Monday, November 23, 2015

I [Still] Don't Believe in U2 Anymore

I don't believe in U2 anymore. 

You've gone around the world slandering Jehovah and His own scriptural truth, because you have consistently FAILED to make ANY distinction between TRUE, scriptural BELIEFS, based on God's own words, vs. FALSE "beLIEfs" based on the spiritual LIES of men and demons, aka, FALSE RELIGION, aka, "Babylon the Great" (Satan's global empire of all false religions, which he also uses to SLANDER and BLASPHEME God, and work harm to humanity. Revelation chapters 17 and 18.) 

Instead, you keep on slandering God, Jesus Christ, and rightful BELIEF in God's own, purposed words - by broadcasting:

"The worst things in the world are justified by BELIEFS", 

and by repeat-singing and encouraging the masses to sing-chant back:

"I don't believe anymore!"

THAT "The worst things in the world are justified by beliefs" IS A SATANICALLY SLANDEROUS, damaging (to God, His Son, and humanity), intentionally careless generality which yields a destructive-to-mankind LIE.

It is completely wrong (evil) and senseless - to blame God and the scriptural truth He has purposed for mankind to follow - for violence and injustices worked by people wickedly choosing to NOT LISTEN to TRUE BELIEFS, but to do the will of Satan, following his LIES and rebellion against God instead. 

Quit slandering and blaspheming God. Put the blame where it REALLY lies, or as your friend once said, "Fight the real enemy" - only the truth is, that means ALL FALSE (anti-whole-scriptural) religions, along with atheism, and any and all other God-rebellious, humanity-harming anti-whole-scriptural spiritual LIE philosophies. 

Jehovah is sick of it all. FALSE religion and God-rebellion are already judged and indicted by God Himself; and the time of His own carrying-out of His sentencing against such wicked works of men is soon. 

So, warn people, as God does - to "Get out" of the world's FALSE religions; to quit fighting Him and His Son; and to turn around and, yes, BELIEVE IN His scriptural truth and obey Him instead - as He will require of humans, if they wish to continue living, past Jah's own soon up-coming destruction of the Satanic world system at hand. 

(Yeah - just a little earlier, I posted this under a disturbing and offensive "Raised by Wolves" performance video, thinking it was on a more-or-less "official" U2 page. After I realized it wasn't, I thought I would just go erase my comment off of that other person's page.... But guess what? EXACTLY as Jesus warned, messages based-on or including God's own words, His own truth - especially corrective or warning words - are HATED by the majority of mankind. So, in keeping with that anti-God spirit, my comment had already been erased. It's the same-old, same-old, with the increasingly conscience-lacking, idolatry-preferring persons of this wicked world system, so very much under the influence of the Devil, but satisfied with that.)


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