheists and spiritists)
To PUT ASIDE the notions of loyalty, integrity, and OBEDIENCE

To the WHOLE of God's Almighty's own scripturally stated truth, will, purposes, and requirements
To INSTEAD ecumenalize, "come 'together' "
As "one"
In order to create a "better world"

By whatever "social justice" can accomplish.

He has urged all of his massive audience,
As well as politicians and others with "power"/clout/wealth
To join forces with these also.

Out in a forest, Little Red Riding Hood
Sat down on a tree stump
And scratched her head.
"Why?", she thought.
"How could anyone who once sang songs
Showing pieces of great depth of
Biblical understanding
Become so very
Spiritually stupid?"

Just then, a wolf who thought he was hot stuff
Jumped out before her and replied,
"The better to fool everyone, of course."

"Into what?", asked Red.

The wolf had no response,
But then just sadly shook his head.

Red, who had changed to Light Blue,
Already knew the answer already though,
Because God had prophesied of these kinds
Of things long ago, in his words.
She kept an eye on the pacing

Hungry lion in the distance,
Catching so many unaware prey;
Heard what seemed like frogs talking;
Watched beasts, a dragon ("the original serpent"),
Corrupt commercial giants,
And FALSE religionists as
Harlots and sorcerers
All convene "together",
"Work together", eat "together", play "together",
Swim "together"......

And she felt the winds swirl
And saw the storm build.


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