Sunday, December 06, 2015

Ode to the LIE that People Have the Power

I think it was the eighties
I was with my babies,
And a man knocked on my door
quite urgently.
He was no Jehovah's Witness,
[Like me]
But a person in distress,
With a newspaper-like roll
Under his sleeve.

"You've got to help this!
We've got to save us!
Your donation's wanted now,
You must act, please!
Because our leaders
And congressional seaters
Are working Satanism 
Against you and me!"

I tried calming him with Scriptures,
But he wouldn't listen.
His agenda was pre-set,
Focused on men.
He thought people had the power
To oust the Devil - 
But his control is over 
the whole world system.

I offered God's solution - 
That HE had the power, 
and not only that,
but it's His promised plan - 
To rid the world of Satan 
and his henchmen 
They won't get past His Day
Of Armageddon.

After that, man's kingdoms 
will all be gone
With only one Ruler 
Over the globe.
God's own Son will be
Earth's perfect King then,
And make it back into 
a peaceful home.

Sadly, that man
Didn't want to hear truth then,
That the CURE would take
Power greater than man's.
But we must "arm" ourselves
with GOD'S WORDS, and obey them,
Stand-up for and share them
To fight Satan.

So, no, mister, no
Man alone can't fix this - 
But I wish you'd listen
To the ONE who CAN.
Maybe then you'd find peace
Working WITH God,
Learn His truth, 
And help others to understand.

People have the power?
What have they done?!?!?
I'll put my trust and hope 
in God, 

to fix what's wrong.
In the meantime, 
'Cause it won't be long.


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