Monday, August 25, 2008

U OWE 2 Learn Scriptural Truth & OPEN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT IT, FAST, BONO; Because You've Enabled LIES About God 2 B Spread thru Your Works

WHY have you not REMOVED all of the Yahweh-BLASPHEMING VIDEOS from the major video sharing website???? Certainly, you have been warned as to the intense scriptural VIOLATION of their contents; and for quite some time now.


IDOLATROUS "fans" of yours - satisfied with your mass-media taught form of easy-going, moral lacking, "please everyone's desires", anti-scriptural "worship" (i.e. "social justice" as being the only requirement for "true religion" instead of the whole of Jehovah-Yahweh himself 's own scriptural terms of worship, including EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION to HIM ALONE as GOD and OBEDIENCE to his commands and principles) - are doing quite the job of copy-cat discipleship of you in continuing to spread (also via mass-media) YOUR scripturally FALSE PHILOSOPHIES, and readily PUTTING DOWN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH in doing so.

A result of so many of your fans [millions of people] agreeing with your sing-along chant that "[they] still haven't found what they're looking for" - which would also mean DISREGARDING the ONE global TRUE religion as described in God's own words - is that you have MANY followers adhering to and defending a form of worship - whatever YOU "preach" - but who are SCRIPTURALLY IGNORANT, and who even show a marked HOSTILITY to scriptural truth brought to their attention which seems to "threaten" the form of "worship" you have taught and reinforced to many.

As an example of keenest brillance (that is sarcasm); I just viewed a comment under one of your "U2 Yahweh" videos that quick-mentioned a bit of truth - something RARE INDEED under those IDOLATER-and-[FALSE] "Christian"-dominated comment boards (from which I was banned for daring to speak scriptural truth [just like on your own website's message board]): The comment simply said, "Yahweh means Jehovah."

One of your idolatrous disciples felt it necessary to publically mark that comment with a "minus one". After all, that English [Latin-language] version of the Tetragrammaton would bring with it a widely-recognized identification with a certain global religion: The ONE that DOES loyally hold Jehovah [Yahweh's] own words as the AUTHORITY for all spiritual matters, the standard to be OBEYED rather than disregarded.

P.S. I had read an earlier copy of "U2 at the End of the World." In it, you were quoted as using the name "Jehovah." Now, according to quotes as seen online from what must be a newer edition, that same spot in an interview quotes you as using the name "Yahweh."

So what's the problem? Both versions of the Tetragrammaton are of equal value for their use of representing the unique personal holy name of God. (There are many other versions of the Tetragrammaton in use by Jehovah/Yahweh's truth worshipers on this earth too - his name has been naturalized into many languages. But, you already knew that.)

It must be that same "identification issue"; with the responsibilities, obligations, and firm stand for scriptural truth it would rightly entail, correct?

Yet, at the end of this all, it will be that very distinct IDENTITY of BEING an obedient TRUE "Christian" and TRUE worshiper of Yahweh/ Jehovah/ Exhoba/ Yekhova / Zoova (etc., etc.) - one of his TRUE, global, scripturally-described and prophesied people, "calling on his name" "with spirit and truth" - that will mark individuals for survival through God's Day of Armageddon into his righteous new world system here.

Since you have so badly misinformed so many, who are still now carrying on your "traditions", again, it is an EMERGENCY that you learn and SPEAK OUT Jehovah's scriptural TRUTH to your idolatrous throngs; who obviously feel secure in that their U2-style (rather than scriptural) "worship" is acceptable TO GOD, and that they are following the right "path" - the road to everlasting life - by following YOUR spiritual teachings rather than God Almighty's own scriptural commands and principles, all of HIS requirements.

No "political", "social justice", or commercial project tops this one in priority and urgency whatsoever.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Electrical Storm (Originally Posted 4/ 08/ 2007)

A few more thoughts ["painted"] ON the "COEXIST" icon.

NOT ONE of the religions so "depicted" in this icon is worshiping the God of Abraham on His own given scriptural terms. Therefore, NONE of the people of those religions are Abraham's "sons" (or fellow true worshiper-of-God companions with them) in the way that matters spiritually.

