Saturday, August 15, 2015

Updated: The UGLY HIstory of U2's Fan-Website "Zootopia" Message Boards Since November 2001

Let us revisit these censoring/banning [SAME net effect] words from the moderator/manager of U2's own [latest-version] "Zootopia" fan-website message board:

Acknowledge Warning

You have been issued a warning by a moderator. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.

Hello, please note the Zoo forums are a friendly, moderated place for U2 fans to share their love of the band, NOT a place to promote religious rants and beliefs, or to throw out accusations so with this in mind your account is now, on pre-moderated content only -

Albeit that the moderator(s)/manager might actually be a "newbie" at his job; there is still NO EXCUSE for this kind of lack-of-conscience INJUSTICE.

That is all the more so, since [whether that person realizes it or not - U2 themselves are aware of the past actions of the different versions of "Zootopia's" history]; I don't believe there has been another single person that has participated in "discussions" on U2's fan message boards, since November, 2001, THAT HAS BEEN MORE VICTIMIZED BY RELENTLESS ATTACKS OF MISTREATMENT - HOUNDING HARRASSMENT, GANG-ATTACKS, RIDICULING, OUTRAGEOUS SLANDER (of me, MY [TRUE] GOD, and MY RELIGION [of SCRIPTURAL TRUTH], )TEAM-BULLYING, etc., by FERVENTLY IDOLATROUS U2 "FANS" than me.

FURTHER, FOR THE ABOVE, I do not know of another person THAT HAS BEEN SERVED MORE INJUSTICE - more human rights VIOLATIONS (against freedom of speech [of the highest order] and against freedom of religion) than myself, on the series of "Zootopia" message boards (since 2001) - since, WHILE BEING THE ONE VICTIMIZED BY THE ABOVE ABUSIVE and UNJUST BEHAVIOR of OTHERS, I WAS ALSO THE ONE THAT THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF THESE WEBSITES (MOST ANTI-JUSTLY) SAW FIT TO PUNISH, CENSOR, and BAN - even while allowing the attackers to continue, unfettered. After all, such unjust and actually ANTI-God [despite CLAIMS otherwise] persons represented THE "MAJORITY opinion", and that is where more $ALES potential would thus lie - so, UNRIGHTEOUS CHOICES by [ultimately] U2 and their administration were made accordingly.

U2's different-editioned "Zootopia" fan message board websites, since 2001, have BANNED ME FOUR TIMES [taking and keeping my "membership" money each of those times though anyway]. This latest manager/"moderator" has tried to euphemize what he dictated was to be my lesser-rights-than-others "status" on that message board as being of one being merely CENSORED, BUT THE TRUTH IS, IN SUCH A SITUATION, THE EFFECT IS THE VERY SAME AS BEING BANNED.

SO, HOW EXTREMELY IRONIC, INDEED, for that man, presuming that it is HIS PLACE to see to THE WIPING-OUT of ANY SCRIPTURALLY-CORRECTIVE/WARNING MESSAGES - AGAINST THE MASS-MEDIA-ED, ANTI-SCRIPTURAL TEACHINGS and HARMFUL SPIRITUAL LIES being taught and promoted by U2 and their IDOLATROUS fans in tandem with them - to CENSOR-BAN ME, with the above words.

IRONIC, INDEED - AND INEXCUSABLE, YES. And YES, OF COURSE, U2 IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE, BEFORE GOD, FOR ALL THAT HAS TRANSPIRED WITH THEIR WORK IN THESE WAYS. Jehovah/Yahweh does not honor any FALSE disclaimers. U2, YOU WERE QUITE AWARE OF ALL OF THIS PLENTY ENOUGH - YET CHOSE TO TAKE NO JUST ACTIONS SUFFICIENTLY ENOUGH (in much the same manner as that you never bothered to even remove all of your blasphemous cartoon and lightshow image "U2 Yahweh" videos; that your current tour is actively working ANTI-god spiritual HARM to the masses; and that you have spiritually-negligently failed to retract your harmful anti-scriptural spiritual mis-teachings to the masses, etc.)

Of course, with the intensely, actually anti-Jehovah/Yahweh and anti-scriptural teachings that have been put out to the masses by U2 on this tour - and because the standard of U2's fan website is that only that which supports idolatry of this band, FALSE [anti-whole-scriptural] religion, and the spiritual lies being taught and/or supported by U2 (or that is wrongfully hijacked to make it seem as if it supports these works of U2) is allowed on U2's fan website forum - it came to be that I NO LONGER WANTED ANY PART OF IT - I WANTED TO BE CLEAN OF IT - AND SO, AFTER BEING CENSORED-BANNED, I DID ASK FOR MY NAME TO BE REMOVED FROM THEIR MEMBERSHIP. I WANT NO PART OF THAT GUILTY-BEFORE-GOD "COMMUNITY".

