Tuesday, September 29, 2015

U2 Can Play "40", "Gloria", etc. All They Want, but Jehovah/Yahweh REJECTS IT ALL

For being hand-in-hand with "Babylon"
For standing with God-slandering LIES
For supporting and promoting
The fatal "image of the beast"
So many just do not realize....

That Jah REJECTS blasphemous music
And turns His ears from every prayer
Offered by any hypocrites who blaspheme
And violate His words without care.

"I have hated, I have rejected YOUR festivals, and I shall not enjoy the smell of YOUR solemn assemblies.  But if YOU people offer up to me whole burnt offerings, even in YOUR gift offerings I shall find no pleasure, and on YOUR communion sacrifices of fatlings I shall not look.  Remove from me the turmoil of your songs; and the melodious sound of your stringed instruments may I not hear. And let justice roll forth just like waters, and righteousness like a constantly flowing torrent."

                                (Amos 5:21-24)


Well, like U2, the unfaithful Israelites of old left Jehovah [Yahweh] to go hold illicit festivals to Him - involving "praising" Him, while at the same time, DISMISSING THE STATED WILL of the God they so-claimed to be "praising"/giving "honor" and worship to.

Moreover they did this WHILE RALLYING PEOPLE AROUND IDOLS - and U2 have and are doing the same. To the disloyal Israelites, it was the golden calves at Bethel and Dan (and earlier, in front of Mount Sinai)....

With U2, first (recently), it was that they mass-media performed "Yahweh" as they streamed 28 or so various spiritistic IDOL IMAGES. Then, that stopped, but they have continued to spread the same blasphemy by way of NOT retracting (from the major video-sharing sites) blasphemous cartoon-containing "U2 Yahweh" videos. Also, anyone watching the trailer of their internationally-shown "U2 3D" movie would see a same-image-containing blasphemous cartoon so wrongly accompanying the song, "Yahweh" too.

And now, Bono, along with the main front-man idolized celebrity icon of "Babylon the Great", has called upon the masses for his "followers"/audience to make the spiritually fatal, Bible forewarned-against error of submitting to Satanism, via submitting to IDOLATRY of the UN as being god and ruler over the affairs of mankind.

The only One who is rightly Ruler over "the affairs of mankind" is Jehovah God, the Creator of mankind, the Earth, heavens, and the Universe. He IS the Universal Sovereign - despite that the spiritistic, misleading religious leaders of Satan's global empire of all FALSE religions simply choose to IGNORE and DENY that - and would rather you did also, even if it means that you do not survive God's soon-coming Day of Armageddon; and even if it means that you and perhaps even your family lose out on everlasting life.

Why? Satan and the [deceptively] "powerful" men of this world system with him ARE LOOKING FOR SLAVES [666-ers], who will turn their back on their own Maker. Both God Almighty and your lives are of no real matter to them. 

That's NOT holiness, and that's NOT love - no matter how choir-swelled, symphonic, groovy  or sugary any songs, speeches, or sermons that try to sell it as such, that try to make you beLIEve that LIES and EVIL are "TRUTH" and something wonderful.


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