Friday, April 21, 2017

Yeah, Wow - Repost of a 2010 Poem-Comment, "Reflection" [Now, "Red Reflection"], Referring to Russia; Which I Attached to a Post I Wrote on December 9. 2010

[So, this post was referring to an odd midnight sky, December 14th, 2010; and what I was inspired to write, looking upon it; in context with Bible knowledge, and with awareness of the general state of the world.]

[Name changed]

Red Reflection

12:34 A.M.,
December 14th

The clouds were thick overhead,
Lit with reddish-pink

I had hoped for a clear sky,
A meteor shower-show;

But instead saw red-pink
Reflect off the snow.

Is this how it goes,
From east to west?

Woe to those whom
Their God would contest.

Or from the "north",
To possession take?

Jehovah is just
And so is his rage.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hey U2 - Remember How the Fansite You Were Responsible for Banned Me [for Speaking Scriptural Truth], but Kept Up Another Person's Post Saying that it Would be "Good" for Jehovah's Witnesses (my Religion) to Be Banned in Russia?

I DO (remember it).

I also sent e-mails asking for that post - promoting persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia (and everywhere) and EXTREME HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AGAINST THEM - to be REMOVED. I kept checking - and even though your site (which was noted that you kept a keen interest in) had (UNJUSTLY) banned me, your site KEPT THAT PERSECUTION-PROMOTING POST "UP" and READABLE for an extended amount of time.

 So it seems you share in the blame.

(You also allow "ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH" on spiritual issues - especially anything scripturally WARNING - on your website; and you banned me, multiple times, since 2004, for daring to speak Jehovah's scriptural truth on spiritual and state-of-the-world matters otherwise being openly and freely discussed - even by fervent idolaters, God-hating atheists and spiritists/witches, and slander-spewing idolatrous FALSE" Christians and apostates. You allowed gang-slander and hounding harrassment of me by your users, as well as unrighteous and unjust abuse and censorship of me by your so-called "moderators". They got in their persecution too.)

Through mass media, concerts, etc. YOU USED [took advantage of, profitted off of, gained more fame off of] (and BLASPHEMED) Jehovah/ Yahweh's Holy Name, and Jesus Christ's name also. 

For more than 12 years, you have actively mass-media blasphemed and promoted further blasphemy from others by way of your blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" videos displaying idol images while God's holy name is sung. You have refused  to remove them, as you have shown that you are able to do, with your removal of other videos.

You persecuted, banned, and censored warning words of scriptural truth from your website - to please and appease "the many", with their greater sales potential.

During your last tour, like an Orthodox priest, you mass-performed and mass media-ed fits of rageful destruction of inferred-to-be spiritual literature - with the inference that these were materials from the Jehovah's Witness religion being particularly strong; since, world-over, more than any other religion, we are known for sharing Bible study aid printed literature with others. You ripped it, kicked it, tore it and threw it - ALL TO THE RABID-WOLF INCITING, DARK YELL-SINGING REPEAT-LINE OF "I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE!"

An already Jehovah's Witness-persecuting Orthodox Church-associated committee was unjustly allowed by a Russian Court to examine pieces of Jehovah's Witness literature, to deem whether they were "extremist" and should be banned or not. Of course, they unjustly got their way. 

That literature was banned, and was used as the excuse to begin more persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses by the Russian government. Homes and meeting places were unjustly raided - using the excuse that police, etc. - "were looking for" the banned literature. As is documented by security camera footage, POLICE, etc. HAVE EVEN  PLANTED THE BANNED LITERATURE  IN KINGDOM HALLS - so that they could come back later, "find" it, and proceed with their further corrupt, evil, and unjust persecution from there.

And today, my religion - the only true and global ONE on earth, of TRUE spiritual BROTHERS and SISTERS has been, again, for emphasis, BANNED IN RUSSIA. That has happened, despite the decent protests of those from the ECHR and many more - including letters from 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses from around the world. 

How's Dmetry, how's Putin, HOW'S "lunch with the _____" been going?

Morning. Toast, tea, sugar. 

You called that an "innocence" tour???????!!!!!!!!!!

