Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Wow! "United Religions Initiative" Supports Satan's "Babylon the Great" Just Like "COEXIST!" (NOT GOOD)

Evil United Religions Initiative - 
A lot like evil "COEXIST" !!
Supporting Satan's empire 
Of all FALSE religions
Before God's destruction of them hits!

Wickedly gathering the great and small !
Throughout the world, hear the Devil's hordes call !
For "INTERFAITH" between 
FALSE religions GOD HATES,
to DEMAND IDOLATRY from all !

Now Jehovah has warned millions/billions of times
Against FALSE religions, "Babylon the Great" -
That for their LIES, spiritism, bloodguilt, injustices,
spiritual adultery with "the kings of the earth", and other crimes against God and humanity,
God's punishment is coming,

Oh no, it will not be long
See how quickly things are taking shape:
A desperate world is being urged
to worship the UN,
And FALSE religions whore-ishly cooperate-
Even promoting that idolatry.

It's like "Babylon the Great", 
Harlot-like FALSE religion
Upon the UN's back, has climbed atop -
And there, its riding high; blaspheming God in the sky,
But its dominion over "kings" 
Will STOP -

Soon, the "lover" UN,
"Babylon the Great" left God for,
Will have had enough.
All at once, its "kings" 
will get the same thought in their heads:
To bring FALSE religion to the dust.

After that, Satan
Will try to use 
that same entity of man
To bring Jehovah's TRUE ones to an end.
But the moment he tries,
Jah will unleash, from the skies,
His heavenly forces
For Armageddon.

So best keep Jah's warnings in mind
Learn His words, obey them, stay on His side
Soon the Great Tribulation, then Armageddon
Will come like a storm;
But after that, 
For the faithful,
Paradise here

An easy choice.

See Revelation, Chapters 13 and 17-19. 

[When a poem is an emergency
Meter doesn't matter
Better to make a message seen
Than wrestle with rhythmic  tatters...]


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