Monday, August 25, 2008

U OWE 2 Learn Scriptural Truth & OPEN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT IT, FAST, BONO; Because You've Enabled LIES About God 2 B Spread thru Your Works

WHY have you not REMOVED all of the Yahweh-BLASPHEMING VIDEOS from the major video sharing website???? Certainly, you have been warned as to the intense scriptural VIOLATION of their contents; and for quite some time now.


IDOLATROUS "fans" of yours - satisfied with your mass-media taught form of easy-going, moral lacking, "please everyone's desires", anti-scriptural "worship" (i.e. "social justice" as being the only requirement for "true religion" instead of the whole of Jehovah-Yahweh himself 's own scriptural terms of worship, including EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION to HIM ALONE as GOD and OBEDIENCE to his commands and principles) - are doing quite the job of copy-cat discipleship of you in continuing to spread (also via mass-media) YOUR scripturally FALSE PHILOSOPHIES, and readily PUTTING DOWN SCRIPTURAL TRUTH in doing so.

A result of so many of your fans [millions of people] agreeing with your sing-along chant that "[they] still haven't found what they're looking for" - which would also mean DISREGARDING the ONE global TRUE religion as described in God's own words - is that you have MANY followers adhering to and defending a form of worship - whatever YOU "preach" - but who are SCRIPTURALLY IGNORANT, and who even show a marked HOSTILITY to scriptural truth brought to their attention which seems to "threaten" the form of "worship" you have taught and reinforced to many.

As an example of keenest brillance (that is sarcasm); I just viewed a comment under one of your "U2 Yahweh" videos that quick-mentioned a bit of truth - something RARE INDEED under those IDOLATER-and-[FALSE] "Christian"-dominated comment boards (from which I was banned for daring to speak scriptural truth [just like on your own website's message board]): The comment simply said, "Yahweh means Jehovah."

One of your idolatrous disciples felt it necessary to publically mark that comment with a "minus one". After all, that English [Latin-language] version of the Tetragrammaton would bring with it a widely-recognized identification with a certain global religion: The ONE that DOES loyally hold Jehovah [Yahweh's] own words as the AUTHORITY for all spiritual matters, the standard to be OBEYED rather than disregarded.

P.S. I had read an earlier copy of "U2 at the End of the World." In it, you were quoted as using the name "Jehovah." Now, according to quotes as seen online from what must be a newer edition, that same spot in an interview quotes you as using the name "Yahweh."

So what's the problem? Both versions of the Tetragrammaton are of equal value for their use of representing the unique personal holy name of God. (There are many other versions of the Tetragrammaton in use by Jehovah/Yahweh's truth worshipers on this earth too - his name has been naturalized into many languages. But, you already knew that.)

It must be that same "identification issue"; with the responsibilities, obligations, and firm stand for scriptural truth it would rightly entail, correct?

Yet, at the end of this all, it will be that very distinct IDENTITY of BEING an obedient TRUE "Christian" and TRUE worshiper of Yahweh/ Jehovah/ Exhoba/ Yekhova / Zoova (etc., etc.) - one of his TRUE, global, scripturally-described and prophesied people, "calling on his name" "with spirit and truth" - that will mark individuals for survival through God's Day of Armageddon into his righteous new world system here.

Since you have so badly misinformed so many, who are still now carrying on your "traditions", again, it is an EMERGENCY that you learn and SPEAK OUT Jehovah's scriptural TRUTH to your idolatrous throngs; who obviously feel secure in that their U2-style (rather than scriptural) "worship" is acceptable TO GOD, and that they are following the right "path" - the road to everlasting life - by following YOUR spiritual teachings rather than God Almighty's own scriptural commands and principles, all of HIS requirements.

No "political", "social justice", or commercial project tops this one in priority and urgency whatsoever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick question. Doesn't gawd have a plan, and if so, isn't everything Bono does part of that plan?

