Wednesday, April 18, 2007

On "Suppressing the Truth in an Unrighteous Way"

"For God's wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way." (Romans 1:18)

(More than) SIX BILLION PEOPLE'S LIVES AND EVERLASTING FUTURES ARE NOW AT HIGH STAKE; and yet there are those who act to suppress, hide, and blot-out the very truths people need in order for their lives to be saved...

I do realize, however, that we are indeed living in the LAST PART of the LAST days before Armageddon; that the "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one", Satan (1John 5:19); and that the level of disregard for Jehovah and hate for his instruction is similar to that described of people right before he enacted the Great Flood. The world is again that filled with violence, immorality, *** >>> SPIRITISM and IDOLATRY <<<*** etc.

"Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time..." (Genesis 6:5)

"But know this, that in the last will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, BLASPHEMERS...slanderers...fierce, without love of goodness...lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God..." (2Timothy 3:1-4)

Also read Romans 1:18-32 and the Bible book of Jude.

This is, too, the time of Satan and his demons making their last-ditch efforts to turn people away from pure worship of God (which humans will lose their eternal lives for, come Armageddon). See Revelation 12:12. Brainwashing to IDOLATRY and SPIRITISM (and blasphemy) through the use of a mass-mediated icon/ icons along with the music of maybe the best-loved band in the world seems SO EASILY DONE.

U2 are IDOLIZED by MANY. U2 and Bono worshipers/ IDOLATERS (including some "pastors", "priests" and "reverends") publically praise, despite given warning, Bono's words even when those sayings are IN CONFLICT with the Holy Scriptures themselves, even on the very issues of what it takes to WORSHIP GOD ACCEPTABLY, so as to have a part in his Kingdom. (There has been [at least] a handful of recent books written by "reverends" and others too, extolling and exemplifying the "spirituality of U2" and promoting Bono's "social justice" philosophy as what "Christians" owe God, rather than obedience to all of His scriptural commands and principles - or loyalty to HIS TRUE (scriptural, NOT counterfeit, man-made) KINGDOM. A DVD of one of Bono's "social justice" philosophy "sermons" (with a number of severe misconstruments of Scriptures) has been/ is being made available for thousands of
U2-worshiping religious leaders of "Christendom" to "instruct" their congregations by. And, of course, now there are trendy "U2-Eucharist Services" to hold and partake of too.)

Some of U2's fans have been enfevered to defend the ways of their heroes/ IDOLS; and have publically exhibited that they are willing, despite scriptural warning, to TRAMPLE and violate the word of God and SUPPRESS his truth to do so. Evidence of this is plentiful. Some showed themselves to be so fierce in their UNgodliness this way, that they even resorted to crass, unjust public ridicule, hounding abuse and slander against both scripturally-based warning messages regarding these things as well as their messengers. (I have eye-witnessed/ experienced this for five-and-a-half years now. I have been BANNED from writing on three major U2 fansite message boards, including U2's own; due to the protest of Bono-U2 IDOLATERS/ WORSHIPERS/ haters of God's words in needed, non-watered-down strength/ persecuters of a messenger of them. (Others, even witches/ spiritists, were welcome to voice their "spiritual" opinions though; and persecuters/abusers/ slanderers were allowed to remain (even in their little attack-gangs) - their posts kept up, and mine, at the main site, deleted.) "Marketing"/ "PR" issues may certainly been involved too. Was this not a case of the majority, with their $$-leverage against a "lone" dissenter? Or: For crying out loud, get rid of that person like the (idolatrous) masses want, and MAKE those sales (even off the then just-released song, "Yahweh", who is the SAME as Jehovah, and NOT the god of any of those U2 idolaters so despising his words) ? To them: $$$ "Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth./ None of them along the line know what ANY of this is worth" - Dylan. God's scriptural paraphrases and allusions that made U2's best songs the hits they were (the dollars of which have provided many generous incomes, etc.) were NEVER yours to promote the EXTORTION of for what has come to be, obviously, anti-scriptural use - ESPECIALLY THE PERSONAL HOLY NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY, "Yahweh"!!!!!!!!!!

At the same time, U2 fans have expressed delight in Bono/ U2's verbal-musical support of FALSE, anti-scriptural religions of all sorts. And, again, some have also written, to effect, that they are SO GLAD Bono has, by his mass-media-ed preaching of his spiritual philosophy, "relieved" them and others of having to feel bothered by all of that "UNNECESSARY stuff" found in the Bible - such as Divine commands and principles having to do with morality; the concepts of there being only ONE TRUE, pure, global religion, and that it is based on the whole of God's words; the need to FLEE FROM and give NO spiritual support to the Satanic, bloodguilty conglomeration of all FALSE religions as described in the Scriptures as God-condemned (note Revelation Chapters 17 and 18) ; the need to keep free of IDOLATRY of elements of Satan's world system which are in opposition to God's incoming-to-earth, heaven-based Kingdom, refusing to render "sacred service to the creation, rather than the One who created" (Romans 1:25); etc.........

And you DON'T think its "The end of the world"?!?

(Update, 6-24-10 -

I've now been doing this writing for more than 8-and a half years, and fervent U2 idolaters have worked to have me UNJUSTLY banned from no less than 10 websites.)


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