Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hey U2 - Remember How the Fansite You Were Responsible for Banned Me [for Speaking Scriptural Truth], but Kept Up Another Person's Post Saying that it Would be "Good" for Jehovah's Witnesses (my Religion) to Be Banned in Russia?

I DO (remember it).

I also sent e-mails asking for that post - promoting persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia (and everywhere) and EXTREME HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AGAINST THEM - to be REMOVED. I kept checking - and even though your site (which was noted that you kept a keen interest in) had (UNJUSTLY) banned me, your site KEPT THAT PERSECUTION-PROMOTING POST "UP" and READABLE for an extended amount of time.

 So it seems you share in the blame.

(You also allow "ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH" on spiritual issues - especially anything scripturally WARNING - on your website; and you banned me, multiple times, since 2004, for daring to speak Jehovah's scriptural truth on spiritual and state-of-the-world matters otherwise being openly and freely discussed - even by fervent idolaters, God-hating atheists and spiritists/witches, and slander-spewing idolatrous FALSE" Christians and apostates. You allowed gang-slander and hounding harrassment of me by your users, as well as unrighteous and unjust abuse and censorship of me by your so-called "moderators". They got in their persecution too.)

Through mass media, concerts, etc. YOU USED [took advantage of, profitted off of, gained more fame off of] (and BLASPHEMED) Jehovah/ Yahweh's Holy Name, and Jesus Christ's name also. 

For more than 12 years, you have actively mass-media blasphemed and promoted further blasphemy from others by way of your blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" videos displaying idol images while God's holy name is sung. You have refused  to remove them, as you have shown that you are able to do, with your removal of other videos.

You persecuted, banned, and censored warning words of scriptural truth from your website - to please and appease "the many", with their greater sales potential.

During your last tour, like an Orthodox priest, you mass-performed and mass media-ed fits of rageful destruction of inferred-to-be spiritual literature - with the inference that these were materials from the Jehovah's Witness religion being particularly strong; since, world-over, more than any other religion, we are known for sharing Bible study aid printed literature with others. You ripped it, kicked it, tore it and threw it - ALL TO THE RABID-WOLF INCITING, DARK YELL-SINGING REPEAT-LINE OF "I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE!"

An already Jehovah's Witness-persecuting Orthodox Church-associated committee was unjustly allowed by a Russian Court to examine pieces of Jehovah's Witness literature, to deem whether they were "extremist" and should be banned or not. Of course, they unjustly got their way. 

That literature was banned, and was used as the excuse to begin more persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses by the Russian government. Homes and meeting places were unjustly raided - using the excuse that police, etc. - "were looking for" the banned literature. As is documented by security camera footage, POLICE, etc. HAVE EVEN  PLANTED THE BANNED LITERATURE  IN KINGDOM HALLS - so that they could come back later, "find" it, and proceed with their further corrupt, evil, and unjust persecution from there.

And today, my religion - the only true and global ONE on earth, of TRUE spiritual BROTHERS and SISTERS has been, again, for emphasis, BANNED IN RUSSIA. That has happened, despite the decent protests of those from the ECHR and many more - including letters from 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses from around the world. 

How's Dmetry, how's Putin, HOW'S "lunch with the _____" been going?

Morning. Toast, tea, sugar. 

You called that an "innocence" tour???????!!!!!!!!!!

It wasn't innocent at all - was it.


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