3:17 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

God has purposes that he has informed mankind of through his Scriptures.

However, as prophesied, FEW care to listen to them and cooperate with even their very own Maker to work along with his stated purposes by obeying his commands and principles and so thus work along with his spirit.

Instead, most of the world, as prophesied for these last days, lets itself be "spiritually" satisfied with whatever "spiritual" lies suit and serve their own personal desires - even if the Bible teaches that some particular desires are wrong, unrighteous, and so God-condemned.

A lot of humans DON'T WANT that Divine discipline to what is righteous (even though practicing that same righteousness, including right down from within people's hearts - their seat of motivation - is what WOULD [and WILL] have much to do with this world being made "a better place").

So, a lot of insolence, disrespect, and rebellion towards Jehovah/ Yahweh (and his Son, Jesus Christ)can be seen today. (For instance, some people even refer to their heavenly Father - mockingly and disbargingly - as "gawd".)

As prophesied, people look for FALSE TEACHERS of "spiritual" things - to fulfill their inborn spiritual needs. They look for "teachers" to "tickle their ears" - those who would tell them, "in the name of God" (etc.), that practices which are in violation of the True God's scriptural commands and principles are "okay" after all!

"For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories." (2Timothy 4:3,4)

They are looking (though not genuinely and honest-heartedly)for someone "to save [their] soul"; and they are looking for something to "fill [their] God-shaped hole" - as U2's "Discotheque" lyrics mentioned.

So cynacism and irony, treachery and betrayal runs very high - altogether - with this, does it not?

This is, as prophesied, a very spiritually drunken, sleepy, often self-satisfied, lie-poison-loving, misled, and vulnerable to being MORE misled world now.

There are still some people honest-heartedly wanting and searching for spiritual TRUTH though. Some live under the oppression and confusion of anti-scriptural "spiritual" LIES that so-called religious "authorities" have put on them all their lives. Some have given up on ALL religions (including Jehovah/ Yahweh's one true scripturally-described and obedient religion) due to the SLANDER that FALSE religionists and their leaders have defamed God with by their hypocritical actions and demon (NOT God)-inspired teachings - all carried forth "in the name of God".

"The whole world is lying [in the power of] the wicked one."
(1John 5:19).

There are those choosing to carry out - by (perhaps yet) ignorance and/ or intention - NOT GOD'S STATED PURPOSES/ PLAN, but what are also scripturally described and warned against deadly (come Armageddon Day, for certain) purposes and plans of SATAN (slanderer of God/ manslayer of humankind).

It has NEVER been part of God's purposes or "plan" to cause persons to choose to rebel against him and fight him - by teaching others spiritual lies against him, or by making trouble for true, scriptural servants of God as they work to preach his life-saving truth.

That would violate God's scripturally-explained standard of Divine Justice - to CAUSE them to become evil, only to then have to punish or destroy them for it later, as his Justice would require.

For example, God never CAUSED Judas Iscariot to succumb to evil and facilate the murder of his Son. Though God foresaw and PROPHESIED that SOME human would carry out that action, HE NEVER SLATED ANYONE FOR THAT ROLE OR CAUSED ANY CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL TO BECOME WICKED SO AS TO DO SO.

U2's song "Until the End of the World" was spiritually misleading in this way, as was the rock musical "Jesus Christ Superstar": Judas was NOT a relatively innocent but confused "fall guy" that people should feel sympathy for as someone God "used", who then suffered for it.

So Bono's "Jesus, this is Judas" sayings before performances of this song were likewise WRONG - and served to pass on that popular religious, spiritual corruption-excusing LIE to many.

Again, Jehovah/ Yahweh, through his Bible, warned that in the "last days" there would be FALSE teachers and leaders that would spiritually mislead people; false prophets that would "go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty"; and that "top-ranking" men of the earth would act as "traveling merchants" for "Babylon the Great" (Satan's world empire of all FALSE religions). (Revelation 16:13,14; 18:23)

However, as in the intentionally recorded case of Judas, no individuals are "set" or "planned" by God to fulfill those prophesied descriptions of rebels against God and spiritual damagers of their fellow human beings.