Why do I mention the "me" of this? 1.) To let it be known that I have been an eye-witness and "litmus test" to the actually ANTI-God and injustice-wielding NATURE of what has come to be "the U2 community" as a loose, idolatrous grouping of FALSE religions/FALSE religionists, spiritually disloyal hypocrites, God-disrespecting atheists, God-defiant sexual perverts, apostates, spiritists, and combinations thereof. However, God Himself has been MUCH more of an eye-witness to all that transpired - and REALLY, it was HIS WORDS and HIS-own scripturally-based teachings that were your "litmus test". The reaction of so many "fighters against God", with their livid hate/derision towards notice of His own scriptural standards was often stunningly clearly of the types prophesied. 2.) So that NO OTHER SPIRITUALLY SINCERE PERSON GETS SUCKED-DOWN INTO THE ABUSIVE (persecutive) -TO-TRUE-AND-LOYAL-WORSHIPER-OF-JEHOVAH/YAHWEH, HOSTILE to SPIRITUAL TRUTH, FALSE-RELIGION and IDOLATRY-PROMOTING PIT-HOLE that is U2's "Zootopia" fan website message board forum.

Those remaining of the "U2 community" will have to answer to Jehovah/Yahweh Himself for their support, "membership" in, and participation in what is now a large, loose, and most spiritually ANTI-righteous FALSE religious "community"/entity of "Babylon the Great". Call it an every 4-year-convening mega-mega-mega-mega "church" - as Bono Himself has referred to concerts as being "church". For the sum-total of this conglomeration's behavior (including the typical of "Babylon the Great" prophesied persecution of those righteous and true to Jehovah/Yahweh), surely the "U2 community" of "there is no them - there's only us" is just another culpable-before-God and Christ FALSE religion.


17 AND 18

Note: Actually, the BEGINNING days of the "Zootopia" message boards, that existed when I had started writing there in 2001, were delightful. Of course, nearly immediately, my writing was attacked by an idolater-FALSE religionist, but working around that, it was pretty nice - for a while.

Things turned very bad though, as U2 put out the song titled with God's own holy name, "Yahweh". As aftersight shows, they only wanted USE of the Holy name/possession of God Almighty Himself. They did NOT WANT the scriptural TRUTH about God - ENTIRELY MEANT TO GO ALONG-WITH the PROCLAMATION of HIS HOLY NAME. 

SO, they banned me; sold the song; and attached internationally, mass-media-ed for more than a decade, streams of spiritistic IDOL IMAGES and [ANTI-whole-scriptural, antichrist, and ANTI-Jehovah/Yahweh] FALSELY SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS (including ATHEIST and humanist) AGENDAS to it!!!

Hugely blasphemous.

...And yet see all of the FALSE "Christians" and others who are CONTINUING to IDOLIZE this band!!

What a travesty - how sad. 

P.S. - 
Yes, there is even an abhorrent, "archived" page of spiritually negligent and hem-hawing  "support"(despite God's known scriptural standards) by FALSE "Christians" currently being kept "alive" by U2's fan website forum. Besides disloyal-to-God, far-fetched rationalizations,"excuses" or idolatry-sparing "defense" being made for a 10-year-long, internationally mass-media-ed blasphemous cartoon video with 29 or so different IDOL IMAGES rooted in spiritism; false "Christians" participating in that conversation are archived as having the AUDACITY to, in sum total, publicly "excuse" (or copy-and-paste "excuse" [that IS choosing to re-express the same God-violating idea)] this outrageously blasphemous (and unretracted!) work as being "PERHAPS ART?".

HELLO!!!!!!!! (Not a greeting here. Translation: WAKE UP!!!!!!) - Then by that SAME "RATIONAL", 

Well...hmmm....[SARCASM] "PERHAPS" the ancient Israelites' golden calf image in front of Mount Sinai, used in "a festival to Jehovah [Yahweh]", was 
"JUST ART" too then - and so what was God so angry about that He had 3000 people killed that day for that single incident of BLASPHEMOUS IDOLATRY involving only a single golden calf image??!!

God had that incident of blasphemy at Sinai PURPOSELY RECORDED in His holy Bible AS A WARNING EXAMPLE.

FALSE, disloyal "Christians" have NO right, by God, to publicly DISMISS or MINIMIZE His own known scriptural standards when such issues come up. To do so would make them PARTY to the wickedness being worked - in much the way that Babylon the Great in general also is, for continually mis-representing and failing to uphold God's own known scriptural standards to the world, which results in the support of wickedness and injustice of all sorts.

Further, as is typical of those whose "spirituality" is demonistic, that same thread on U2's "Zootopia" fan forum - right in with the same topic involving God Almighty's own holy name - is also publicly "broadcasting" the demonistic/spiritistic musings of spiritists/witches/Satanists, who honed-in, as is typical, on a given opportunity [by the U2 message board] to further blaspheme and utterly DESECRATE the holy name of God with their mutterings of spiritistic lie teachings. 

Those are teachings which will end in everlasting death, by God, for any persons still found, by God - come "the great tribulation" and/or Armageddon Day - to be loving those lies and living according to them. It is spiritual FILTH, to the Nth-degree, and yet U2's fan forum message board has shown no interest in deleting such comments towards spiritual murder, spiritual death, and fronted-Satanism. And, neither have the witches/spiritists been CENSORED-BANNED from U2's website, like I was, for posting pieces of corrective and warning spiritual truth.

IS IT NOT ALL QUITE OBVIOUS - what the wanted standard and purposes of that operation have been??!!

There ARE some lyrics of the song "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" that are, admittedly, fitting towards the status quo of that operation, as is.

              Signed, Do You Want to Be a Music-Head in a GOOD, Beneficial Way - OR Just in a BAD, Foolish, Damaging, Spiritually-Asleep, and Ever-Choosing-to-Remain [Perhaps] Ignorant Way? Go for GOOD Way, Instead. It's SO Much Better.


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