It wasn't innocent at all - was it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Posting a Couple of Responses I Just Wrote Under a (so-called) "U2-Yahweh" Video HERE, Because they Tend to Be Erased Elsewhere

"Good" for who - what matters most here? This is Jehovah/Yahweh God's own personal, holy name, representing HIM and HIS purposes. As the owner, person, and force behind this NAME, Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign, has vital, scriptural LAWS governing its use - and warnings against its MIS-USE. Most of the world is BLASPHEMING, profaning, and disrespecting God and His holy name now, at this time of the end. Jehovah, the True God, will not stand it much longer. If a person is honest-hearted about spiritual things, as Jehovah/Yahweh naturally requires, they would make sure that what associate His holy name with meets HIS scriptural as being "good". To stick God's holy name with even single GOLDEN CALF images was NOT "GOOD" - as the preserved lession from Exodus warns everyone, down to this day. Yet, the other still up-and-running, so-called "U2 Yahweh" videos and concert videos using the same "cartoon" images publicly display 28 or so different IDOL IMAGES, such as the golden calves were. And, despite scriptural warnings, U2 has failed to pull them down, for over 12 years. In fact, they even went on to add to the blasphemy started by these videos; through concert mass blasphemy, by associating the name/song of Yahweh with the anti-scriptural, false religion and idolatry- supporting COEXIST ideology propaganda (which has grown into a monster, as was predictable); and singing songs and giving speeches referencing God in mass concerts (and also mass-media-ed ones), while also promoting ATHEISM; God-forbidden HOMOSEXUAL SEX/MARRIAGE; THE TRASHING OF SPIRITUAL LITERATURE (even a BIBLE [like Yoko Ono], I think); LEADING CROWDS INTO THE MASS-CHANTING OF "I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE" (as the spiritual literature was KICKED and TRASHED by Bono - much like an Orthodox priest led a mob to do to Jehovah's Witness Bible study aid literature - or even the Bible itself) - BLAMING GOD FOR THE MISDEEDS DONE BY EVIL MEN, "IN HIS NAME"; and giving support to an undisclosed "PLAN" for so-called "peace" (and caring for the earth, combatting climate change, etc.), as an offshoot to partially atheism-based (and plan-of-God-ignoring), UN-NGO-related, "global citizenship", that would STILL involve FALSE religions, and - would be "INCLUSIVE" (as the co-sponsoring Pope put it), would take "EVERYONE" (as Bono put it, each show)("everyone", as-is, godly or NOT) to make it work. 

[What came to my mind, observing this? This - (Revelation 13:14-18):

"And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived.  And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast. And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead,  and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name.  Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six."]

And now, the world has seen what BADNESS comes from such thinking. As predicted - as correctly PROPHESIED, in type, by God - in one major country, the DEMAND is being made, by both GODLESS AND [anti-whole-scriptural] FALSE religious persons, strongly influencing the government (see Revelation chapters 17 and 18) that those who ACTUALLY worship THIS GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, on HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL TERMS, *BE BANNED, in that world-power country; and their spiritual Bible study-aid, etc. literature be [UNJUSTLY] declared as being "extremist" - for teaching and upholding scriptural TRUTH that is "bothersome" and "inconvenient" to those who want to trangress it, for their own [illicit] personal desires; to those who do not want the anti-scriptural teachings and practices of their FALSE religions being exposed; or to those who view the scriptural mandates of God Himself (and those that follow and teach them) as being "obstacle-like" to the formation of a godless and spiritually sold-out society that they [so wrongly] see as being the "only hope" for mankind and so-called "peace and security" [of the prophesied counterfeit, God-denying, evil-working, God-defiant kind]. MEANWHILE, globally, those righteous and true before Jehovah/ Yahweh continue to OBEY HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, and PREACH/TEACH it to others, just as Jehovah/Yahweh HIMSELF has instructed His TRUE worshipers - and TRUE followers of His Son, Jesus Christ- to DO. In these ways, we continue to GLORIFY and SANCTIFY Jehovah/Yahweh's MOST HOLY NAME, praising it through all this earth. SOON, it WILL BE, that "Everyone who calls upon the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] will get away safe" (Joel 2:32; also see Romans 10:13), meaning, through Jehovah's Armageddon Day. But, with all the Scriptures together, it is clear: That safety, by way of God's name, will apply to those who decided to LEARN the scriptural truth about the God behind this name - and what His scriptural will is - and chose to HONOR, respect, and OBEY the GOD BEHIND THIS NAME.

(And then there was this. Note - the user's name was "constructive criticism" - so I made a [probably expected] pun off their name):

 Constructive criticism would be for those who worked these things and were party to them to hurry up, and "repent... and turn around" (see Acts 3:19); leave all anti-whole-scriptural FALSE religion behind (Revelation 18:4,5); learn the scriptural truth about Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son (John 17:3); obey Jehovah and His Son' (John 3:36); and worship Jehovah/Yahweh "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24), on God's own scriptural terms - FOR THE HOUR IS GETTING LATE.