If people choose to rebel against Jehovah/ Yahweh, it is by their own choice then - it is not part of any "plan" of God.

Instead, it is Jehovah/Yahweh's scripturally-stated "plan" that individuals world-wide be WARNED to quit rebelling against God and to bring their relationships with him into good repair (by learning his actual scriptural "plans", repenting of anti-God deeds and ways, and turning to loyally obeying all of Jehovah/Yahweh's scriptural requirements), quickly.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Another FALSE "Christian" U2 IDOLATER wanted to post slander here. How panicked they must be that the "spiritual teachings" of their idols and their own FALSE form of worship ARE being exposed as anti-scriptural and antichrist.

Yet, that ALL forms of FALSE worship would be EXPOSED as such by Jehovah's scripturally-TRUE servants (who are also then Christ's scripturally-TRUE disciples) was PROPHESIED in Revelation Chapter 9.

Along with that, it was prophesied that exposure of religious LIES would be UNCOMFORTABLE for people - but that is God's justice. HOW do anti-scriptural, philosophy-of-men (and demon)-following religionists figure God and Christ have felt all along for the blasphemy, slander, and other estranging misrepresentation of them those self-serving FALSE religionists have DAMAGINGLY carried on for many centuries?

Their spiritual LIES HAVE ALL BUT COMPLETELY RUINED OUR WORLD; and HAVE RUINED (even destroyed) the LIVES of many. (Revelation 11:18)

The God of JUSTICE will soon, Himself, "REPAY" the trouble (slander and other forms of evil persecution) FALSE religionists (especially FALSE "Christians") have made for those true to him, however. (2Thessalonians 1:6-9)Along with that, he will also AVENGE THE BLOOD of "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth", especially his holy ones and other loyal servants, onto the global conglomeration of ALL FALSE religions and persons found still supporting them (even though they were duly warned). [Revelation 18]

That is FAIR, because the FALSE religionists of the world - with FALSE, apostate-to-Christ "Christians" at the forefront (as prophesied) have MISLED THE NATIONS WITH THEIR SPIRITISM. (See Revelation 18:23.) By being such disloyal spiritual ADULTERERS to God, and carrying on FORNICATION with "THE KINGS OF THE EARTH" - DISOBEYING GOD TO SERVE THEIR INTERESTS INSTEAD - FALSE religionists, ESPECIALLY triune godhead idol-worshipping FALSE "CHRISTIANS" now have crimes against God and humanity (including wars and murders they have caused and fueled) piled clear on up to heaven.

God's PROMISED JUSTICE against all of that WILL BE SOON. (Revelation 18:4-8)

The triune godhead that the poster wanted to chastise me with here and "bow" to, IS, from ancient-times on, a PRODUCT OF SPIRITISM. Even so, "belief" in that triune godhead is THE CENTRAL DOCTRINE of FALSE "Christianity".

That triune godhead of Christendom (FALSE "Christianity), in TOTAL DEFIANCE of the God's COMMANDS to NEVER MIX WORSHIP OF HIM with elements of SPIRITISM/IDOLATRY, is BASED NOT on the WHOLE of GOD'S SCRIPTURES, but IS MODELED AFTER PAGAN MULTI-godheads of ancient infamy. So, it itself is an IDOL god - one that SEAS OF INNOCENT BLOOD HAVE BEEN SPILLED "IN THE NAME OF" FOR MANY CENTURIES, and that has been used to [FALSELY] "justify" UNFATHOMABLE AMOUNTS OF SUFFERING AND INJUSTICES.

