Monday, August 11, 2008

Counterfeit "One"

A grand illusion for death confusion
False "peace" based on lies
United "in the name of God"
While his words they despise.

To serve "creation" all rebel
Against the One they claim
And "agree" amongst EACH OTHER
Jah's LAWS are NOT first place.

Blind lead blind in pomp accord
Yet being led the whole while
To work the will of God's enemy
Which better suits their style.

Blind lead the blind for what they wish
Or have been fooled to believe they do
Block up their ears so they don't hear
For fear of what they might lose.

Never taking the leap, making the run
From the crowd to the light of day
From dying, dumbed-down "acceptable"
To the Truth that frees and saves.

So hail the growing idol (sarcasm)
The image of the beast
Gather as "one", FALSE-to-God religions,
That beast soon wants to feast.


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