Sunday, October 11, 2015

You are Helping Satan Spiritually KILL (Which Will Be Fatal, at Armageddon) More People than Can be Physically Cured/Sufficiently Helped/"Saved" Now, in the World Currently Under Satan's Control

You haven't stopped. 

Are not you yourselves the subjects spoken of, in the first verse of your "Sleep Like a Baby Tonight" song?

There have been NO significantly-made, if any, retractions of Jehovah/Yahweh-blaspheming and God-violating ANTI-scriptural spiritual LIES YOU have TAUGHT and REINFORCED to the masses. Eventually (SOON) those found by God to be upholding and following/living those LIES will be put to permanent death and non-existence forevermore - for obeying/worshiping those LIES (and so the Devil behind them, too), instead of obeying and worshiping Jehovah God Almighty, on His own purposely given and delivered terms - scriptural words and warnings. 

And it has indeed been seen that your own fan website, while so freely allowing mundane, inaccurate/false religious/anti-scriptural, and even spiritistic lie "talk" of God - including Scripture-quoting and link-posting from NOMINAL, DISLOYAL "Christians", used as TOKENS to your operation - your own fan website has JUMPED TO CENSOR-OUT/BAN *TRUE* CHRISTIAN-DELIVERED, SCRIPTURALLY-CORRECTIVE and WARNING WORDS AGAINST THE ANTI-SCRIPTURAL, ANTI-GOD, ANTICHRIST, and, yes, really, ANTI-MANKIND WORK YOU HAVE BEEN INTERNATIONALLY and WORLD-WIDE-WEB MASS-MEDIA DOING, also with the support of alienated-from-God "powerful" persons of Satan's world system.

What is stunning though, is to peak-in on your concerts via video - and see a group of men appear so COMFORTABLE and PLEASED with all of the HARM you have let loose on your massive audience, and have worked in opposition to God Almighty and Jesus Christ themselves,

with YOUR STRONG PART IN SELLING-OUT the SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING and ETERNAL FUTURE LIVES of untold numbers of peoples - perhaps even millions more, due to your "tutoring", YOUR [truly anti-God and antichrist, despite the surface-talk and Scripture-allusion tidbits, etc.] "CHURCH" of "[YOUR] PEOPLE". 

You've been selling this out for $$$$$$$$$$, and to mutually boot up the wishes of other "powerful" men [puppets, slaves] of Satan's world system, now including that the United Nations be idolatrously given the worship/service/obedience, trust and reverence due God Almighty alone - as being humanity's "hope", and the global ruler over the affairs of mankind. 

I thought you said you guys READ your Bibles? When you took a "tour" and wrote of your visit to the island of Patmos - and name-dropped the Apostle John and the book of Revelation that he penned down for God; before or after publicizing that, DID YOU EVER BOTHER TO STUDY THAT BOOK??????? Did you study the parts referring to "Babylon the Great" - Satan's global empire of all demon-lie based FALSE religions and the harm they work, towards God, Christ and man? Did you read of how the main elements of the world system currently being run by Satan - the POLITICAL system he manipulates, his global FALSE RELIGIOUS empire, and the corrupt BIG COMMERCIAL system ARE ALL IN CAHOOTS: to FIGHT GOD and HIS PURPOSES, and TO TURN PEOPLE AGAINST JEHOVAH GOD ALMIGHTY AND HIS ACTUALLY LIFE-SAVING TRUTH? And this is being done WITHOUT concern for the cataclysmic  LOSS of of the eternal lives and futures (come Armageddon Day, for people having turned away from God, to follow Satan's will instead) of MOST OF MANKIND.

You have been CHOOSING, despite scriptural warning, to be among those playing prophesied-type roles as those fighting God and misleading humanity with spiritual lies - so that they beLIEve in and do Satan's will, NOT God's - to the near-future permanent loss of life of most of mankind, come God's destruction of "Babylon the Great" [Satan's spiritistically-fooled world empire of all FALSE, anti-scriptural religions] and God's Armageddon Day.

SOON. Gonna keep wearing those plush, dark robes and keep sleeping like babies?


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