Thursday, September 13, 2007

See the World in Red and Red

Casual blasphemers of the God named "Yahweh", haters of God's words, and U2 idolaters were given their way today by the youtube company: I was completely unjustly banned by that website. (My username there was "theresateri1". ) Checking back, the apostates who had been gang-teaming together to predatorize and slander my writing, me, my God Yahweh/ Jehovah - and my religion with his name on it - were found rejoicing over my being banned (and they were STILL making up lies about me). As typical of that one's underhanded manipulative tactics however, one of the women who had posted relentless extreme and hateful SLANDER of me has now feigned partial affection, a "missing" of me TO MAKE HERSELF LOOK BETTER and hopefully somewhat "exonerated"/ "redeemed" in the eyes of any RIGHTEOUS observers of this MOST UNJUST FIASCO-mistreatment of me (and my God, and others of my religion) who might otherwise rightly view her actions as being as DEPLORABLE, COWARDLY, and inexcusable as they have been (as has been the same kind of speech and behavior of her injustice-working APOSTATE to Yahweh-Jehovah gang-members also ).

Here is a copy of my "feedback" letter via a bottom-of-the-page link to the youtube Company, which I just sent them several minutes ago (with a couple of spelling errors fixed) :

Your site and company belong being put out of existence. You have VIOLATED FREE SPEECH and FREEDOM OF RELIGION ON YOUR PUBLIC SITE TO THE EXTREME. YOU HAVE UPHELD AND SUPPORTED PREDATORIZING, SLANDEROUS, ABUSIVE, UNJUST PERSECUTION OF ME for speaking of my beliefs. I asked you to simply UPHOLD YOUR POLICY against those who had done this to me - some WORKING AS A GANG TEAM against me to do their relentless SLANDERING of me, my God, and my religion. Despite my JUST request, you LET THOSE PERSONS CONTINUE with their outrageous SLANDER abuse. I did not lie about or slander anyone - I merely spoke the truth. I had the opinion of the minority.

The slanderers, however, were part of the majority with their opinion that God's words and even his personal name should be at least casually disregarded and somewhat disdained (with these SLANDEROUS ABUSERS and some others having written comments expressing INTENSE HATE for actual scriptural words of God, as well as HATE by way of TOTALLY UNJUST INTENSE and PERSISTENT slander behavior towards me. ("Levesque999" have been abusive of me this way for over a year. His GANG-TEAM SLANDERERS that have also predatorized me in full abuse with their slander were "fonna" and DiverforPort.)

The LATEST SCAM-LIE of that team was to acuse me of using a "spam" bot??? to make posts for me. Of course, that is a LIE. These are people that never had anything worthwhile to say - but made constant postings of lies, slander, hate-group slander link sites (actually spamming them), abusive personal comments towards me, and other "prattle" talk not even remotely related to the video (WITH MY GOD, NOT THEIR gOD'S HOLY NAME ON IT) FOR THE PURPOSE OF SMOTHERING MY POSTS OF SCRIPTURAL SAYINGS DEFENDING THE HOLY NAME AND TRUTH OF THE GOD BOTH THE VIDEOS named U2 - "Yahweh" (etc.) WERE ALREADY BLASPHEMING and SLANDERING, as well as the further BLASPHEMY and SLANDER being worked up and meted out by that abusive team of slanderers.

Hardly anyone else was given a chance to make any fair inquiries about the issues raised by this video named "Yahweh"!!! These anti-Yahweh SLANDERERS worked as a team of slanderers and abusers to see to that.

Also, today, another person posted that he considered (my much-efforted) writing of what HE DIDN'T LIKE to be "spam"; adding his figuring that if MOST PEOPLE DON'T LIKE WHAT I'M SAYING, it should be considered "spam." WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE ALL JUST THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A WHILE - IF YOU ARE ABLE. Again, this person was, in essence saying that THE MAJORITY, with their opinion (again - of hate for talk of God's biblical words and their application) SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BE BOTHERED by the opinion of the minority (those respecting and upholding the value of words from the Creator himself.)

THE CHOICE OF YOUTUBE TODAY WAS TO BAN ME, FOR BEING A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS: SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS OF AND DEFENDS GOD'S NAME AND TRUTH, in un-watered down, life-saving strength, boldly when necessary; INCLUDING HIS LESS "PLEASANT", UNFLUFFY, and often UNWANTED WORDS OF WARNINGS AGAINST WRONGDOING (namely here, the outrageous blasphemy of the U2 "Yahweh" videos) - and the PROMISED PENALTY for those crimes (permanent death-by-God) come Armageddon, which will, thankfully, be soon.

I will let everyone I possibly can, between now and Armageddon, KNOW about the GROSS INJUSTICE to FREE SPEECH and the suppression of truth that has been practiced by "youtube."

I have saved copies of probably most of the comments you have erased as evidence of your grossly unjust treatment of me based on your discrimination against me based on religion.

I never lied against anyone. I never slandered anyone. I spoke the truth - of the highest nature. As MY God - not truly the God of most - named Yahweh/ Jehovah PROPHESIED, HATE would be shown for both his scriptural words and his messengers of them, who would include necessary warning words from him as part of their message.

The comment of those on youtube under - so ironically - the blasphemous U2 "Yahweh" videos proved the prophecy further TRUE.

And, the actions of the youtube Company to side with liars and slanderers against God's words and against me for speaking them boldly - as the situations called for - TO BAN ME TODAY - ALSO FURTHER PROVED THAT PROPHECY TO BE SO VERY TRUE.

P.S. Those slanderers with their hate for God's words do not know me at all, but have slandered freely, without conscience - yet these are the people whose requests to have me silenced you have heeded.

I haven't not been writing much for a couple days on account of "drinking." I have been accompanying a very close loved one for their major surgery to remove cancer. "THANKS" YOUTUBE.


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