Rather than letting FALSE religions continue to exist, for their spiritism, spiritual adultery with "the kings of the earth", and bloodguilt for "all who have been slaughtered on the earth", the God of Abraham, by Divine Justice, will soon cause them all to NOTEXIST. (Revelation Chapters 17 and 18, note 18:23,24.)

So, instead of urging people to stay in or join together/ form spiritual alliances with FALSE religions - even for "social justice" efforts; God is WARNING people to "GET OUT of" all FALSE religions NOW. The time of His total vengeance upon them is nearly here. (Revelation 18:4,5,8)


Monday, August 11, 2008

False Prophet Octopus

Octopus sits upon the place
Where the idol's more to rise
Uncurls intrusive arms
To reach out far and wide.

Yes, she's been called up there
To be hailed wise
A puppet for the Devil
A beak-mouth for his lies.

Three hearts are within her head
"Intelligence" her charm
Camouflage comes easily
To avoid alarm.

Octopus, do you figure
You'll help rule the sea
And the "reasons" with which you've colored yourself
Will save humanity?
Octopus, you'd be helpless
To tread the sea of red
If lies are what you want
And poison's what you spread.

What information has she tasted
With her sucker cups
Technologically advanced
But didn't grip truth enough.

(It didn't seem popular or tasty......)

(....Sarcasm to follow....)

So hail her, promote her
Give her a grand prize
To better serve Babylon the Great
And the ten-horned beast she rides.

Make sucker-arm extensions
To tap air and lives
Prepare deceptive poison
To try to paralyze.

The venom is of strongest lies
Mixed with bits of truth
And easiest to carry off
Are usually the youth.

Its what the octopus wants now
Along with her "herd"
But defiance of the Almighty
Will NEVER be the cure.

Octopus, do you figure
You'll help rule the sea
And the "reasons" with which you've colored yourself
Will save humanity?
Octopus, you'd be helpless
To tread the sea of red
If lies are what you want
And poison's what you spread.

Just leaving behind one den of lies
Doesn't make one spiritually wise
Nor does it make one qualified
To be God over hearts and minds.

Three hearts, gods three
Aren't Jehovah, and WILL NEVER BE
FALSE religions, millions plus three
Will NEVER be "one",

Octopus, you were wrong,
So retract, before its too late
The FALSE "one" isn't built on love
But on false-pride and hate.

One side's Jehovah/ Yahweh/ God's
Demons are on another
Jah's side embraces the righteous;
Satan's, the LIE-LOVERS.

Gog of Magog
OR Jehovah's side
One with the Devil
OR eternal life.
Global brotherhood
OR antiGod strife
Self-desires first
OR what is right.

Which ONE of two sides will you choose?
One's the road to life; one's the way to lose

Octopuses can change
In form and in sight
Like Satan's forces do change
Into "angels of light"
(That way they trick more people
Away from God's side;
To gather them as "one"
With appealing lies.)

But camouflage won't work with Jah
Nor an ink-cloud hiding place
No jet will be fast enough
Nor movement to escape.

So may no singers praise
The octopus with her lies
Or serenade those desires

That will soon make (b)illions die.

Octopus, do you figure
You'll help rule the sea
And the "reasons" with which you've colored yourself
Will save humanity?
Octopus, you'd be helpless
To tread the sea of red
If lies are what you want
And poison's what you spread.

Just leaving behind one den of lies
Doesn't make one spiritually wise
Nor does it make one qualified
To be God over hearts and minds.

Counterfeit "One"

A grand illusion for death confusion
False "peace" based on lies
United "in the name of God"
While his words they despise.

To serve "creation" all rebel
Against the One they claim
And "agree" amongst EACH OTHER
Jah's LAWS are NOT first place.

Blind lead blind in pomp accord
Yet being led the whole while
To work the will of God's enemy
Which better suits their style.

Blind lead the blind for what they wish
Or have been fooled to believe they do
Block up their ears so they don't hear
For fear of what they might lose.

Never taking the leap, making the run
From the crowd to the light of day
From dying, dumbed-down "acceptable"
To the Truth that frees and saves.

So hail the growing idol (sarcasm)
The image of the beast
Gather as "one", FALSE-to-God religions,
That beast soon wants to feast.