Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Please Do Not STEAL and Misuse Jah's Property for a New Album Title!!

You, Bono/U2 would have NO RIGHT, by God, to STEAL Jehovah/ Yahweh's intellectual property or misuse it for a new album title.

You plan on calling your new album "Songs of Ascent"?!

Oh? Are you planning on singing and accompanying Psalms 120 to 134 for your new album, and that is all?

If NOT, then what do you think you're doing??

In his Bible, Jehovah/ Yahweh ALREADY HAS each of HIS Psalms (SONGS) 120 and 122 through 134 superscripted (headed) with "A Song of the Ascents."
Psalm 121 says "A Song for the Ascents." (Don't even think of hair-splitting, please: The PRINCIPLE here is that your proposed title is ESSENTIALLY THE SAME as God's headings for those songs OF HIS, which are for HIS purposes.)

Each of those songs had to do WITH PURE WORSHIP, on Jehovah/ Yahweh's OWN TERMS. They exalted the wonderful joy of TRUE unity, TRUE "oneness" felt between TRUE worshipers of this God, as they together DID his will - OBEYED HIM. These songs were sung by the Israelites as they ASCENDED, traveled UP to Jerusalem, in the mountains of Judah, for their yearly festivals.

They were going UP into those mountains, to that city, as an obedient act of PURE WORSHIP of Jehovah/Yahweh; to be INSTRUCTED FOR PURE WORSHIP BY HIM.

Is that what YOUR NEW ALBUM contains??? Is it God's own Psalms?? DO YOUR SONGS, in your new upcoming album have only to do with PURE WORSHIP, like the songs DAVID penned for Jehovah in the SCRIPTURAL SONGS OF THE ASCENTS?!?!?!?!?


In the second century, CE, after the death of the last of the apostles, there came to be a wave of APOSTATE writings - works which took (stole) some BITS of Christ's (and so his Father's) teachings, and MIXED THEM IN with their OWN, even anti-scriptural writings; so as to ATTACH their man-made works to the amazing MOVEMENT and effect of TRUE CHRISTIANITY BASED ON CHRIST'S (and so also Jehovah/ Yahweh's) GENUINE TEACHINGS. To barnacle their man-made, actually anti-scriptural and antichrist works onto the phenomenom of Christ's (and so God's) own teachings would be good "advertisement" for those PSEUDO-Christian writers/ philosophers.

As even earlier, some persons went so far as to FALSELY NAME their writings - FALSELY ATTRIBUTING THEM to actual God-inspired BIBLE WRITERS and FIGURES.


As I wrote about years ago, even on your own fansite, zootopia.u2.... [from which your people banned me, about the same time you were putting out the song called "Yahweh" ], the "Gospel of Thomas" is one example of such a piece of PSEUDOGRAPHIA. It is FALSELY ATTRIBUTED to the apostle Thomas, to give it UNDESERVED notariaty and "validation" as being something holy, "of God", a work that is spiritually worthy and beneficial to read, to study, to live by, to honor God by, etc.

BUT IT ISN'T, at all !!!

Instead, it is a work of spiritual POISON - its contents as spiritually DECEPTIVE as its FAKED NAME!!!!!!!!

That apocryphal work "uses" a lot of Scriptures, yes, but in an incidiously misleading, purposely "near-miss" and (more or less) "off-a-bit" way. It also mixes pieces of Scriptures and paraphrases of them with demon-origined teachings and "sayings" of Christ which HE NEVER SAID, NOR WOULD SAY - because they would be entirely out-of-synch with the rest of his and his Father's KNOWN TO BE TRUE TEACHINGS of God's Holy Scriptures (which are INTRAHARMONIOUS by nature). (Those FAKED sayings also MALIGN the character of Jesus Christ.)

Yes, there were earlier books/ writings of apocryphal, "gnostic", etc. PSEUDOGRAPHIA too. Some are clearly apostate, even demonic - for the purpose of putting people at odds with their own Maker, and to be sided with "the father of [THE LIE]" (and so also under Satan's power, by way of LIES). [John 8:44; 1John 5:19]

So is your new album going to be Psalms 120-134; or all to the glory and HONOR of Jehovah/ Yahweh and HIS HOLY NAME (which those scriptural psalms/songs repeatedly use); encouraging everyone towards the "MOUNTAIN" REPRESENTING PURE WORSHIP of the Only True God, on the whole of HIS OWN , SCRIPTURAL TERMS, with "spirit and TRUTH" (as he REQUIRES, John 4:24) - singing the praises of these things; urging people to go "UP" / ASCEND THAT SPIRITUAL "MOUNTAIN" of Jehovah for pure worship and to be taught by him now - to get vital, scriptural insight-instruction (to obey), which is channeled down from SPIRITUAL, heavenly "Zion" and "Jerusalem above" (NOT PHYSICAL, geographic Jerusalem and Zion anymore, which were once used to picture these things), with Jesus Christ, through "the Israel of God" to his people? [Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:26; 6:16]


HIS songs "of the ascents"/ "for the ascents" have NOTHING to do with the politics or other distracting/misdirecting follies of the corrupt and failing Satan-ruled world system now holding sway. They also have NOTHING to do with the pseudo-spiritual philosophy that "social justice" IS "true religion"; nor do they have ANYTHING to do with the popular, FALSE-religion-supported LIE that it is up to MAN, with his politics, resources, and anti-whole scriptural "spiritual" drive/motivations to bring about the likes of a "kingdom of God" on earth - WITHOUT God doing that the way he has scripturally described that he indeed will.

These Psalms, each a "Song of the Ascents"/ "for the Ascents", INSTEAD has everything to do PURE WORSHIP and the REAL (heaven-based, God and Christ-run), incoming Kingdom of God - the TRULY all-problem solving, thoroughly righteous, just, fully capable, promised One Rulership for Earth - which will encompass the entire planet, in a wonderful way, soon. (Daniel 2:44) First, Jehovah/Yahweh's own Day of Armageddon, for Him to rid this world of wicked forces and persons; then, TRUE PEACE and paradise will begin here again.

Here, people - please read through God's own purposed, TRUE and REAL, SCRIPTURAL PSALMS 120-134, each one called "A SONG OF [or For] THE ASCENTS."


Nothing compares.....

to Jehovah's own words.


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