For all of those Scripture-VIOLATING deeds performed "in the service of" the triune godhead, its nature should be clear: The "trinity" godhead of Christendom is a demonic, blood-dripped IDOL. (And the popular EXTORTION of a a few Bible verses to TRY to "PROVE" that EVIL godhead IS the Good Creator Jehovah and his Son is likewise BLASPHEMOUS, SLANDEROUS, and SATANIC.

The FALSE "Christian" U2 IDOLATER wanted to "inform" me that I "was not aware" of the "lies" my chosen religion has told in the past.



They are persons who choose NOT to worship God as HE REQUIRES, which is "with spirit and truth"; obedience; whole heart, mind, and soul; and "exclusive devotion" etc.(John 4:24; 3:36; Matthew 22:37; Nahum 1:2); but are persons whose "faith", often, is, actually, A FALSE GROUP PRIDE of SPIRITUAL LIE-PROTECTING social entities.

Also, triune godhead worshipers are forever indicted for smothering and showing HOSTILITY to the holy name of God, Jehovah/ Yahweh/ (etc., in other languages).

For some, it took other idols of theirs - U2 - to even get them to utter God's holy name (and, along with that, most have used that name BLASPHEMOUSLY, associating it with spiritual lies).

After all, for trinity godhead worshipers to even have to deal with the existence of God's own personal holy name being DISTINCT from that of Jesus Christ's starts to COMPLETELY UN-DO the long-standing LIE that that God and Christ are THE SAME PERSON.

FALSE "Christianity's" panic-"emergency", FALSE PAID pastor-priest-reverend-taught, pat-answer quip-retort of John 1:1 - EXTORTED OUT OF ITS CONTEXT - (or its few other likewise extorted "proof" texts) just can't hold up to that, cover it over either, can it.

Whoever you are, I've spoken in some rather strong words here, I know, but they are meant to help.

Over the past seven years or so, I've dealt with many fervent, attacking FALSE "Christian" U2 fans, who are often very fierce, viscious, stubborn, exceedingly deceptive, under-handed, thoroughly UNJUST, and otherwise WICKED (evil) in their fighting against God and his scripturally-described messengers (of which I am one - yes, a Jehovah's Witness [consider the MEANING of that name too - its REAL]).

I USED to be a member of the main church whose god was the NAMELESS, triune godhead [wrongly] called by the TITLE (which is NOT a name), "God."

So, I KNOW what the "MYSTERIOUS"/ "UNKNOWABLE" (yet, "central", core doctrine of the church!) "holy trinity" DOES TO PEOPLE: It CONTROLS THEM BY EMOTION and group-pride. It is NOT a belief spiritually-healthily grounded in God's own scriptural TRUTH. It is "spirituailty" (and "heart") and MIND-CONTROL by an LIE.

I LEFT that church of Christendom because I came to find its anti-scriptural LIES, oppression, and injustices, "in the name of God" to be repugnant.

I hope this gives you food for thought.

I have, in person, met many nice U2 fans in the past. Some are actually looking for spiritual truth - I really do think so.

But hanging onto what is now U2 and U2 IDOLATER-reinforced and mass-media glorified spiritual FALSEHOODS and/ or actually, from the heart, worshiping Bono/U2 as idol gods (believing and following what THEY teach when in contrast to what Jehovah/ Yahweh himself does) IS UNACCEPTABLE TO GOD AS "WORSHIP" - it is idolatry. Idolaters will NOT "inherit" ANY PART of the True God's incoming (heaven-based) Kingdom with Christ as its God-appointed, perfect, blessing-dellivering King.

No - idolaters and other rebels against God will SOON all pass away. (Revelation Chapters 17-19).

So, its time to pay great mind to this -

"Little children, guard yourselves from idols." (1John 5:21)

Have a good day.

P.S. Read here for more information -

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are mad as a box of frogs, you made me laugh on a Monday ... fair play to you.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Thanks, but I'm not one of the froggy ones. (Revelation 16:13,14)

4:50 PM  

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